
June 14th, 2014

Wasn’t This Supposed to be OUR World?

Just a short one today.

Over the last couple of days, I watched a really bad Thor movie. It was about an elf who wanted to destroy the universe.

Last night I had a revelation about similar films. I’ve seen dozens of movies and shows about various villains who threatened to take away man’s liberty and blessings and plunge him into slavery. Movies like “Oblivion,” “The Matrix,” and “The Terminator.” We enjoy the entertainment, but we fail to realize…one villain already succeeded. Satan ruined the world and made us all slaves. Every one of us. We lost! We are defeated slaves on our own world!

We’re used to our situation, so we don’t appreciate it. We think early death is normal. We accept divorce, poverty, mental illness, and war as inevitable. We take disease in stride. We have come to see this cursed world as a pretty good place.

That’s insane! We were never supposed to live like this. Our world was supposed to be an extension of heaven. Instead, it’s hell’s waiting room. Virtually all people live in defeat and servitude. Most people go to hell. It’s amazing that we don’t see the world for what it is: a colossal disaster.

Don’t accept Satan’s “normal.” There is nothing normal or acceptable about it. Pray in tongues. Learn who you are in Christ. Bless and curse. Affect the course of history instead of letting it roll over you and your family.

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