Harvest Time?

October 30th, 2016

Are we Seeing the Tender Shoots of Hillary’s Defeat?

What interesting things have happened since I wrote about the election.

The Clintons have a long history of corruption and failure, but sadly for us, they also have a long history of getting away with both. The liberal press covers up for them and lies about them, so the Clintons persist like a stubborn rash. Now they may finally have a problem they can’t dodge.

I suppose I shouldn’t imply that they’ve never been held accountable, because Bill Clinton was impeached and forced to remove himself from the bar (nice way of saying “he was disbarred”). But generally, they get away with murder.

Now Hillary’s cavalier approach to national security is coming around to bite her in the pantsuit, and it appears that the spaghetti is sticking to the fridge. The newest revelations came out on a Friday–the traditional day for burying stories that reflect poorly on Clintons–and they’re still hot news. Almost invariably, Friday stories die on the way out of the womb.

The Clintons invented the practice of entombing negative stories on Friday afternoons. Some attribute the innovation to Dick Morris. They knew journalists were lazy and not very good at doing their jobs, so they developed a policy of airing the dirty drawers out right before the weekend. It worked so well, other administrations have copied them. I’m not sure if Bush II did it, but he probably did. Obama certainly has.

It’s remarkable that journalists didn’t strike back. What the Clintons did was a major public swipe at their professionalism. People in power, be they cops, judges, journalists, or what have you, don’t care much when you torment and abuse the innocent. What they do hate is when you do things that affect them personally. Give a cop the finger, and he will find a reason to arrest you. Provoke the press, and they will lie in wait outside your home, waiting to catch you on your way to a rendezvous with Donna Rice (remember?). It’s strange that the press hasn’t done anything to counter the Friday-dumping strategy.

It just shows how lazy they really are. They prefer going home at 2 p.m. to salvaging their reputations. They are narcissistic and lazy, and laziness won! It has been winning for over 20 years.

We all know the basic story of the Clinton email scandal. Government employees have to use government email addresses to do official business, and they can’t delete anything. Also, it’s a crime to deliberately expose certain types of classified material by sending it through unsecured email systems. Hillary Clinton definitely used an unsecured system to do official business, presumably with the purpose of avoiding public scrutiny, and she used the system to disseminate a whole lot of classified material.

Those things are bad, but FBI Director James Comey says they don’t rise to the level of prosecutable offenses. In Hillaryspeak, one would call this something like “complete vindication” and proof of the existence of a vast right-wing conspiracy. In reality, it may be that the evidence wasn’t that strong (due to illegal but unprovable stonewalling), or that Comey simply didn’t want to prosecute a former Secretary of State. What she did was still pretty horrendous.

Now Comey is back, saying the investigation is being continued. Anthony Weiner, the astoundingly feckless husband of Hillary Girl Friday Huma Abedin, had his laptop confiscated by the same agency that handled the email investigation. He was engaging in sexual communications with a minor. The FBI found something like 10,000 Huma Abedin emails on his hard drive.

I’ll tell you one of the words God gave me. It may have been in 2014. He said, “The defense of a sin is worse than the sin itself.” He was talking about me, not Hillary Clinton, but the principle applies to anyone. Ask Richard Nixon. Ask Scooter Libby. It’s true in heaven, and it’s true on earth. It’s starting to look like Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin told a number of lies to the FBI, and they may ground criminal charges. If that’s true, no one will care about the classified material or the server in the hall closet. The coverup will be the noose they put around Hillary’s neck.

Why did Comey make the announcement, when the FBI generally avoids disturbing elections? Simple. Remember the principle I referred to above, about people in power resenting personal affronts? That principle is probably in play here. It looks like Clinton and Abedin offended Comey personally, by lying to him and making him look like a dupe, which he probably is. Unless he’s a truly exceptional bureaucrat, Comey doesn’t care if a scofflaw wins the election. His reputation and legacy…different story. If he had sat on this and then revealed it after Hillary won, his name would have become a synonym for “sucker.”

Imagine being James Comey, one month after retiring, after letting Hillary make a shambles of your reputation. Imagine trying to get a cushy job inside the Beltway, while everyone there is busy deleting your name from Google Contacts. Bureaucrats think about things like that.

They think of little else.

I may be wrong, and it may be that Comey did what he did out of moral conviction. Usually, though, when you assume the best about people, you will be disappointed.

It’s remarkable that Clinton’s zombie scandal came through a man’s sexual lust. Clinton is known for crucifying women who stepped up to complain about Bill Clinton’s unwelcome advances. While holding herself out as a protector of women, she helped sacrifice a number of people of the feminine gender. God told me something in about 2010: “What you bury, you also plant.” The Clintons are standing in a big field which always threatens to sprout.

I don’t particulary want to see Hillary Clinton in handcuffs. I just want a friend of the church to win the election. Donald Trump is the best bet we have. If Hillary had to face her past, as far as I’m concerned, this is a great time for it to happen.

To me, what has happened is a great gift from God. It clearly has supernatural roots. Things this strange don’t happen without a supernatural cause. I’m very happy about it. I have literally be afraid to believe my own faith when it said Hillary would lose. I feel a lot better now.

Here is what concerns me now: the gloating of Christians. It’s okay to be happy that a truly disagreeable and destructive person will be kept out of power, but it’s not okay to gloat about it. Look what Proverbs 24:17-18 says:

Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:

Lest the Lord see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

I guarantee you, Christians are gloating right now, not realizing they’re helping the devil put Hillary in the Oval Office. This is not a time to be proud or vindictive. It’s not a time to take pleasure in another person’s suffering. We should be thanking God profusely for a temporary reprieve, and we should be asking for his help in making the most of it.

The race isn’t over yet. If God can help us this quickly, he bring defeat just as fast.

We put Hillary Clinton in power. We put Obama in power. Our pride, rebellion, and lack of prayer did it. We love to blame the godless, but if we had done what we should have, we wouldn’t have to worry about their efforts. God would have given us victory. When we gloat and feel superior, we are showing that we aren’t benefiting from God’s mercy and patience. We are giving him incentive to withdraw it.

We need to quit blaming unbelievers for our government. We have more power than they do. We are primarily to blame.

Now that I think about it, many Christians vote for people like Hillary. Catholics make up the biggest Christian sector in America, and they vote for liberals. Female Christians vote for liberals. Black Christians vote for liberals. Crazy.

I often wonder why the Rapture hasn’t happened already. I would have abandoned this nation a long time ago, myself included.

I have started to wonder if Christianity has a future in Russia. Historically, Russia was a great Christian nation. Now that the USSR is gone, Christianity is back. Putin, for all his faults, seems much more supportive of God than our own leaders. I always say there is nowhere to go once America becomes totally foul. Maybe that’s not true. Maybe Russia will hold out a little longer and become a haven.

Those winters, though…

Putin has done some things to make life hard on evangelists. Maybe Russia is not going to be a safe place. I don’t know all the facts.

I continue to curse the Clinton campaign every day, several times a day. I won’t stop until I see Trump concede. If Trump wins, my new job will be praying for him and his administration to line up with God.

One nice thing about Trump…the Clinton smear machine, which now includes most journalists, has been working overtime on him for months. There probably isn’t much filth left in the smear barrel. I can only hope.

If Hillary wins, I hope the world ends ten minutes later. Either that, or it continues, but I get hit by a giant meteor in my sleep.

The news is better than I had expected. It’s nice to see that a change of fortune is never impossible.

4 Responses to “Harvest Time?”

  1. Jonathan Says:

    Putin, like many world leaders, is an opportunist and a murderer. A reasonable US administration could deal with him without harming our own interests. There is no reason to provoke him or to appease him. Obama has done both. It would be difficult for Hillary to do worse in this regard than Obama has, simply because Obama has been so bad. But, as the cliche goes, nothing is impossible. Trump seems likely to do better than Hillary simply because, at the least, he has no bad record that he is invested in justifying and he seems likely to appoint advisors who are grownups. Also, foreigners may view him as unpredictable, which would be a good thing.

    Interesting times ahead.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    A lot of my knowledge of Putin comes from Internet memes, so I try not to get into discussions of his faults and virtues. It’s not easy to dislike someone who stands up to Obama and wins. Isn’t he the one who gives people dioxin?

    I’ve read that the reason Putin hates Hillary is that she criticized the integrity of Russian elections. Bet she’s sorry now.

    My best guess is that you have to be Russian to vote in a Russian election. In 2016 America, that almost sounds crazy. I wonder if our dead voters, multiple voters, and illegals are as bad as the people who screw up the elections in Russia.

  3. Ruth H Says:

    My sisters and I message and discuss on facebook as a group. We were discussing Hillary (and her ilk) as God’s punishment to USA as a nation and it occurred to me to say this:
    “It is hard to think how bad it must get before we are punished as a people. Maybe we are still better than others, that is why they come to us.”

    We still have the remnant. We still have hope to turn our nation back to God. I may not see it in my lifetime, but I can still pray it happens.

    We do still have legitimate refugees and immigrants coming here as to the nation of freedom we used to be.

    We do not know how much He will actually put up with, but as a parent, I can tell you sometimes we put up with a lot.
    Witness your dad with your sister, even you as a brother with your sister, we sacrifice (well, most do) and we love them unconditionally. It takes a lot to turn a parent against a child. It may be that way with God. Maybe he is still counting to three.

  4. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I posted similarly to this today. Particularly that God could be answering the prayers of his people.
    I won’t repost it here, but I think Comey has a bigger game going than payback, as interesting a point as that is.
    Putin is a Russian first, the culture, particularly.
    The Orthodox Church is a big part of that.
    The Orthodox Church there, like the Catholic Church, resists competition from evangelicals.
    It once aided the KGB to keep it’s position.