When Horses Ride Men, Something is Wrong

January 21st, 2022

Folly is Set in Great Dignity, and the Rich Sit in Low Place

Today I offered a friend of mine some advice on getting rid of mice, and she did not want to hear it. She let me know I was not to bring the subject up any more.

Why did she respond this way? Because the thought of killing mice bothers her. That got me thinking about the way the authority structure works in God’s kingdom, so I thought I might write a blog post that could be helpful to other people.

Of course, we are supposed to kill mice, as well as other creatures. It’s one of the less-pleasant obligations of life. God is 100% behind killing other living things under certain circumstances. In fact, the ancient Jews were obligated to kill all sorts of animals every day. Veganism was not an option; it would have been an extremely sinful lifestyle under the Jewish law. Cain was cursed because he tried to sacrifice plants instead of killing animals. God has always required blood as payment for sin.

Jews were also obligated to kill certain types of people, although that’s a different subject. The law doesn’t say, “I suggest thou kill witches.” It says, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” God required the Hebrews to take cities and kill everyone in them, including babies.

The Jews suffer and die to this day because their king refused to slaughter every last Amalekite. He was nice, though. He was nonconfrontational. You have to give him that.

The King James Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill,” but in Hebrew, it prohibits murder, not killing. Murder is illegal killing, and not all killing is murder.

God put us in a world where we have to do harsh things sometimes. He did this so we would understand what it’s like to do harsh things. Our sins made it necessary for him to permit great suffering in the world, and they make it necessary for him to put people in hell, so we need to know how it feels to do harm when we do not want to.

To get back to animals, our grocery stores are full of their body parts, we wear their skins, we ride them, and we test drugs and other products on them. No sane person ever runs to the altar and begs forgiveness for eating a Slim Jim, not that I’m positive they contain meat, but you see what I mean. If it’s okay to eat a steak, it’s okay to step on a live mouse, which I have done.

A century or so ago, nearly no one had qualms about squishing bugs, trapping rats, or shooting pest animals. As people moved into cities and forgot what life was really all about, many human beings developed unhealthy concerns about the welfare of animals, to the point where, in their minds, animals became more important than people.

It’s sick and evil to set animals above people, and it leads to some crazy behavior, such as animal hoarding. It can drive people to deprive others of the consideration God expects them to give, in order to spend their time helping animals.

I know a lady who keeps unwanted animals in a barn, at the expense of a person who would much prefer not to support them. Knowing a tropical storm was coming, she chose to cut dangerous trees around the barn, but she left trees in place beside the home where her grandchildren lived. The barn was unscathed, but the home was destroyed by an enormous tree and had to be replaced. There is no way to justify that kind of perversity and self-righteousness. The animals should be sold, given away, or killed. It’s that simple. Given the chance, I would shoot them all in the head if it was the only way to spare the kids another episode of homelessness.

Here where I live, the Humane Society has a thrift store, and the Salvation Army has one right next to it. I went to donate things, and I found that the Humane Society’s store was huge and stocked with expensive items. The Salvation Army’s store was small and poorly stocked. That’s disgusting and wrong. It made me angry. God will judge the people who drove past a Christian organization that helps addicts and the homeless in order to donate money to help stray animals, most of which should be gassed humanely and cheaply.

There is a hierarchy in the universe. God is on top. Human beings who belong to him come next. Animals and demons are below us. If animals have too much priority in your life, you are also subordinate to demons and Satan.

I often tell a story about my sister and a dog I used to have. This dog was very submissive to almost everyone. He had no respect for my sister, however. She hated authority, especially when males were involved. She hated masculinity itself. She liked palling around with homosexual men. They were little nonthreatening men who were easily commanded, so they made her happy.

She could not submit to our parents and grandparents. She was extremely disrespectful to all of them, even when she was sponging off them and could be turned out into the street at their whims. Which happened more than once.

She had a habit of obtaining small dogs and spoiling them. She made them unbearable to other people. She didn’t housetrain them; they did their business wherever they happened to be, including on beds and couches. She bought them rib eye steak from Whole Foods. When she entered a room, the dogs got what they wanted, and everyone else in the room had to submit and suffer or deal with my sister’s tantrums and torrents of abuse. The dogs ruined floors and carpets.

The dogs had authority over her. She loved evil, she served Satan, so the authority structure was inverted in her life. Satan was at the top, then came demons, then came her dogs, then came her flesh, and then came the people she and her dogs made miserable.

My father, my mother, and I killed some of her dogs and turned one loose. I took one to be euthanized, and so did my mother. She took two, actually. She claimed a mean, untrained poodle got sick and didn’t make it, but in reality, he got an injection and blessed us all by expiring. One of her dogs bared its teeth at my dad at the front door of the house, so he stepped aside and invited it to leave, which it did.

My dog treated me with deference, but he considered himself dominant over my sister.

One day he entered a room where my sister was sitting. He climbed on the couch next to her. He put his feet up against her. He shoved her onto the floor. Then he stretched out in comfort. That’s what he thought of her. He knew she was a loser. He saw something people could not.

If you’re always looking after animals and putting their needs first, you have made yourself subordinate to them. If you’re subordinate to them, you also lack authority over your flesh and demons. You will be subordinate to evil people who don’t know God. You will always be pushed around.

When I see a spider or roach, I kill it. I don’t run for a paper so I can scoop it up, gently deposit it outside in a sunny spot, and pat myself on the back. The other day, I trapped a female coon in my yard. Coons kill livestock and pets, and they spread rabies. I stuck a pistol through the bars of the trap and shot it in the head, and then when it stopped jerking, I threw it over the fence to rot. I shoot squirrels, which damage my property, and throw them into the woods. I poison all sorts of bugs.

I have used glue traps for mice. Sometimes the mice were still alive when I got to them, so I stepped on them to kill them in a hurry. I didn’t like the suffering glue involved, but I thought glue traps were the best type, so I used them. I found that plastic snap traps were better. I use peanut butter to glue smelly anticoagulant rat bait to the traps. When I find a dead mouse, I flush him down the toilet, remove his dried blood from the floor, clean the trap, and start over.

Animals don’t push me around. I’m like Redd Foxx, who said he would run over Bambi if he got in his way. I am better than an animal. I am more important. I love animals, but I also know my place in the universe, and I want to keep it. I don’t want to offend God by discounting my importance and disregarding his right to establish hierarchy.

Under the right circumstances, I won’t hesitate to kill a pest animal that has legal protection. I don’t care how sacred it is to tree-huggers. Good luck catching me out here. Some laws are stupid.

I used to be on the bottom in life. Unpleasant people used to push me around. I had to work with them. I dated them. I tolerated things no one should tolerate. I couldn’t get free. It was humiliating.

When I started putting God first and praying in tongues every day, I started to get promotion. The Bible predicts this. It says promotion comes from God.

When I was away from God, I was putting God at the bottom, whether I realized it or not. When I put God at the bottom, I put Satan at the top. You worship God or Satan. There is no third choice. You may think you worship another God, or that you worship nothing, but if God is not your god, you are a worshiper of Satan.

Because I put God at the bottom, he was not there to lift me above Satan, demons, lower creatures, and rotten people. I was not part of God’s organization, so when I asked him for help, it was as if I worked for Apple and called Bill Gates for help. He was not interested. When you choose your god, you choose the one you go to for help.

Over the years, I have been exalted a step at a time. The people who used to make me miserable are gone. I don’t have a single one left in my life. I never hear from my sister, for example, and I will never tolerate involvement with her again. I would let her live in a refrigerator box before I would be involved with her and subject myself or my wife to abuse. I live in a Christian area. I don’t have to work for a godless boss. I don’t have to walk past gay parades and BLM terrorists to get groceries. I don’t have to wear a mask or hide in my house. I don’t have problem neighbors. I have no creditors.

If you’re giving animals inordinate consideration and honor, your life is in grave disorder. This is especially true if you set them above your spouse or children. It’s a terrible sin to make a person suffer so an animal can do better than it should. If you teach your kids to coddle roaches and mice, you also teach them people, many of whom are sons and daughters of God, are not as important as vermin. You teach your kids they, themselves, are not important or obligated to respect God’s hierarchy.

Mice and rats carry things like Lyme disease, hantavirus, leptospirosis, plague, salmonellosis, and rabies. Some people hoard dogs and cats. Well, they carry lots of diseases, including coronavirus (which rodents also carry). There are people who suffer from the delusion that spiders are our friends, so they never kill them. Nearly any kind of spider will bite, and they cause huge, pus-filled boils even if they’re not poisonous. Happened to me twice.

It may be unpleasant, doing your duty and putting animals beneath human beings, but it’s still your duty. Animals were not created in God’s image. Exalting an animal above a person is an insult to God. God isn’t going to pat you on the back in heaven and congratulate you on leaving your fortune to a cat shelter; he will be very displeased if you do something like that. For $350, you can move a starving Jew to Israel, permanently. You can give money to World Relief and send African girls and boys to school or buy them Bibles or vaccines. In view of facts like these, it will be hard to explain your cat resort in the throne room.

It’s extremely important to recognize and correct an authority inversion in your life. Authority inversions show that you are disrespecting God and that you live a life of abasement and defeat.

If you are on the bottom in life, something is wrong, and it’s not okay with God if you tolerate it. You are supposed to be on top. I’m not saying everyone is supposed to be rich and in charge of other people. I’m saying you shouldn’t be pushed around every day. Horrible people should not run your life. You should be able to cast out demons without much difficulty. Your prayers should get answers. You should receive healings. You should be serving God, and he should be exalting you.

What if you were in the army, and you were a major, and you decided to let privates tell you what to do because you wanted to be popular or you just were not a confrontational person? What would happen if a general showed up and saw you doing their laundry and cleaning their latrines? Would he be understanding? He would relieve you and have you charged with dereliction of duty. Someone else would get your job. When you’re appointed to a position of command, you are required to lead and make tough decisions. It’s not optional. We have to kill mice and rats. We have to put human beings above animals. We have to rule over demons. We don’t get to decide what we will and will not do.

This information can be very helpful to people who can’t figure out why they’re losers. If you can’t win, put God first. Get baptized with the Holy Spirit. Confess, confess, confess. Repent. Pray as much as you can. Ask for correction and treat it like the treasure it is. Become a warrior who defeats demons. Help other people. God will exalt you sooner or later. He won’t leave you on the bottom if you put him on top.

I was a loser, so I know what I’m talking about. Now I win, win, win. God gave me a wife who is a winner, too. She made mistakes, her life went badly, and she got back on the path. We do spiritual warfare together every day. We get revelation. She has visions which turn out to be true. I have dreams that guide me. We are one because we submit to the Holy Spirit as well as we can.

We don’t have to suffer in miserable workplaces where we are taught to fall on our faces before sexual perverts and entitlement junkies. We don’t live among hostile people who vex us with their trashy ways. God did all this for us. We used to lose, and we deserved it, but now we win, together, under God.

My wife is a real treasure. She has exceeded my hopes in every way. I’m so glad I didn’t marry a neurotic American woman with a bridezilla complex and misandry issues; they are very common. I’ve known lots of women, and I can honestly say the thought of being chained to any of them is repugnant now that I know what a real wife looks like. I thought some had potential, but now I know they were snares.

The productive marriages I am familiar with can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but I have seen dozens of scary marriages.

My wife and I are a team, together with God. He is helping us to improve, every day. We don’t have power struggles. I don’t have to worry about her having a fit because I didn’t recycle something or because I couldn’t care less about my carbon footprint. I don’t have to apologize for voting for Trump; she is with me all the way on that. She doesn’t scold and try to correct me like a typical American woman. She doesn’t have gay friends or bitter female friends I have to humor and accommodate. I have no mother-in-law trying to suck the joy out of my life.

Rhodah isn’t a dead weight or an adversary in my walk with God. Whenever I share a revelation with her, she chimes in and completes it with revelation of her own. She maintains her relationship with God because she wants to; I am not the driving force.

When I was a loser, I was not fit for a daughter of God, so I kept running into women who were losing, too. When I put God on top, he changed me so I would be an asset, not a liability. After that, he had an incentive to help me marry well, and look what happened.

I know she reads my blog. Good! She needs to know these things so she will be encouraged. We are one, permanently. Doesn’t matter if praising her bothers other people. She is my flesh, and they never will be. No other person will ever have the special position she has in my life. In comparison, even my best friend is an outsider. I will side with her against anyone but God.

I’ll give you an example of how authority works. A kitten showed up in my wife’s house. It seemed very nice. My wife took pity on it and gave it some food. It decided it loved my wife, because cats love everyone who feeds them. It would dart into the house when she opened the door, so she had to throw it out. It rubbed against her ankles. Did she decide she had to be the cat’s mother? No. She said, “I don’t want a cat.” Period.

She started giving the food through someone else so the cat would not associate it with her. I told her to make sure she didn’t touch the food, so the food would not smell like her.

We were concerned about the cat’s future, and it was also getting on our nerves, so we prayed for it. A couple of days later, the security guard where she lives took it home to his family. Problem solved. The cat didn’t make my wife a slave, because my wife is better than a cat, but the cat still got what it needed. It is no longer our headache.

There was nothing we could do for it in the natural. You can’t bring a cat from Africa to the US, and she didn’t want the cat anyway. Things worked out great.

One nice thing about Africa is that they know the difference between an animal and a person. Dog sweaters and boots will never be big sellers there.

When you put God on top, he puts other creatures beneath you. He defends you from manipulation.

I hope this material helps people. If you feel beaten down, and you can’t understand why you can’t get away from people who ruin life, you need to put God first so he can put you first. Don’t believe the garbage about God giving people “grace” to live contentedly as punching bags. That’s not what the word “grace” means. If you live a life of defeat, it’s because you LACK God’s grace. “Grace” means supernatural help, and God has repeatedly promised his children they will be the head and not the tail.

Proud people may read this and think, “Just you wait. You are lucky, so you don’t understand. Wait till it happens to you.”

It already did happen to me. Defeat was my lifestyle. God showed me the way out. You can have relief, but if you prefer to hold onto unprofitable ideas, you certainly may.

2 Responses to “When Horses Ride Men, Something is Wrong”

  1. Ivermectin Says:

    You mentioned the Salvation Army. They recently went woke and it has not gone well for them.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    I saw that. This winter, I was not able to make myself support them. I saw them outside stores and walked right by them.