Some Dogs go to Heaven

April 19th, 2021

We Were all Dogs Once

It looks like I had some prophetic dreams last night.

In one dream, I was in my front yard. I saw a black dual-rotor helicopter flying above my back yard. It was moving around a lot. It even did a vertical loop. It traveled to the left and right, so it was not clear whether it was going to land on my property or just continue moving around the area.

The sides of the helicopter were open, so I could see inside it.

I kept hoping it would not land in my yard. I felt it belonged to the government, and unannounced visits from black government helicopters are not good things.

Of course, it landed there.

I walked through the house into the backyard. A military man who was part of the helicopter’s crew walked part of the way toward me from the helicopter. He was yelling at me as though he had authority. I was yelling at him, too. I was not happy his machine had landed in my yard.

People streamed toward me from the helicopter, and dogs came with them. There were all sorts of dogs. The biggest ones were very large, and the smallest would have weighed around two pounds. The people seemed happy to be there, as though they had just arrived in a place where they looked forward to doing things that were important to them. The dogs also looked happy. They seemed ready to serve.

I moved to the right side of my house and put myself in a position to block people and dogs who were walking through it to the front yard. I blocked a couple of women. One was a tall, flatchested lady with short, curly reddish hair. She wore a man’s shirt and khaki pants. She was walking a big dog. I demanded she tell me who the people were and what they were doing on my land. She smiled and said, “It’s difficult to say.”

No one paid any attention to my efforts to get them to leave. I could not tell anyone what to do. Someone else was commanding them.

I looked behind the house, and there were dozens of colorful tents set up. They were there for some kind of festival. In the front yard, people were milling around, doing this and that. A band plugged instruments in and started making sounds. I thought they were going to play rock music, so I looked for their power cords so I could unplug them.

I told Rebecca about the dream, and she reminded me that I had prayed for God to make my home like Bethel, where the angels traveled to and from heaven on Jesus Christ.

It seems to me that the people were angels sent by God. They refused to listen to me because we don’t have authority over angels. They listen only to God. Demons have to obey us, but angels don’t. The people were cheerful and friendly. They were just completely uncooperative.

A lot of Christians like to wave their hands and say they command angels to do this or that. It’s idolatry. Even Jesus did not command angels. He said he could ask God to send them.

The dogs were unbelievers they were bringing here, to serve me and to become children of God. The Bible uses dogs to symbolize unbelievers.

A Samaritan woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter, and he referred to them as dogs. He said he had come to the children first, and that it was not appropriate to give the children’s bread to dogs. She said dogs were allowed to eat crumbs that fell from the table, and he healed her daughter.

Goliath asked David if he was a dog before David killed him. God told the Jews they couldn’t eat meat from animals “torn to pieces in the field.” The meat was to be given to dogs. This was a picture of the dietary laws, which didn’t bind Gentiles.

The psalms refer to the people who cruficied Jesus as dogs: “For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.”

I recall Meir Kahane referring to Palestinians as dogs on camera.

I also dreamed my friend Mike came to visit me, bringing his son. This is something which is actually going to happen in May, God willing. For some reason, I was in a hotel room instead of my house. I found myself on a bed, rubbing and kissing a dog. The dog was beside itself with happiness. I noticed someone had thrown their underwear in the sink, and I complained, saying we had to have rules if we were going to share quarters. A red-haired European man was also there. He and Mike’s son had brought the dog. Mike’s son has red hair.

Somehow we ended up at my house, and Mike disappeared. I found him out back. This was before the festival dream. By the time I got outside, which took a few seconds, he had done a bunch of work on the house and landscaping. A lot of dirt had been dug up, and he had removed some rows of stone from the outer wall near the roof. My house isn’t made of stones.

I always ask God to send people and spirits to take care of me and all that I have, and to help me spend my time serving him. It looks like he heard me.

The dog seems to be a person brought by people and spirits so I could introduce him to God’s love. The underwear in the sink refers to the way Christians who don’t know a lot tend to drag other Christians backward by bringing their worldly ways into our lives. For example, they may push you to watch movies that hinder you by opening your house to demons. The sink is the source of God’s cleansing living water.

I always say too many Christians treat church like a washing machine. Many times, I’ve said they throw their dirty underwear in the machine, put it back on after church, and then spend the rest of the week soiling it again.

In the Bible, clothing represents the things we do in self-righteousness, and it also represents the flesh.

I also dreamed I bought a pornographic magazine. While I was in the shower, which represents prayer in tongues, I opened it and looked at it halfheartedly. I didn’t see anything. The pages that weren’t covered in pornography fell across the others. I quit and put it down.

Later, I saw my cell phone. The screen was blank except for huge capital letters reading, “BEWARE, HUMAN!”

I took all this to be a warning about sexual sin, although in the Bible, sexual sin represents idolatry, including putting the secular and political world before Jesus.

It may be that God is saying he is sending help to prepare me and what I have for marriage and to give me and Rebecca success in reaching people for him. In the Bible, marriages were big festivals, and Jesus said the angels celebrate over every sinner who repents.

This is certainly better than the nightmares that filled my childhood. It beats dreaming the devil comes up a tube through a manhole under your bed and chases you.

Why would angels use a black vehicle? I think it shows that most people can’t see God coming. To most people, the rapture will come like a thief in the night, but the Bible says it will not come that way to his children. Painting a helicopter black may conceal it at night, but not when it arrives on a sunny day, doing flips and turns in your yard.

The first time Jesus came, he criticized Jews who didn’t believe him, saying they could predict the next day’s weather by looking at the sky at night, but they couldn’t understand the time they were living in. Clearly, we are expected to know what’s happening during this age.

It’s wonderful to hear from God. I expect it to increase.

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