
June 1st, 2009

More on the Two-State Final Solution

Solomonia has a funny but sad post that sums up the problem with Obama and Israel. Take a look.

Let me know if you see any signs that American Jews are waking up. Somewhere out there, there has to be a self-hating Obama-voting Jew who is saying, “Wait, wasn’t mindless Jewish liberalism supposed to prevent this kind of thing?”

I can’t help thinking of Jewish World War I veterans who showed their medals to the Germans before being herded into the gas chambers. “Danke. Now move along.”

I was watching Perry Stone last night, and he was talking about his belief that the US is declining and Israel is going to rise to greater power. Speaking about our apostasy, he said the Bible says we have an obligation to speak up and warn people.

Whew. Got lucky on that one.

3 Responses to “Contrast”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    “Let me know if you see any signs that American Jews are waking up.”
    My friend, Nathan Weiser, never fell asleep. 92 year old Pearl vet, retired small business owner. Staunch Republican for years. Just braggin’ on him.

  2. km Says:

    The Israeli press has a decent read on the reality of the situation. Some of my US Jewish friends are catching on pretty well (but they were less taken with the ObaMessiah than the median US Jew to start with).

  3. Aarons CC Says:

    Do NOT count on Bibi or on any Israeli gov’t while Shimon Peres is alive. Both have plenty of skeletons that the State Department use for leverage.
    Keep an eye out for the rise of Moshe Feiglin.