Reality Czech

November 26th, 2008

AK Substitute?

I think I may have figured out what to do about my need to 1) get a nice home defense gun and 2) defy and offend Barack Obama and his stooges by buying an imported assault rifle. I am considering a VZ 58.

I wanted an AK-47. But liberal gun-grabbers and the whims of manufacturers have made really nice ones so expensive, it’s disgusting. A thousand dollars for a stamped receiver! Come on. I can do better with an AR15. I mean, MAYBE, if I were positive the prices would stay high. But I’m not. It’s conceivable that the artificial inflation will come to an end, and then these things will sell for $400, and my used one will be worth $250.

While I was looking for an AK, I learned about the VZ 58. It looks like an AK, but it’s totally unrelated. It’s a Czech design, based on a German gun. It’s lighter than an AK. The magazines hold 30 rounds. It’s supposed to be as reliable as an AK, with fewer misfeeds. It’s made better; they’re either made or imported by CZ USA, so there should be no quality issues. The receiver is milled. You can get one with a cute folding stock, which is exactly what I want. And they can be had for around $850, depending on what conformation you like.

The only bad things I’ve heard are that there are fewer accessories, and the barrels heat up faster than AK barrels. However, I’ve already chosen the accessories I want, and I am not sure why I should care about how hot the barrel gets. I can’t see myself shooting so fast, in a self-defense situation, that a hot barrel will become a problem. And if it warms up enough to affect accuracy, so what? The gun is for encounters on a small piece of property. I’m not planning to shoot people in the next county. An inch or two one way or the other would be meaningless. Left ventricle, right ventricle…I am not picky.

I’ve also heard that the folding stock is lame, because it wobbles enough to affect accuracy. Again, it won’t keep me from shooting Floyd the Crackhead Burglar in the face at twenty feet.

Man, will this steam gun-grabbers. Between this and the giant Desert Eagle in hard chrome, I will definitely give them ulcers. Imagine me, parading around the house with my creepy assault rifle, with 30 rounds in the clip and a bright green laser and flashlight lighting my way. FREEZE, GOPHER!

I should get a holster for the Desert Eagle, just to be more of a scary fascist.

It’s really sad that the Desert Eagle is so worthless for self-defense. The odds of a stovepipe are like one in ten, whenever you pull the trigger. And it weighs like five pounds. And getting that second shot on target is a job. And the ballistics are not good. My best self-defense pistol is the lamest, most boring gun I have, and of course, that means Glock.

The VZ 58 is not as offensive-looking as an AK, and of course, that is a problem. But you can’t have everything. The giant green laser will go a long way toward uglying it up.

I slept through the cheap AK years. I slept while Arsenal quit making milled receivers. I slept through the cheap M1 Garand and M1 carbine years. Maybe I can partially redeem myself by jumping on a VZ 58 before Barack and Michelle decide gun shops are only allowed to sell Super Soakers.

11 Responses to “Reality Czech”

  1. GrumpyUnk Says:

    I broke down and bought an AR15 last week. Not because I need one either. More of an “Up Yours” to the whole bunch of ’em.

  2. rightisright Says:

    I wouldn’t worry about the “offensiveness factor”. That banana mag will causes gun fearing wussies to load their Depends.

    While you’re purchasing, pick up an SKS or two. They are the next “assault rifle” to go up in price.

  3. francis Says:

    If you want to scary it up some, weld a bayonet lug onto the front. Nothing makes libs crap their pants faster than an rifle with a big ugly serrated pigsticker hanging off the front.

  4. richard mcenroe Says:

    One in Ten Stovepipes? I haven’t seen you shoot it; could you be Glock-wristing the beast? Or maybe this is a .50 caliber thing?

  5. jim Says:

    So..why not a shotgun for home defense…less chance of a stray bullet hitting the neighbors …and of course, almost zero chance of missing the interloper(s)

  6. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    The VZ is dead sexy, but I lost interest in it the moment I found out that it won’t accept AK mags. I’ll probably spit mud in the president-elect’s eye with another AR instead.

  7. ScifiJim Says:

    You might consider purchasing a AR15 lower and one of these…

    Not much use for home defense but would be fun at the range. Maybe swap out uppers as needed.

    Happy Thanksgiving. I am praying for a successful day with your restored family.

  8. Rob Says:

    My SKS was 129.99 back in ’93. It was the real deal straight from China. Now I’m sure they’ve tripled in price.

  9. lateniteguy Says:

    If you see stringing as the barrel heats up, cryo the barrel. Works for hammer forged barrels that have not been properly drawn.

  10. rosignol Says:

    Rob is right, they’ve tripled in price. Big5 wants $399 for an SKS now.

    Geez. It wasn’t all that long ago that you could find el-cheapo AK-47s for that much.

  11. Assault Rifle CZ858 - Tactical (CZ Vz.58) - Guns We Love : Buy A Gun Day Says:

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