Joint Beneficiary

April 2nd, 2013

One Service, One Miracle

A few days back, I wrote about the miracle I experienced in church last Tuesday. I was sitting in church, and I felt something touching and handling my right knee, and afterward, I was healed of minor stiffness and soreness that had been with me for 24 years.

I wondered why God had only healed one knee, but later in the week, I saw a purpose. When I moved, one knee would hurt, and the other would not. Over and over, this reminded me I had been healed. Had both knees been healed, I would have felt nothing, so I would not have been reminded.

On Sunday, it happened again. Several times, during worship, I felt something touching me, but this time it was both knees. It came and went. By the end of the service, I had been healed.

I still feel a very small amount of sensitivity in the left knee, but it’s a small fraction of what it was.

While this was happening, I thought of one of the miracles Jesus worked. He was healing a blind man, and it took several tries. At one point, Jesus asked the man if he could see, and he said he saw men who looked like walking trees. Jesus kept working on him, and the healing became complete.

Apparently, it still works that way sometimes.

That’s fine with me. When you get things all at once, you appreciate them less, and you don’t have as much to look forward to.

It’s very strange, being healed. It turns out I was doing things to accommodate my knee problems, and I didn’t realize it. I find myself doing those things out of habit and then finding there is no reason to do so. Or sometimes I’ll anticipate pain, but it won’t come.

I now walk a little differently, especially when taking stairs. My knees point straight ahead, instead of being slightly turned out.

One interesting result is that I am now even more enthusiastic about church attendance. I keep wondering: will there be a miracle every time I go? God is two for two over the last seven days.

I don’t understand why this was a priority. I’ve been thinking about it, and the only thing I can think of that will be easier for me is standing for long periods. If I had to speak in front of people, this would make it easier. Other than that, I can’t think of any particular reason God chose to do this. I did pray for it, but it wasn’t a major concern.

I was always able to stand for long periods, but standing still got to me after a while.

I hope this doesn’t stop. I would love to get rid of my reading glasses. That would be tremendous. I don’t expect to live forever in this body, nor would I wish to, but the Bible says there used to be old men who were strong and who had good vision.

These events got me thinking about David Herzog. He’s a preacher who says a cloud of God’s glory falls in his services. He says people get amazing healings. They lose weight instantly. They find new gold crowns on their teeth. They find jewels that have appeared from nowhere. Naturally, I’ve been very skeptical, although Sid Roth, who appears to be an honest person, said he saw a white patch disappear from a person’s hair in a meeting with Herzog.

It is said that some people have faked this experience. A preacher was accused of pumping some kind of fake smoke into a crowd to simulate “the glory.” And for all I know, Herzog is a complete phony. I am not a mind reader. But what happened to me is very much like the things he claims happen at his services. So is he telling the truth? I can’t say it’s impossible.

I don’t know why it happens at church, but the Bible suggests that miracles occur most readily where people of faith gather. Jesus himself could not do “great works” among the unbelievers of Nazareth.

The hidebound “NIH” mind is frustrating to deal with. Many people believe miracles are rare, and they would actually get angry if you said otherwise. The Catholics say a candidate for “sainthood” has to perform three miracles, as though that’s rare or surprising (I’ve had at least four, so sign me up). There are places like Lourdes, where people go, at great expense, and wait for healings that never come. They seem to believe God won’t touch them in Terre Haute or San Antonio. Obviously, the people who don’t expect miracles to happen in their homes and churches are completely wrong, but because they don’t believe, they won’t receive. That’s not a small thing. It means they’ll die of cancer, they’ll continue to be paralyzed, they’ll stay blind, and so on. These are not small things, like minor knee pain in a middle-aged man.

These things are available, where you are, right now. Start praying in tongues every day. Don’t quit. Pray for a good church, and go weekly. Read the Word. It’s God’s Constitution, so learn your rights. Supernatural things will happen to you, sooner or later. Look at me.

If your church disagrees, well, they’re wrong. Get over it. Every church has to be tested by the Word of God. If your church says God doesn’t heal, it contradicts the Bible (not just me).

I hope to see more manifestations, especially in my friends. It’s somewhat pointless if I’m always the recipient. When they take place, I will do my duty and let you know.

3 Responses to “Joint Beneficiary”

  1. rick Says:

    Snake oil salesman. I have attended many of the current so called anointed healers conferences and it is all hype.

    I have also worked with many of these men and women including Sid. I have spent time with them when they were not preforming. It’s all about the money, period.

    If you want to see if they have God’s anointing for miracles, just get a seat near the wheelchair section of any of their services and count the number that actually are crippled and do a recount after the service. The number of healing – 0.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Sorry to read that. I’ve gotten some very solid advice while watching Sid Roth’s show, but I’ve also seen some people who said things that seemed absolutely silly.

    My knees feel wonderful today, and last night I was healed of a sinus thing, after I got home. What’s happening to me is real. I didn’t pay anyone for it, and I’m not getting paid to say it. I don’t even have a Paypal jar.

    Last night I was talking to my pastor. He said a former pastor of his called out people’s illnesses at a service. He said he was standing behind a lady the pastor hollered at. She had some kind of lump on her shoulder, and it disappeared before my pastor’s eyes. But he says the pastor also called out illnesses that didn’t exist, at the same service.

    The weird thing about healing services is that you can be healed by a crook, if your own faith is strong enough, or if someone else there has faith for you to be healed. The fact that a liar ran the service won’t necessarily prevent miracles, but it may cause people to give him credit (and money) he doesn’t deserve.

  3. rick Says:

    I totally agree. I have yet to see a cripple come out of a wheel chair, yet I know the Lord can and does heal cripples. I have prayed for various conditions over the years and seen with my own eyes the healings. I knew they were real because I walk with these persons. God honors the name of Jesus, no matter the vessel. I thought of a ministry I would like to start. If you claim to be an anointed healer and you pass a bucket to be filled because you need a new and bigger plane or house or whatever, my crew of pray warriors will punch you in your mouth if you fail to pray at least one cripple out of a wheelchair. I think the put up or shut up will bring balance to the blab it and grab it prophet.