The Chosen Blow it Again

February 27th, 2009

Hillary not a Friend of Israel? Impossible!

Big shock here. The Obamessiah’s disciples are turning out to be Judases. Jesus only had one Judas Iscariot. So far, Obama has two. First, Eric Holder, who is undoing Obama’s promise to leave gun owners alone. Second, Hillary Clinton, who has turned on Israel. She is railing at Israel for not getting enough aid to Gaza.

I don’t recall Obama or Clinton railing at Gazans for electing terrorists and firing rockets at innocent Israelies. Did I miss something?

Conservative Christians knew last year that Obama was bad for Israel. Israeli Jews knew it. American Jews? Not so much. Honestly, someone needs to start selling Kevlar shoes, to keep American Jews from shooting themselves in the feet. How could they not see this coming? Leftists worldwide are becoming increasingly anti-Semitic. Obama’s closest spiritual advisor was openly anti-Semitic. All of America’s Muslim enemies supported Obama. Hello? Anyone in there?

Here’s a sad quotation from the CBS article about the ruckus:

“Hillary had Mrs. Arafat here and she invited Mrs. Arafat for lunch when she was the first lady,” added Babak Chafe of Great Neck. “She is pro-Palestinian 100 percent, really. Of course, we always knew it.”

You always knew it? Like the folks in New Square knew it? Like the 90% or so of American Jews who voted for Obama knew it?

If Mr. Or Ms. Chafe (“Babak”?) knew Hillary Clinton was a problem, how come other Jews didn’t know it? And how come they didn’t have any problems with Obama?

The treif chickens have come home to roost. I’m sorry, but this problem was obvious six months ago. Conservatives have been backing Israel overwhelmingly for years, leftists now own anti-Semitism and Jew-baiting, and you would have to live in a well to fail notice these things. George Bush had major failings as an advocate of Israel (as did the Israeli leaders he worked with), but Obama is going to make Israelis miss him.

Another quotation:

“I feel it’s unfortunate that they don’t continue the policy of the Bush administration, which was much more pro-Israel,” said Akiva Homnick of Jerusalem.

There you have it. As badly as Bush let Israel down, he was better than Obama. McCain would have been better, too.

Here’s another gem:

“The easy way to make a peace agreement is to pressure Israel because you can’t pressure the Arabs,” said Solomon Loewi of Monsey, N.Y.

Duh. I wonder who Mr. Loewi and his family voted for.

Here’s something to wonder about. Now that we have allowed the Iranians to have nuclear weapons, will Obama and Hillary let the Israelis take out the Iranian nuke sites? NO. That’s my prediction. We need nuclear diversity; there aren’t enough little brown people at the nuclear table. It’s paternalistic and Eurocentric to say wacky Muslim states can’t have nukes! Besides, allowing an Israeli raid would take guts, and Obama was born without those.

No, Iran has the bomb, and they’re going to keep it. They have the fissile material, and that’s the only real obstacle to making a bomb. A Bush II with more political capital might have had the courage to prevent it, and McCain probably would have been man enough to fix it, but when push comes to shove, Barack Obama will ask what the UN and Keith Olbermann think, and nothing will happen. Nothing good, anyway.

Buy gold and ammunition, and keep your head down. That’s my advice.

Hey, can anyone recommend a good, cheap accurate type of 7.62 x 39mm ammunition? I suppose I’ll also need some good defensive rounds.

5 Responses to “The Chosen Blow it Again”

  1. Titan Mk6B Says:

    Gold and ammunition. Good advice. Big gun show in town tomorrow and I plan on picking another couple of thousand rounds.

  2. Virgil Says:

    Add “soft” toilet paper (instead of the kind cheep hotels use) to your provisions purchase list also:

  3. Rick C Says:

    People who buy gold need to make sure they actually take delivery of it, rather than just investing in it.

    survivalblog recommends getting “junk” silver coins as well, because even a 1-ounce gold coin would represent a pretty large chunk of money.

  4. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    If you’re going to be feeding an SKS or AK variant, try Wolf Military Classic, or Tula. Both dirt cheap, and at least as accurate as the gun. If you have a CZ 527 then I dunno. Remington has been reliable for me.

  5. Kyle Says:

    7.62x39mm ammo isn’t cheap anymore. Just get Russian-made FMJ and get it while you can. 🙂 is the place to go.