Inauguration Augurs Poorly for Once-Great Nation

January 20th, 2009

Buy Gold, Seeds, and Ammunition

Today Barack Obama becomes the President. I don’t have a whole lot to say about it.

1. As convinced as I am that this man will be incompetent, weak, unprincipled, hostile to Israel and Christianity, and extremely corrosive to capitalism and our prosperity, I can’t help feeling some excitement over the inauguration of a black President. I just wish it were someone else.

2. I am afraid his wife will continue to embarrass us, or worse, that we will come to accept her unpatriotic, divisive antics and decide that first ladies don’t have to be classy.

3. He has floundered badly in choosing subordinates, demonstrating that he was not prepared to win the Presidency. For all his talk about change, he made desperation picks, reaching for the worn-out journeymen of an earlier regime. I expect him to continue to fail in his efforts to staff his administration. Look for future screwups and near-scandals.

4. I think the US is completely finished as the world’s leading power and economy. George Bush ended his Presidency by forcing socialism on us through the back door, with incredibly shortsighted and malignant government bailouts. I expected to criticize Obama for his mindless, regressive leftism, but incredibly, George Bush has already done more evil than I anticipated from Obama. Nonetheless, I think Obama will continue in the same vein, and that it won’t be long until we’re about as prosperous as the French. I think we are being taken down because of our rebellion and idolatry, and that the bad things that are happening to us have more to do with God than with the bad judgment of George Bush and Barack Obama.

5. I believe God permitted us to choose this arrogant weakling in order to show us what happens when we rely on our own tiny intellects instead of his guidance. Americans have the ridiculous idea that we are superior to other people, and that this is the reason we have done so well. In fact, we have done well because God has protected and guided us. That protection is probably greatly weakened now, and I expect us to be swallowed economically by the Chinese and the Indians. They work harder than we do, they are just as smart (IQ tests suggest the Chinese are actually much smarter), they work for nothing, and unlike us, they don’t feel entitled to wealth. They know they have to earn it. And both countries have internal markets and manpower resources that dwarf ours. Americans are no better than anyone else, and we can fail, and we almost surely will.

6. I think it will be about a year before most Americans realize they elected a very ordinary political hack who only succeeded in life because he never questioned the corrupt Illinois machinery that supported him. “Change”? It is anathema to Obama. If he had worked for change in Chicago, he would have been expelled from the power structure, and he would now be teaching at a university.

America didn’t want a leader who believed in tried and true ideas (not that John McCain fit this description well). America wanted a flashy rock star. And that’s what we got. We got a young man who thinks the young have all the answers and that the old are stupid. He’s wrong, and unless he changes his philosophy, we are going to reap a harvest of misery from the implementation of his bad, discredited leftist ideas.

I plan to avoid criticizing him excessively in the future, because I think Christians have an obligation to support their leaders. I plan to pray that he changes his ways, and that our country turns back to God. But my hopes are not high. Regardless of what happens to the US, I plan to work and pray for prosperity and protection for me and my family, and I suggest you do the same. When a country goes to hell, you have to have an edge in order to do well. In the past, merely working hard and being an American would get you to the top. That probably won’t be true after our economic decline enters its fullness.

That’s it.

11 Responses to “Inauguration Augurs Poorly for Once-Great Nation”

  1. Mumblix Grumph Says:

    I heard an except of the video Demi Moore produced about Obama. All of these “A-List” celebrities pledging to “be a servant of Obama” is more than a little frightening. It’s the cult of personality sort of thing you’d expect from North Korea or Saddam’s Iraq.

    Hollywood types are starving for spiritual nourishment, but their bitter hostility to Christianity is making them borderline crazy.

    They have put their faith into a marginally talented speechmaker who is in WAY over his head.

    These overprivileged oafs would rather believe in an evil warlord from outer space who trapped souls in an exploding volcano than in Jesus or God.

    Don’t get me started on over-the-hill female singers with shoelaces around their wrists.

    BAH! I wish I could feel a little of the Hope And Change®, but I really can’t. I’ll treat him better than Democrats treated Bush, but I’m not dancing today.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Now that I’ve seen the Obama cult, the Scientologists don’t look nearly as crazy as they used to.

  3. Edward Bonderenka Says:

    1. “Black” and “left” is not nearly so bad as “thief”. Barry Sotero stole this election on illegal contributions, breaking a funding pledge to McCain, and playing the race card.
    2. I know I’m in the minority on this, but there is the unanswered question as to whether he is constitutionally qualified to be president per citizenship. How hard is it to show a birth certificate or college transcripts, et al?
    3. India and China both have growing Christian demographics. This is, of course, neglected in media coverage. God may bless them rather than us. I went to the doctors office yesterday and in talking to the nurse about the economy, she inserted some “code” into the conversation to see if I had “Faith”.
    She was relieved to find she was talking to a fellow Christian and could speak openly about prayer. Was a day, it was assumed that you could talk openly about these things, and now it reminds me of Quo Vadis or other gladiator movies where people draw an ichtus in the sand..

  4. DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » Inauguration Augurs Poorly for Once-Great Nation Says:

    […] The Hog doesn’t do political commentary any more. Nope. Wouldn’t think of it. Just tools and food, and some religion here and there. That’s all. Nothing else. I can’t help feeling some excitement over the inauguration of a black President. I just wish it were someone else. […]

  5. Tim Says:

    If Obama had really been for change, he wouldn’t be allowed to teach at a university.

  6. blindshooter Says:

    I have great fear for our once great country. Every point you made is right on the money, our present fiscal policy added to the rise of India and China will make for hard times ahead. The more secular and closer to socialism we get the harder we will fall.

    I can see what savings I have losing half its value before the end of this decade, if not before, and I do not mean the market losses but just the loss in the value of the the dollar. Printing money willy-nilly will catch up to us soon.

    Great post, please keep it up.

  7. Brian Gallimore Says:

    Well said Steve, thanks for recording your thoughts here!

  8. Brian Gallimore’s Website » Blog Archive » New President Says:

    […] It didn’t take me long to get sidetracked. Yesterdays NewsBusters was funny: Then I read Steve’s entry (from the blog formerly known as Hog On Ice). Take a minute to read that one, he has a talent for […]

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Awesome post, Steve. I want you to know that you’ve inspired me to be a better Christian, because of your taking the time to think and write about the spiritual consequences of your actions.

    BTW, Margarito-Mosley is on HBO Saturday night. Depending on how much Sugar Shane has left in the tank, it could have a fight-of-the-year potential. Of course, every time I so much as hint at a prediction that a fight should be good, it turns into a snoozer.

  10. Steve H. Says:

    Thanks, Anonymous, and thanks for the fight tip.

  11. Heather Says:

    “I plan to pray that he changes his ways, and that our country turns back to God.”
    I am already doing this and have been for a while now.
    I really feel that we should encourage everyone to do the same.