The Civil War Within the Next Civil War

July 19th, 2016

Minorities Have Minorities

Last night I was thinking about the police shootings again, and I realized there will be a schism I hadn’t thought about. The split between blacks and everyone else is an obvious result, but there will also be a sort of cold civil war among blacks themselves.

If things get worse and go completely nuts, black people who don’t agree with Only Black Lives Matter will be very concerned about having the smell of chaos attach itself to them. People who have worked hard to become successful, unhyphenated Americans won’t want to be lumped in with folks who make entire cities dangerous for those who don’t look like them. They won’t want to be rejected at work or socially. They won’t want to appear to condone self-destructive victimhood myths.

What will they do? They certainly won’t be able to change their families and neighbors. They will not be accepted. The loneliest black people on earth are the ones who refuse to go along with the program of blaming others. They get called “Tom,” “sellout,” and “house n____r” all day, every day. Stacey Dash actually received death threats simply for endorsing Romney. Those threats didn’t come from white Mormons.

They’ll have to try to join the rest of us. That won’t be easy. Increasingly, racism is developing a grip on non-blacks, including conservatives. You can see it in Internet comments; always a window on the cesspool that is the collective soul. Over and over, when a story involving black people who behave badly pops up, you will see the n-word, plus terms like “apes” and “animals.” Hatred among non-black people is getting worse. When blacks who are rejected by other blacks look for acceptance and help, will we be around to let them in? BLM is helping the enemy close doors to them. It’s making people afraid of them.

I prefer to use the term “non-black” instead of “white,” since it’s more accurate. Blacks don’t just have problems with white people. Get to know some Asians and see. Get to know some Cubans; they have a very serious problem with anti-black feeling.

It reminds me of the problem early Jewish Christians faced. They were hated by the Romans because they were Jews. They were hated by other Jews because they were Christians. Even today, a Jew can be an atheist or a Satanist and still be considered a Jew, but if you accept Jesus, they claim you’re no longer one of them.

Black people who don’t listen to the race hustlers may have an even harder time in the future than they do now.

I used to think people should cling to their cultures. I was proud of my own Appalachian culture, because of, you know, all the Nobel prizes that have gone to West Virginia. I was crazy. We should all be eager to adopt the best parts of various cultures and flush the rest down the toilet. Some cultures are better than others. Not “different.” “Better.” It’s disgraceful to hold onto reeking garbage simply because you have pride on behalf of your segment of society.

The Bible agrees with me. In the Old Testament, people who married Jews and lived in Israel were supposed to become Jews. Solomon disagreed, and he practiced tolerance. He died a failure and a disgrace, ruled by his unclean pagan wives. Paul cautioned Christians not to be unequally yoked. Jesus was 100% intolerant of other religions.

There is no Jew or Gentile in Christ, and there is no black or non-black, either. There is no Black Students Lounge or Whites-Only fountain in heaven. There is only one race there. If we made a better effort to join it down here, we would not have the division we have today.

Your race isn’t people who look like you; it’s people who are led by the Holy Spirit. Your family isn’t people who share genes with you; it’s people who are led by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit-led are the people you’re supposed to side with. We can’t accept that, so we have riots and hate crimes.

We should know this, but we aren’t interested in learning. We go to church so God can make us feel better, so we can continue to sin. It’s like leaving a football game to get the trainer to give you Vicodin, so you can continue playing injured. We don’t want to change or admit we’re wrong.

This is why America is lost.

I have no hope at all for the world or America. Prophecy and common sense say failure is a certainty. On the other hand, I have complete confidence in the victory of the Spirit-led. The greatest power in existence is behind us. You can grab the lifeline and do well, or you can take your chances with the rioters and fools.

I’m not going to identify with a race if I can help it. I’m not going to hold onto the poisonous parts of my heritage. I can’t make anyone else agree, but I hope a lot of other people take the same position. I have to want the Spirit-led to increase and win. After all, they’re my nation.

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