False Flag

May 19th, 2022

There are no Rainbows in Hell

My wife sent me some interesting photos the other day. They are from Facebook, and you are not likely to see them in the US, because they were posted for Zambians, by the Swedish Embassy in Lusaka. The Swedes are flying the sodomy flag over their embassy, and they are so intolerant and tone-deaf, they are boasting about it. The Finns are also guilty, because their embassy is in the same building, and they back the Swedes.

Under Biden, America does the same thing.

Here are the responses from Zambians.

As you can see, they are overwhelmingly against sexual perversion. As one comment says, Zambia, unlike Sweden, Finland, and the United States, is a Christian country, and the Bible expressly condemns sexual perversion in a number of places in both testaments.

It’s refreshing to see that there are countries where people are still able to stand up for God without fear of persecution.

Sweden and Finland are demonstrating a callous, elitist intolerance for the centuries-old religious beliefs of other nations. Sweden and Finland used to be Christian nations, and like Zambians, their citizens strongly objected to sexual perversion on religious grounds. Now these nations are caught up in the fashionable pro-perversion craze, and they insist on offending the citizens of countries that haven’t yet abandoned God. They might as well raise hogs on the grounds of their embassies in Saudi Arabia.

I wonder if they’re flying sexual perversion flags in Muslim nations or even close to mosques in their own countries. I’ll bet they’re not.

Let’s see. The news says the US and the British put perversion flags up in the UAE. Not Saudi Arabia or Iraq, though.

I suppose no one cares about offending Africans because Africans are poor and lacking in influence. Westerners perceive Africans as people who live on their handouts, so we feel they should do what we tell them.

For years, Westerners have been tying vital aid to the abandonment of Christianity. We claim we want to feed African children and give Africans medical care and economic help, but we penalize them for refusing to turn on Jesus Christ. Most Americans don’t know about it. Instead, we’re flipping out over a dubious baby formula crisis and the fact that white people go to Africa to hunt.

I asked my wife about baby formulas in Zambia, thinking it had to be a big problem. We are told that companies like Nestle give new African mothers free formulas so they will use it until their breasts dry up, forcing them to pay for it thereafter. When I asked Rhodah about it, she said Zambians generally don’t use formulas because they’re expensive. It’s not a story there. Apparently, leftists who hate Nestle have distorted the news pretty badly.

God hasn’t changed. He never changes. His position on sexual perversion will never change. There is zero evidence that he has sanctioned it at any time. There is abundant evidence that he hates it. It’s also very obvious, even to objective unbelievers, that it isn’t normal and causes a lot of suffering. Why do human beings decide God has changed his mind? It would make more sense to say he doesn’t exist. It’s disastrous when people don’t believe in God, but it’s worse to claim you believe and then insist he loves sin.

Eventually, if the rapture doesn’t come first, Zambia and the other Christian nations will give in and embrace perversion. Nations always, always end up siding with Satan in the end. I’m glad to see Christian Africa holding up as well as it is. I will pray God inundates Africans with wealth so they can send perversion missionaries packing without fear of lack.

I’m sure people who read this will assume I’m an ignorant person who believes whatever his parents told him to believe, and that I have always been an enemy of homosexuality. Not true. I used to think what homosexuals did was fine and dandy, if somewhat comical, and my parents were not all that influential in the formation of my beliefs. My dad was an atheist, and my mother was a lukewarm Christian most of her life. She even went to fortune-tellers and paid an astrologer for charts.

In my youth, I barely knew God and almost never read the Bible. I prayed very little. I thought I was saved, but I would have gone to hell had I died back then. Jesus visited me. I saw spirits. I started to read the Bible. I listened to preachers. I got baptized with the Holy Spirit. I began praying in tongues. Then I began to see how wrong I had been. Many things most Americans think are harmless or beneficial are not.

Astrology is evil and harmful. So are psychics, fortune-tellers, traditional Chinese medicine (an occult-based practice), pornography, gambling, most secular music, most secular video, yoga, meditation, drunkenness, and all forms of recreational drug use. Homosexuality is also harmful. It ruins lives, spreads diseases, cuts people off from God, and puts them in hell. It’s turning the entire Western world against Jesus Christ and his children.

I didn’t get where I am because of ignorance. Ignorance kept me from getting here sooner.

Elitist Americans and Europeans should respect the religious beliefs of Christian Africans at least as much as they respect the beliefs of Muslims. Maybe if we did, we would have coronavirus rates as low as those in Africa.

It’s a shame to see the world portray ancient, settled Christian beliefs as hateful superstitions. Jesus is the only door to heaven, and every other door leads to eternal flames.

3 Responses to “False Flag”

  1. Ruth H Says:

    If I were your wife, I would refuse to come to America. You would have to come to me, to my Christian nation. I would not want my children exposed to what is happening here, especially in the schools. It is an abomination.
    I cannot imagine why anyone wants to come here anymore. Yet I live within 200 miles of the Texas border, and I know they are willing to die to come here.

  2. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I would be tempted to move to Zambia.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    Ruth, the people who are thronging our border are generally pagans. They are brothers and sisters to the people who ruined America, and they are flooding the country in order to complete the devastation

    Ed, I hope it doesn’t come to that. I think there are areas of the US that will remain reasonably sane and safe until the rapture. If I’m wrong, I suppose life in Africa would be acceptable. I no longer feel any sense of attachment to America. I plan to obey the laws and so on, and I have no interest in insurrection, but that’s the current extent of my patriotism. If I needed to, I would move elsewhere and forget every shred of loyalty to this place. I would not be a typical immigrant, refusing to let go of my love for a hostile country.

    I’m starting to believe that strong patriotism is a trap for Christians. This has never been our homeland.