You’re It!

July 28th, 2016

I May Open an Account at the Liquor Store

I am close to finishing the job of preparing my dad’s tax documents for his accountant. I thought it would never end. Even when it’s done, the job of arranging his affairs will continue for at least a month or two.

I feel like I was ambushed. When a person suddenly loses the ability to handle his business without help, having the job thrust on you is like having someone throw you a bale of wet hay without warning. At first, you’re going to reel a little.

As the job has progressed, my dad’s value as a resource has dropped fast. I used to be able to ask questions about his practices or about the locations of things I needed, and he could help. Now a question that should take five minutes to answer can result in over an hour of talking in circles. It’s better to let him rest and figure things out on my own.

If you have an older relative whose finances are complicated, you need to keep an eye on them. They may be saving every single computer document in one folder, with titles like “1.” They may be throwing all their paper documents into one accordion folder. They may have piles of new checkbooks and deposit slips for accounts that were cancelled years ago. They may have accounts for which they haven’t saved statements, and you will have to unearth the accounts and get the required papers. You will probably discover late fees and open balances. You may find out there are safe deposit boxes you never heard of.

My natural tendency in life is to live and let live…because people do not listen to me. If I see you doing something really ill-advised, and I’m confident you’re informed, I will probably leave you alone unless you ask for my opinion. I stayed out of my dad’s affairs because I didn’t know whether I was going to inherit anything and I didn’t want to spend my life arguing with him, knowing he would almost never accept my advice.

That’s how this mess happened, but I don’t think there was much I could have done differently. It would have been nice if I had been able to have some input, because he made mistakes I knew were going to bite him in the future. I am definitely having input now, after the mess has been made. This is nearly a solo act now.

Maybe your older relatives won’t listen to you. That’s not your fault. I advise you to keep sounding them, because they may become more open to advice as they start to sink, and you may not know it if you don’t test the waters on occasion.

3 Responses to “You’re It!”

  1. Sharkman Says:

    Holy Father:

    Thank You for giving Steve’s Dad the wisdom to turn over his finances to Steve, and thank You for giving Steve the strength and patience to wade through that mess and sort it out for his Dad.

    Please grant Steve’s Dad renewed health and vigor, send psychological and physical healing to Steve’s Sister and pour Your Holy Spirit into the hearts, minds and souls of Steve, Steve’s Dad, and Steve’s Sister.

    Please also keep sending Your Word to Steve every day, so that he can keep passing it along to those of us who value the Message that Steve interprets and then gives to us who read him.

    I ask these things in the Holy Name of Your Son, Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and by the Blood of His sacrifice on the Cross for us, but as with all things, Your Will be done, only, not ours.


  2. Nick Says:

    I hear you Steve. Went through the same things. Going through it again right now. Never fun, and never a dull day.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    Thanks, Sharkman, and thanks, Nick, for commiserating.