Everything is not Awesome

October 18th, 2016

Preparation is Key

The more time passes, the more confirmation I get. I broke with a couple of churches over what I saw as greed, dishonesty, and pride, combined with a poor connection to the Holy Spirit, and God keeps showing me I was right to get out. He keeps showing me that the things I started to suspect a few years back are true. My suspicions came from him.

The world is a horrible place. We don’t realize it because we’re deceived, and because we’re used to it. The world is full of unspeakable suffering and defeat. It’s much farther from God than most of us think. It’s still cursed. Regardless of what any religion tells you, this place is much more like hell than heaven. That makes sense, because our realm–the earth’s surface–is the realm just above hell. Above us, there are several levels of heaven. Below us, there is only hell. We are as far out on the scale as you can get without entering hell proper.

The world is disgusting, and we are filthy. The world is not close to God at all. The world is a ghetto and a death camp. It’s a place where decent beings go only for missionary purposes. They visit temporarily. They don’t set up housekeeping.

Angels don’t live here; they come down, do what they’re told to do, and get out fast. The dead who are saved don’t live here; escape from this place is their reward. There are only two kinds of intelligent flesh beings here: saved humans and damned humans. The damned are in the majority.

God hasn’t abandoned the earth, but he has come fairly close. He showed up in the flesh, allowed a bunch of vicious monkeys to torture him to death, and went home. He hasn’t been back, apart from brief visitations, in 2000 years. This world doesn’t belong to him during this age.

God lets us do atrocious things to each other. He let the Nazis do medical experiments on children. He lets abortionists tear babies apart inside their mothers’ wombs. He allows astonishing suffering in the animal kingdom, day in and day out. Why? Because this isn’t his show; it’s ours. It’s not his job to come down here and run a police force. Free will is too important.

We think of the earth as God’s garden or his project. We think of it as the center of the universe. We think he’s running things. When bad things happen, we even call it “God’s will.” That’s not how it works. Yahweh is a long way off, and he shapes earthly events sparingly, to avoid taking free will away.

The only part of God that dwells here is the Holy Spirit, and we limit and persecute him as much as we can.

Correction and righteousness are very important. The churches I attended didn’t see it that way. They valued attendance too much. The pastors demanded a great deal from people in terms of money and free work, but they didn’t ask much of them when it came to holiness or obedience. The churches were like opium dens; people went there to forget the misery they created for themselves, but they didn’t do as much as they should have to change. No one asked them to.

I remember seeing pregnant single women singing on the stages. Not women who had made mistakes, confessed, and repented. Women who chose to fornicate, even after having illegitimate babies. I remember seeing Luther Campbell escorted to a seat of honor in the front row, simply because he was famous. I remember seeing Steve Munsey–a leading proponent of the gospel of greed and licentiousness–treated like royalty.

I was part of a men’s prayer group. What did we discuss? The Holy Spirit? Prayer? Yes, but things like that took up a very small amount of our time. We discussed rich motivational speakers and their idiotic books. We discussed strategies that would help Trinity Church become a huge, embarrassing megachurch like Keith Craft’s church or Joel Osteen’s church. We talked about the importance of hard work, which is not what Biblical figures used to please God. The pastors liked hard work, because our hard work helped them make money and feed their egos.

At the church I attended after Trinity, a false prophet stood up Sunday after Sunday–on the weekends when he didn’t miss church–and told us how great the church was doing. He told us all sorts of money was coming to us. We were going to receive supernatural power. God loved what the pastors were doing. We were about to get a new building.

I started hearing that stuff in 2012, and in 2016, the church is still meeting in a little rented room. No one calls this man or the pastor on their errors. If one of them says the new building will be in place by a certain date, and that date passes, they simply pretend it didn’t happen. Then one of them “prophesies” a new date, and people believe it.

Charismatics are very focused on what God will do for us. We have almost no interest in what we can do for him, apart from the money and free labor. God’s main goal, after salvation, is to give us hearts and minds like his. That requires honesty and confession. It requires humility. Charismatics teach denial, dishonesty, and pride. We’re like the toys in The Lego Movie, singing “Everything is Awesome” while our lives collapse.

Rats are eating the children’s food, because we think the rats are angels. We let them in. We feed them. We execute anyone who points a finger at them. We protect them as though they were God.

The more time passes, the more I understand that the things I’ve just written are true.

Salvation is wonderful, but it has very little effect on your life until you die. Healing is wonderful, but it’s wasted if it doesn’t motivate you to devote yourself to God. Money is wonderful, but it’s a poison if it convinces you you’re already pleasing God with what you do and what you are.

We are supposed to become like God while we live on the earth. We are supposed to be filled with his nature and turn from the hoglike nature of the flesh. This is what “dying to self” means. Charismatics don’t have any interest in this plan. They try to use God’s power to satisfy the flesh.

Satan rules the flesh. The flesh rules us. If we persuade God to do what the flesh wants, who does God serve?

It’s crucial to know God personally. It’s crucial to spend a great deal of time in prayer. You have to ask for correction and humility, consistently. You have to ask God to help you become aligned with his will.

It’s also important to learn about supernatural warfare. The vast majority of preachers don’t believe in spirits or are embarrassed to mention them, but spirits are all around us. Imagine how things would have turned out if FDR had pretended the Japanese didn’t exist. Spirits are bigger problems than the people we fight all day. Paul said it very clearly. We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood; we fight principalities and powers that are not human. When you turn your life over to God, spirits are assigned to you to destroy and distract you. We know this, but how many preachers teach people to fight?

They’re afraid people will call them holy rollers. They’re so desperate to increase church attendance and line their pockets, they let Satan edit their sermons.

The enemy assigns minions to come after us, and we do almost nothing about it. Then we wonder why people fall away from the church. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when something you’re doing doesn’t work? When your church leads you into failure, quitting seems like common sense. In fact, that’s exactly what it is. Common sense isn’t necessarily right.

I’ve had some problems over the last few weeks. I’ve been aware that I was under attack. It took me a while to realize it, because my perception is not as sharp as it should be. I started waking up night after night, between 4 and 6 a.m., with no peace. I would find myself worrying about things, and I know worry is wrong. I used my tools to beat the worry back, but it was time-consuming, and I ended up losing a lot of sleep. I wasn’t doing everything I needed to do. It was frustrating, because when you don’t sleep well, you feel bad all day. You lack motivation. You may gain weight. You look bad.

The anxiety I felt didn’t come from me. It came from spirits assigned to my flesh. I had to speak defeat to them and their effects, one by one.

I should have understood why I was having the problem. Right now, our country is in danger of being taken over by a woman who reeks of Jezebel, and I fight her supernaturally. The filthiest people in America back her. The Democratic Party is completely devoted to Satan, and to the destruction of Christians and Jews. I speak against them and their vile supernatural allies every day. It’s only natural that there would be a response.

I don’t ask God to save America, because America is destroyed. I only ask him to put Trump in charge and watch over his people a little longer, while we prepare for persecution and the Tribulation. I ask him to improve and empower us, and to use us to harvest as many people as we can in our remaining time. This can’t sit well with the spirits of sexual sin, pride, violence, selfishness, murder, and hatred of God.

Last night God showed me what to do. Instead of waking up, praying and cursing for a long time, and then getting out of bed at my regular time (followed by another session), I should have my morning prayer session as soon as I wake up. I should spend as much time as needed, praying in tongues to build myself up. I should do whatever supernatural warfare is needed. I should enter God’s presence more deeply. Then peace will come, and I can go back to sleep. I can get up later than usual and have a shorter prayer session so I won’t be in bed all day.

It worked last night. I awoke at about 5 a.m., and I got to work. An hour or so later, I was ready to try sleeping again. I moved my alarm back 90 minutes. When I woke up again, I felt great. First time I had slept well in days.

God showed me I have to try to stay in his presence much of the day. Prayer in tongues helps with this. During prayer in tongues, you will hear from God and sense things in the supernatural.

It all makes sense. The new covenant isn’t about obeying rules; it’s about knowing God personally and communicating with him. If you improve your communication with him, your nature will change with time, and you’ll be more inclined to do what’s right.

This stuff works. It’s not like the old, Spirit-free churches, where people repeat other people’s dead prayers and don’t really expect God to help them. It’s not like the charismatic churches, where people expect God to be their genie and sate their flesh.

Christians have to start drawing closer to God. Trump may win, and he may be used to hold the flood back for a while, but eventually, we will have to grit our teeth and watch the slimiest people in society take over America. It may happen four years from now, or it may happen next month. It’s going to happen, and we are already experiencing the beginning of the storm. If you hold onto this world, expecting it to deal kindly with you, you are in for some very hard times. The world doesn’t care about you; its god derives pleasure from your suffering. You can’t appease him. Take a lesson from the way the Jews have failed to appease his servants in the Middle East.

Don’t continue trying to get God to finance and promote your silly plan. It will never work. Try to find out what his plan is, and get on board.

I’m very grateful for the training I get. Only a tiny percentage of people are being prepared. I hope I can remain with them.

5 Responses to “Everything is not Awesome”

  1. Steve_in_CA Says:

    I suspect allowing Augustine and Dante into you thoughts may be weakening you. Perhaps that is why they are on the required reading list of Columbia. To aid the professors goal of corrupting youth.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    It doesn’t shock me that modern academics are gung-ho about Plato’s culture of predatory homosexual relationships, but it’s surprising to see that long-dead Catholic fanatics also approve.

  3. Ruth H Says:

    I think Steve in CA is probably right. That much intense reading of garbage is bound to harm you. Look what it has done to generations.

  4. Steve_in_CA Says:

    I’m concerned that it is spiritually harming the reader.

  5. Steve B Says:

    Good post! Nothing much to add. Just posting so you know folks be reading your stuff.