Archive for June, 2017

Pining for Cleanliness

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

Use This Stuff and Your Floors Will be Shipshape

In my quest to become NOT the worst housekeeper on earth, I am always looking for new products to use. Today I thought I’d share some news about an old product.

I am not referring to Pine-Sol. But I will use Pine-Sol to set the stage. Remember how great Pine-Sol used to be? It was loaded with pine oil, which cleans well and smells even better. Now Pine-Sol is crap. They took the pine out and substituted the chemical that gives Fabuloso its characteristic, congestion-inducing stench. I don’t know what that chemical is called, but if you enjoy lying awake all night with your eyes smarting and your nostrils swollen shut, it’s exactly what you need.

I found out turpentine was full of pine stuff. It’s loaded with alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Together they make up most of turpentine. I started adding a little turpentine to my mop water, and it worked very well. It shines wood floors and leaves the house smelling great.

The other day I started thinking about another pine product: Orpine boat soap. This is a product boaters swear by. It’s a white jelly that comes in a gallon jug. You mix one ounce with 3 gallons of water, and you’re ready to go. It cleans like nobody’s business, and one of its two main ingredients is pine oil. The other is the active ingredient in dishwashing detergent.

Orpine costs a lot. You can expect to pay over $60 for a gallon. But that’s less than 50 cents per mop bucket. Pine Sol, which no longer works, costs almost exactly fifty cents per bucket. You can get a fantastic product with real pine oil and save trips to the store, or you can buy ten bottles of Pine Sol and get inferior performance and zero pine smell.

I ordered Orpine from Amazon, because it was cheaper than local boating stores, and I tried it today. It works great. I am quite pleased with it. I bought the regular kind, not the one that has wax in it.

I found out Pine-Sol isn’t the only cleaner that has been debased. Lestoil has been changed, too. The manufacturer claims they had to take out “volatile organic compounds,” i.e. anything remotely piney, to make the tree-huggers happy. Too bad. It used to be wonderful. I remember using that time in high school when I put Vaseline in my hair.

Long story.

My last Pine-Sol purchase was a really bad deal, because I poured most of it down the toilet. I tried to use it, and the funky smell let me know I was being ripped off. The toilet was my next stop.

You can find 80% pure pine oil in gallon jugs online, but you have to exclude the word “essential” from your search, or you’ll get 9,000,000 results featuring tiny bottles of aromatherapy pine oil running about $20 per ounce. Janitor supply places sell the big jugs. I should try that, when my Orpine runs out in 2025.

I don’t know how much pine oil Orpine contains, but it’s somewhere between 10 and 50 percent. That’s pretty good.

On the Whole, I Prefer Merv

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

America’s Future: Beheading Jokes

What interesting things are happening in the world.

It looks like comedian Kathy Griffin has finally gone off the rails. She has become known for strange, degrading stunts, such as exposing her aging body to cameras. Now she has pulled out all the stops. She posed for photos holding a human head in her hand. The dummy head was made up to look just like Donald Trump, and it was covered with blood.

I try not to use copyrighted material here, but this definitely falls under “fair use,” so here:

Griffin has said it was okay to go after all of the Trumps, including 11-year-old Barron. She wasn’t kidding. The Trumps say Barron saw one of the photos and thought the head was his father.

Is this just sick humor? I don’t think so. I think it’s a message from Satan. He’s showing us what’s in the hearts of his people. He’s showing us our future. That severed head represents us.

Prophecy tells us we will be murdered by people who think they’re doing good. We’ve already seen it happening as part of Muslim terrorism. Muslims behead Christians and people from Christian countries all the time. Now the gloves are coming off, and the the enemy is getting bolder. He’s showing us Muslims aren’t alone in their feelings for us.

Would leftists really behead Christians? Of course they would. It’s silly to ask. Leftist terrorists already murder Christians and random white people in America. For every leftist who gets off the couch and acts on his anger, there are many who have the same feelings and are only restrained by the fear of acting alone.

We have the funny idea that Americans are above genocide. The Indians would have something to say about that, if there were any left. There are fewer than a million in the US today. Granted, America didn’t round them up by the millions and kill them in a systematic extermination campaign, but America did kill a whole lot of them and force them into reservations. America was also very brutal to blacks. If Americans can do things like that, why can’t leftist Americans murder Christians and conservatives?

Did you see how Griffin responded to public outrage? She got herself an opportunistic lawyer (the daughter of Gloria Allred) and appeared before TV cameras, whining and crying and claiming her victims were bullies. She played the victim. People were shocked. Most people, anyway. To me, it made complete sense. This is what Satan and his people do. They victimize, and while they do it, they play the victim card.

This is why I hate Black Lives Matter and the other victimhood movements. They’re just like the Nazis. Hitler rose to power by telling the Germans and Austrians they were victims. The same thing happened in Russia; the communists were able to murder the Christian czar and his kids because they convinced ordinary Russians they were victims. Everything a victim does is justified, because it’s self-defense. Victims have no remorse, and they are extremely sadistic. We shouldn’t be surprised that the Germans murdered Jews they needed for their war effort. The pleasure of sadism was more alluring than the prospect of winning. Our modern victims have the same mindset.

It’s remarkable how the victimhood mindset makes people sadistic. Look at our movies. If Arnold Schwarzenegger made a movie in which he went around roasting random people with a flamethrower, the public would hate him. On the other hand, he has tortured people in movies, and he has killed them in terrible ways and mocked them while they died. The public loved it. Why? Because they were bad people. The writers always set Schwarzenegger up as a victim before he did his acts of cruelty. When he jammed a hot steam pipe through a man’s chest or dangled a man over a canyon by his ankle, the audience loved it, because they were getting what they deserved.

That’s us, in a few years. Getting what the victims think we deserve.

We can’t play the victim game. We are under attack, but if we get down in the dirt and use our victim status to justify cruelty and hate, we will become our persecutors. The only sane responses are to pray, repent, and move away from victim concentrations. If you still live in places like L.A., St. Louis, Baltimore, and Miami in five years, you will be responsible for what happens to you.

Incidentally, the word “victim” used to mean an animal or person used in a sacrifice. Something to think about. The greatest victim in history was Jesus Christ. In a way, our modern chronic victims are stealing his glory.

Here’s another interesting news item: UK Prime Minister Theresa May is angry at social media companies and ISP’s for allowing hateful online communications. Apparently, she blames Twitter and Facebook for this weekend’s Muslim murder orgy.

Let that soak in for a minute. The leader of a nation that encourages Muslim immigration and does nothing to acknowledge the true nature of the terrorism problem is angry…because Muslim extremists are allowed admission to Facebook. You let them in your country, but you’re upset because someone else lets them into an online community, where they can’t behead or slash anyone.

Is the irony not obvious? Do I have to keep hammering on the point?

If Muslim nuts are good enough to live among you, they are good enough to like your cat memes.

Here in the United States, imprisoned murderers are allowed to use the Internet. We don’t care. We know there is a difference between online communication and physical violence. When a judge turns a murderer loose and he kills again, we don’t get mad at the judge for letting the murderer use Twitter.

May wants to “regulate” the Internet. We all know what that means. Censorship. And of course, while the response would be stimulated by Islam, it would be used to persecute Christians. Remember how Obama’s people focused on nonexistent Christian terror threats?

This morning I was thinking about the weird old threats that have come back to life in America, to menace white males. In the past, white males were leaders here. God sent white Christian males to get America started, and they were used by God to make it strong. Other segments of society were subordinate to them. God gave them favor. Then white Christian males fell asleep, credited themselves with America’s success, and forgot God.

Look what’s happening now. We run from everyone. We run from our own women. We run from blacks. We run from Hispanic invaders who aren’t citizens; they say this is really their country. Was Iowa part of Mexico? I don’t remember it that way. We even run from animals that used to be under control. We reintroduce large predators our ancestors had the good sense to drive out, and we are not allowed to shoot them when they invade our homes and kill our pets and livestock. And not all of the predators were introduced by man. We have coyotes in New York City now. We even have a bedbug plague. Predators bite us while we sleep.

This is what happens when favor is reversed. White Christian males assumed they would be on top forever, because they had all the answers, and we assumed America would always be invincible. Wrong. Our forebears had favor. God can give a goose favor and make it emperor of the world. We didn’t build this, as Obama would put it. We just took the credit.

Am I saying white men should take over again, or that white supremacy is a good idea? Never. That’s idiotic. I’m saying God favors his people, and everyone who wants to rise above the increasing chaos needs to get close to him. If a Christian black faction or a bloc of former Muslims arises and takes over the country with God’s blessing, no one will be happier than I will. I plan to be on the same team.

One of the reasons Europe is such a pleasant place is that there are no predators to speak of. Did you know lions used to live in Europe? If the hippies had been around thousands of years ago, lions would still be roaming the streets of Rome, eating people. Europeans had the common sense to get rid of lions, and along the way, they drove bears and wolves out of populated areas. We’re not as smart as they were. We think it’s cute when a family of black bears keeps a family of humans trapped indoors. We say stupid things like, “They were here first.” Hey, the bubonic plague bacterium was here first. So was poison ivy. So were rattlesnakes, roaches, fleas, lice, rats, mice, and bedbugs. Intelligent people understand that human beings are more important than animals.

I don’t care who was here first. My kind is here now, and we are what matters. Plants and animals were put here to be ruled and used by us.

Animals and types of human beings who used to be harmless to white Christian males are driving us before them like cattle, because we’re not God’s people. We give them the whips. We forge our own shackles. We hand them our constitutional rights. What a crazy time to be alive.

Adam and Eve gave Satan the earth. The Jews invited the Babylonian captivity, the Diaspora, and the Shoah by turning away from God. We are giving America away by rejecting God’s criticism and help. Nothing changes. Our illusions of moral superiority make us think we’re different, but we’re not.

When Kathy Griffin’s moral heirs start beheading and slashing and raping in larger numbers, it will be our fault. It will be the fault of our assailants, too, but that won’t be a good excuse.

Nothing that’s happening now is extraordinary. All of it was predictable. It was to be expected. We should have seen it as inevitable, given our actions.

It’s astonishing to know that I am witnessing the destruction (the suicide) of America. It seemed impossible. Other people will deny it, and they won’t prepare, but in time they’ll see it and acknowledge it, too. They’ll be like the Jews in Germany and Austria who failed to get out in time.

Somewhere in Detroit, there is an old white homeowner who thinks the real estate downturn is a passing thing.

If we’re prospering now, it’s temporary. The conservative “revolution” is an illusion. Hillary won the popular vote. In time, we will reach a state where the Democrat always wins the electoral vote. America will be dismantled. If you’re white or Christian, you will be part of an underclass. Eventually, our very existence will be the target, and we will lose.

Kathy Griffin may live long enough to become a celebrated hero of the left. The beheading photo may become a cherished cultural icon. Maybe on New Year’s Eve twenty years from now, they’ll wheel her out on CNN, and she’ll pull a sash that turns on the gas to kill Barron Trump and his children.

I’m glad I’m old. I would not want to have seventy more years in front of me. The other day I saw a black spot on my back, and I wondered if it was melanoma. At first I was disturbed, but then I thought about the way melanoma would give me a way out of this place. You lie back and take your painkillers, and one day you stop breathing. The way things are today, you’re likely to be killed by a nurse who turns up the morphine while doctors look the other way. Then this place is other people’s problem. I felt real peace about it. It turned out to be a scab from something I had scratched, but it taught me something about my view of death.

I’ve had a number of dreams in which I have died. I never felt terror. I felt sober but relieved. “Finally, I am done with this place.” I don’t understand people who live in terror of death. It seems childish to me. It’s immaturity. Death is normal, like puberty and menopause. Everyone goes through death. How can you scream and cry about something you knew was going to happen? You’re not really going to die. You’re just going somewhere else. Make sure it’s the right place and calm down.

I don’t brace for death. I brace for more life. I am probably stuck with quite a few years left on my sentence. More illnesses. More physical decay. More unpleasant tasks. More interactions with nasty people. More traffic jams. More injuries. More disgusting and disconcerting news stories. More alienation from an increasingly gross and trashy citizenry. The continued destruction of my beautiful homeland. Gloating speeches from an uninterrupted succession of leftist presidents. I feel like I’m on an exercise bike, counting the minutes until I can get off.

Once America falls, there is nowhere to go but heaven. This is the last decent place on earth.

I may be wrong about that. There is some hope for Russia.

Stay out of trouble, and pray scalping doesn’t come back.

The Dallas Liars Club

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Startling Revelation: Hollywood not Best Source of Reliable News

I did something I probably should not have done this week. I watched most of The Dallas Buyers Club. It’s a movie about AIDS victim Ron Woodroof, who ran a company that distributed non-approved AIDS drugs to sick people.

I shouldn’t have watched it because over and over, nudity kept popping up. You can fast-forward when that happens, but little glimpses are still in your head afterward. Not helpful. Oh, well. I will keep trying to improve.

Anyway, as entertainment goes, it’s an excellent movie. As infotainment, not so much. It turns out there is a lot of BS in the film.

In the movie, Woodroof is an oilfield electrician who rides in rodeos in his spare time. He is fiercely heterosexual. He hates gays. He hates all minorities. He threatens to beat up the doctor who diagnoses him with AIDS. Over time and out of necessity, he develops relationships with gay men, and first thing you know, he’s a passionate advocate for the cause of gay AIDS sufferers.

I checked a few things out, because the movie seemed very slanted to me. Big Pharma in bed with the FDA, trying to kill people with poisonous AZT and suppressing cheaper medicines that worked better. Does anyone seriously think that happened? Also, who rides bulls while working full-time as an electrician? Does it work that way in Texas? Can you tell your boss you need to clock out early so you can break your collarbone riding El Diablo? I doubt it. Finally, movie Woodroof contracted AIDS from straight sex. How realistic is that?

Here are the actual facts.

1. Ron Woodroof was gay. He married three women, but he also had sex with men. His doctor says he was gay. A nurse he worked with says he was gay. The man was gay. The only person who insists he was straight is a screenwriter who didn’t know him well.

2. Ron Woodroof was not homophobic, according to people who knew him. It’s hard to be homophobic and gay and have any kind of social life.

3. Ron Woodroof did not ride in rodeos. The movie people put that in to make him look like a scrappy guy used to fighting bigger opponents. That’s what they say, but they also put it in to make him look butch.

4. Ron Woodroof did not have a tumultuous friendship with a transvestite named Rayon. This person never existed.

5. The FDA tolerated buyers’ clubs for a long time, and they only stepped in when profiteering became a problem. They even let Ron Woodroof keep importing a banned medication for his own use.

I read this stuff, and I wondered why the movie people insisted Woodroof was straight. Then I saw where someone said they did it to prevent The Dallas Buyers Club from becoming a “gay movie.” WHAM. That explains everything. If a movie looks too gay, most people will feel like they can’t relate to it, so they won’t go. There are exceptions, but Hollywood likes sure things (hello, sequels and remakes), so why take a chance?

Thinking about that, I realized there was more to it than that. They wanted AIDS to look like a heterosexual disease, in order to generate support for victims. Problem: AIDS has never been a major heterosexual disease, except for women who sleep with gay men or intravenous drug users. This is why black heterosexual women make up a significant number of AIDS victims. Many have sex with closeted gay men. It’s easy for women to get AIDS from straight sex, but it’s just about impossible for a man.

I looked it up. If you’re a heterosexual man who doesn’t share needles, you have, essentially, no chance of getting AIDS. Millions of people have died from AIDS. I couldn’t find a single example of an American heterosexual white male who got it from a woman. If examples exist, they are flukes, like male calico cats. Straight men can get all sorts of venereal diseases. AIDS is one you don’t have to worry about.

A lot of black “heterosexual” men get AIDS, but it appears likely they get it from sex with other men. Black men don’t like admitting they’re gay, so they lie to people who gather statistics.

Here’s something amazing: if you look at a 2010 chart that show how AIDS affects different types of people, heterosexual white males who don’t shoot up aren’t listed. I looked at it several times, because I was sure I was missing something. They’re not listed because they don’t exist in numbers large enough to put on graphs. It would be like listing animals that fly by group and having a bar for snails.

Yes, the chart does have a bar for black heterosexual men. It lists 2700 new infections and none for whites. Do you seriously believe that? Are white men really that much more conscientious about “protection”? No. We are not. If protection were the issue, we would still have a significant number of cases, and we don’t. The black “heterosexual” men on the chart are gays and drug users who lie.

They’re not the only ones who can’t face the truth. You can see the denial mindset at work if you look at statistics. Gay men aren’t called “gay men.” They’re called “MSM.” This means “men who have sex with other men.” Even the professionals can’t bring themselves to say “gay.” If having sex with other men doesn’t make you gay, WHAT DOES? Collecting Ethel Merman records?

By the way, I’m not talking about charts created by Jerry Falwell, Jr. I’m talking about government charts. We all know how government employees and medical people lean left. This is not right wing or Christian propaganda. Straight white men were excluded by people who have powerful motivation to include us.

What does this mean? That we should be happy gays and junkies are getting AIDS? Of course not. But no one likes to be lied to. Systematically. Deliberately.

Man, the world is crazy. Next thing you know, the dishonesty will find its way into documentaries, and we may even see people using CGI to create drowning polar bears to convince audiences global warming is real.

No, that could never happen.

It’s very unfortunate that people who create fact-based fiction make so little effort to let the public know what they lie about. Sometimes they do a lot of damage. People who watched Cinderella Man came away thinking Max Baer was a murderous anti-Semite. In reality, he was a great guy and a supporter of Jews, and he put the Star of David on his fighting trunks.

That brings me to Milton. I am still not done with Paradise Lost. It only read two or three pages per day. I need to get on with it. I’ve decided I don’t like it for two reasons: 1. Milton is a boring, incredibly pedantic showoff, and 2.) people should not make up Biblical history, because it tends to become doctrine. Milton wrote a fact-based work of fiction, and he had no right to do it. It’s unfortunate if you write a deceptive movie about AIDS. It can be blasphemy, apostasy, or heresy if you write a deceptive poem about God.

Milton was extremely bright, and he wanted people to know it. He twisted and bent the English language into Baroque shapes it didn’t need to be bent into. He reminds me of the little black kids who appear on talent shows and do all sorts of non-helpful vocal acrobatics while singing Whitney Houston numbers. Okay. You’re talented. But now I’m bored and annoyed, and you’ve killed the pace of the song, so what good has the showing off done?

Shakespeare was a better writer than Milton, and he did not beat the reader or listener over the head with his genius. He knew the difference between a work of fiction and an Olympic event. And he was not boring. And he had a great sense of humor. Milton was a humorless crank who craved admiration. You can have him.

Guess who wrote the play that contains the words, “brevity is the soul of wit”? Not Milton. That probably infuriated him.

If I want to see people do amazing things, I’ll go watch Chinese acrobats. I don’t read literature in order to be impressed. Milton turned his poem into a circus act, and on top of that, he’s long-winded. You don’t have to use three pages to describe every action in the story. Just say, “The sun went down,” not, “The gleaming orb of Helios, its glorious substance spent on teeming fields of indebted posies, summoned forth its gilded chariot and blah blah blah shut up already.”

I read a little bit of the next book on my list, Pride and Prejudice, because I was stuck somewhere with nothing to do, and I happened to have an Amazon sample on my phone. It looks like it will be more entertaining than Milton, although it does have “chick lit.” written all over it. I already dislike it, but I will be able to tolerate it.

I may have read it before. Who knows? Not the kind of book that changes your life and makes a lasting impression.

This is the view from here, as of Friday morning. I’ve mentioned two books and one movie, and I can’t recommend any of them. Shakespeare, however, gets two thumbs up.

Waiting for the Pillar of Fire

Thursday, June 1st, 2017

Get me Out of Santeriaville

My house-hunting trip is over. I’m back at work, trying to get everything in order so a move can be worked out.

It’s a confusing time. There are a lot of tax angles to be looked at when you buy and sell properties. Real estate appreciates, so when you sell, you get hit with capital gains tax. You can get around that with a good accountant, if you can prove losses that offset the gains. If you sell rental property, you may be able to avoid paying the tax by putting the money into new rental properties in other locations. Sometimes one property may be eligible for both types of tax breaks, and you have to decide which one to apply.

When a person is my dad’s age, he also has to think about things like gift tax and the death tax.

I’m not sure what will happen, but I know this: it’s a lot easier to get hundreds of thousands of dollars by keeping it away from the government than by going out and earning it all over again.

Thank God for accountants. I can’t imagine a more dreadful job. It’s good that there are people out there who are willing to do it. They’re like morticians. They do a necessary job everyone else hates.

I haven’t written a lot about my relationship with God lately. I get distracted and write frivolous things. I stop focusing on what’s important. Also, I don’t want to write things that are half-baked and full of errors, just to have something to say.

Lately God keeps reminding me of the big lesson he tried to teach me in 1986: I have to spend a great deal of time praying in tongues. When I let it slip, it’s like coming down from a stimulant. Instead of feeling energetic and at peace, I feel crabby and worried. Things stop going well. It’s strange how one thing which requires so little of my own input makes such profound changes in my life.

I’ve also gotten very good results from daily communion. I know this, because I skipped it during my trip. I felt terrible yesterday. Returning to Miami is always a cursed event, but it was worse than that. I couldn’t find peace. I wasn’t able to resist temptation the way I should have been.

Today when I woke up, I didn’t have wine with me, but I went through the essentials anyway. Communion isn’t really about wine or crackers. I went down the list of things I was doing badly and compulsions I was yielding to. I repented and asked for help. It was like peeling filthy clothes off, one item at a time. Peace came back to me.

I think I’m going to do communion in the morning from now on, instead of waiting until late in the day. It’s like showering. If you’re only going to shower once a day, you should do it in the morning. It’s better to sleep dirty than to be dirty when you start the day. I suppose there is no reason why I can’t do communion more than once a day, though. I don’t really have to choose.

God’s big goal, apart from salvation, is inner change. The inside of a person is supposed to be as much like heaven as possible. It should be a place of peace, love, faith, joy, and humility. It should be a clean place. You don’t get that from churches where they teach people to sin all they want and ask forgiveness once a week. Prayer and communion are tools to get your insides ordered.

I often think about the disorder and filth inside me. I may be an okay person by the world’s standards, but I am not good. When I turned back to God, I was disgusting, like a house that has been turned into a crack den. He has improved me a lot, but there’s a great deal of work to be done. The job is overwhelming. I wish I were a better person. I wish I had not vandalized myself like this.

It’s very unfortunate that churches don’t teach this. They tell us God loves us as we are, which is true, but they imply that we don’t have to change. A serial murderer’s mother may love him, but that doesn’t imply approval.

They also don’t teach us this: power doesn’t come to filthy, unrepentant people. The Bible warns us about this, but preachers love money and high attendance, so they keep quiet about it. The Bible says idolaters, revilers, sexually immoral people, and so on will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. When you wallow in immorality and count on weekly church visits to save you, you don’t get the power Christians are supposed to have. Your prayers won’t be answered as often. Rotten people will get victory over you. Your problems will get worse instead of better. Most Christians don’t mind. As long as they get sexual immorality, pride, and rebellion, they don’t mind dying of cancer, living in lack, having no peace, or losing most of their battles.

I remember watching Steve Munsey give a terrible sermon at Trinity Church in Miami. For some reason, he was talking about sex. He had his people play the song “Single Ladies” while he danced around. It was quite a sight. He said, “It’s okay to look, but you can’t touch.” When he said “touch”, he grinned and held his hands out in front of him and made motions as if he were squeezing two objects. Don’t make me explain.

That’s the attitude most of us have. It’s okay to be dirty inside, as long as we don’t do what we want to do. Many of us go further: it’s okay to do whatever we want as long as we ask for forgiveness. Many go further than that: it’s okay even if you never admit you did anything wrong and you never ask for forgiveness, as long as you got saved when you were a kid.

Munsey is disgraceful. It’s not okay to look. It’s not okay to encourage yourself to be lustful, covetous, angry, gluttonous, and so on. When God has succeeded in changing you, you won’t be a leering, craving bag of useless flesh.

There’s a big difference between momentary temptation and deliberate obsessing.

I think good teaching would have sped up my progress. Unfortunately, I put myself in the hands of people who couldn’t help me improve because they didn’t want to be improved, themselves. They thought they were fine the way they were. They couldn’t teach what they didn’t know.

I didn’t deserve better teachers. I had turned away. I deserved continued decline and damnation. I brought Munsey and the Wilkerson family on myself.

There are certain things I know to do, which are easy and which bring powerful results. I just have to keep doing them. As long as I continue, I will grow stronger and have more success.

I look forward to getting away from Miami. This place is full of Cubans and Haitians who literally worship demons. No wonder things don’t go well for me here! What did I expect? I’m the enemy of the ruling spirits. Say what you will about most of America; most cities and towns don’t have hundreds of thousands of residents who practice voodoo. This is one of the worst places for Christians.

I believe that when I went on my trip to Ocala, I got away from a whole bunch of local spirits that hate me and work against me. I thought about this as I drove back, and it really bothered me. I did not want to return. Now I’m stuck here, and I have to keep fighting until I can get away again.

Miami is absolutely rotten.

What on earth was I thinking when I moved back here?

I plan to keep applying what I know. I believe God will deliver me from this trashy city just as he has delivered me from a lot of trashy people who mistreated me.

Maybe this will be useful to you. I hope you will think it over.