This Isn’t What we Ordered!

April 17th, 2009

Lie Down With Dogs…

Washington sources added that the Obama Administration would not be continuing the tradition that had developed during the Bush years of hosting Israeli prime ministers whenever they showed up in town, sometimes with just a phone call’s notice.

That’s a fun little quotation, isn’t it? It comes from a Drudgebart-linked story about Israeli anxiety over the Obama administration’s attitude toward Israel.

It seems like Jews are starting to realize they made a big mistake. I don’t know how the average Israeli viewed Obama before the election, but I know that American Jews in Israel do not like him; they were overwhelmingly against him. Jews in the US supported him by a wide margin, but a few are starting to think MAYBE a far-left nut who spent twenty years warming a pew in an anti-Semitic church MIGHT not be a great ally to Israel.


Honestly, sometimes I think the best thing that could happen to the world’s Jews would be if Jews were not allowed to vote. They constitute the single biggest anti-Israel, anti-Jewish faction in the US. Black anti-Semitism is at an all-time high, and no one has the guts to say anything about it. Hispanic anti-Semitism has always been very bad. Plain old vanilla American anti-Semitism is nothing to sneeze at. But Jews themselves do more damage than their enemies. They were instrumental in putting this idiot over the top in the general election. How could they be so blind? It’s astounding!

THE LEFT OWNS ANTI-SEMITISM. How many times do we have to point it out? Sure, there are right-wing anti-Semites. But the best friends Jews have are conservative, and the left is almost uniformly anti-Semitic, and it’s getting to the point where they think it’s something to be proud of! Can you believe a dirtbag like Jeremiah Wright can show his face on the street, let alone on national television, without being driven out of the pulpit? Man, how this country has changed! So much for Jewish control of the media.

Obama thinks we have shown partiality to Israel. Of course we have! They’re our only real allies in the Middle East, and Israel is the only civilized nation in the region! Why wouldn’t we show them partiality? The Saudis finance Al Qaeda, and they just sentenced an old woman to be flogged because two young men brought her groceries! They’re utter savages! What possible reason could we have for according them the same respect we give Israel? And as partiality goes, ours has been pretty weak. Basically, it amounts to insisting that Israel be permitted to exist. Cutting parts out of it…that, we have no problem with. And we arm Israel’s enemies. Some friends, we are.

America’s support for Israel is finished. At least until 2012. I think it’s finished, period. Liberals are getting bolder and bolder in their attacks on Israel, and I think it’s likely to get worse, until people think it’s open season. Oddly, the large number of Jews on the left seems to exacerbate the problem. People feel free to attack their own kind, and Jewish liberals can be very hard on Israel, and that gives other liberals the idea that permission has been given to air out their own dark, twisted notions. I don’t think self-hating Jews realize this: criticizing Jews and Israel does not cause people to think favorably of them. It merely makes them feel justified in spewing hate. Now that I think about it, Obama’s sick, treacherous habit of apologizing for America is going to work the same way, fanning the flames of blind, moronic rage. If our President says America is evil, who can contradict Hamas and Hugo Chavez and Ahmadinejad?

I think our support for Israel is going to dry up, and I think anti-Semitism is going to get worse here, and I am positive that American Jews will handle it the wrong way, because that is their curse and their habit. They’ll apologize and curry favor, and to show how sorry they are, they’ll vote for leftists who hate the Jewish homeland. And that will be great news for leftists everywhere, because without America behind her, Israel–the world’s tumor–will wither and die, right? Wrong. That’s what her enemies are hoping, but that’s because they don’t believe in God. If our government abandons Israel, God will support her some other way. Probably through the financial help of Christians. Perhaps more directly. I don’t know how he’ll do it, but I know that America is not what keeps Israel going. It has been our privilege and blessing to be used for this purpose, but our participation has not been necessary. And once we stop helping as a nation, we will stop being blessed as a nation. We thought we were so smart and so powerful and so special. It was all a pathetic, bigoted, nationalist illusion. We are exactly like other human beings. When we give up on Israel, we’ll be like Samson without his hair. Ordinary and vulnerable.

Like a lot of Gentiles, I believe that many Jews blame themselves for the Holocaust. Somewhere deep inside, they think, “We were too proud and too successful in Europe, and look what happened. We’ll be safe in America if we vote for handouts and high taxes and we never miss a chance to criticize ourselves.” They’re wrong on both counts. The Holocaust was wholly irrational; Jewish behavior had nothing to do with it. The problem wasn’t how Jews lived their lives as Jews; it is that they were Jewish at all. And if the same spirit seizes America, no one will care what Jews have done for us or how much they’ve castigated themselves. No Jew or perceived Jew will be spared. The Germans and Austrians didn’t spare decorated Jewish veterans. They didn’t spare Jews who had become Catholics. Americans would behave the same way.

The more time passes, the surer I am that Obama is a punishment. We brought him on ourselves. How else can you explain the election of an obvious fool with no qualifications, no experience, and no political clout? We’re finding out how stupid we are. This is how we vote when God doesn’t save us from our own ignorance. The incredible photos of Obama bowing to the Saudi king and sharing a warm handshake with Hugo Chavez are like something you rub a puppy’s nose in. Our ineptitude is constantly shoved in our faces. I can’t wait to see him on TV, hugging Fidel Castro. Obama is just that dumb.

God is not looking out for America the way he used to. It used to be possible to gain protection by living within this protected nation. Now you have to get it on your own. Directly from the source. I am glad I’m going to church these days.

10 Responses to “This Isn’t What we Ordered!”

  1. Anthony Says:

    You’re Wrong! This is exactly what “We” ordered. “We” being 60+ million Americans that voted for Obama and a liberal agenda ordered this exactly.

  2. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Show us the birth certificate.
    Until then, an illegitimate presidency, vote or no.

  3. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Typo; “it as that they were Jewish at all” s/b “it is that they were Jewish at all”.
    What defined America’s swaggering strength? Cars. What is killing us materially and spiritually? Whoring our values to terror-sponsoring Wahhabis. We’ve had umpteen chances to render petroleum less valuable, but our Carter/Bush/Clinton/Bush oligarchy wouldn’t have that… there was too much lucre to still mine… too many 7-figure speaker’s fees and “library” donations. All in the open. All ignored. Yes, Germans KNEW about the death camps and that’s why Germany is guilty of the holocaust, not merely the soldiers. Not many Germans worked to sabotage the Third Reich. Not many Americans work to promote America’s solid values.
    Mene mene tekel upharsin. The writing is on the wall.
    What most Jews and even more Christians don’t know is that the Chanukah story was only partly the military victory over the Syrian/Greeks and the tiny miracle of the Temple oil. The much longer battle was a civil war between the Hasmoneans and the Hellenized Jews. Had the zealots lost, Judaism would have vanished centuries before 2000 years ago. Hellenism’s values live more on our universities than in any place in history. Unless the believing zealots are willing to fight the secularists, we will repeat the same mistake.
    God gives us the same lessons until we can pass the test and move on to the next lesson. Promoting us without requiring that we grow doesn’t do anything for our souls, just as promoting an inner city youth as high school graduates when they can’t do four-function math or write a coherent paragraph. It’s spiritual fraud to treat someone as having spiritually grown their whole lives when they haven’t. Reform and Conservative Jews treat the bar mitzvah as a graduation ceremony, not as an inauguration of a lifetime of growth. Would you want a physician who ended his study of science before he finished puberty? Would you consider the religious views of someone who effectively ended their studies on their 13th birthday? American parents DON’T instruct their teens to spend at least as much time on spiritual growth as they spend on MTV or other spirituality-crushing entertainment. We don’t see that we’re guaranteed to end up in a ditch or accident. No, it’s NOT enough to pay our dues to our houses of worship. If you’re comfortable in your faith, you’re probably not taking it seriously enough. People should ALWAYS feel that they can do better today than yesterday and should aspire to do better tomorrow than today.
    Until universities treat Ché shirts and keffiyehs as they do swastika armbands, our culture is doomed. When parents hand over $100k to hand their children over to ideological molech-worshippers (abortion cult :: child-sacrifice cult), we’re doomed. People who seek spirituality will take it from a mosque that promises a connection with God if their church or synagogue behaves as if it is passé to believe.
    This pains me to no end as a descendant of both Temple Levites and of Pilgrims.

  4. A House on the Rock… | Cold Fury Says:

    […] wrote those words aboard the Arbella bound for Massachusetts Bay in 1630: “We shall find that the God of Israel is among us,” he wrote. “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, […]

  5. Noel Says:

    As you see, I linked this in a post about Obama’s Georgetown speech, where he drained a Sermon on the Mount quote of meaning, and then mimicked Reagan’s ‘City on a Hill” to push for everything Reagan stood against.

    Some good news: we’re not going to Durban.

    Good post, Steve.

  6. davis,br Says:

    Excellent Aaron.
    And “Moloch worshippers” …I too call them that. And for the same reason.

  7. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    What Aaron said …

  8. Flor Fina Says:

    Obama’s change is undoing every last vestige of American patriotism, tradition and family values. His liberal idealism is tearing down our life as we know and turning it into the Europe we feared would never come.

    Israel is our friend and just like friends in everyday life, we don’t need an invitation if we are true friends. Obama has made the Muslim world our friend and that is a friend worth keeping at a distance.

  9. Jonathan Says:

    Too many Jews are fools about politics. And I fear that the Israeli govt won’t have the stones to say no to Obama. They may think they can salvage something from the “special relationship,” and maybe they can, but perhaps not at an acceptable price. Israel is on its own now, and the sooner Israelis stopped fooling themselves otherwise, the better.

  10. cond0010 Says:

    “The incredible photos of Obama bowing to the Saudi king and sharing a warm handshake with Hugo Chavez are like something you rub a puppy’s nose in. ”

    Yep. If they contiue to disillusion us Rightwingers, there will be no one left to join the army to defend this country: the Obamunist lefties sure won’t (proof is the in last umpteen conflicts USA has been in).

    Civilizations do sometimes commit suicide.