Can’t Believe I Wasted $30 on a Baseball Cap

January 7th, 2021

Greatness is Behind us; Ahead, the Abyss

I generally avoid looking at the news. It’s written by dishonest and deceived people who don’t know God, and the enemy uses it to destroy faith, denigrate Christianity, and promote all sorts of sin and perversion. It’s generally not helpful, and as I have noted in the past, Smith Wigglesworth refused to allow newspapers in his house.

I suppose what he did makes sense. Like the Talmud, newspapers are full of gossip, and God hates gossip. Much of what we think of as legitimate news is just gossip.

In spite of my habit of ignoring the news, I have seen a few things lately. It certainly looks like Joe Biden and the woman who will probably succeed him this year will be installed in office on January 20.

Nothing is certain, and it’s wrong to walk by sight. For all I know, something unexpected will happen during the next two weeks, and Biden’s victory will be invalidated. That would be nice. But things generally go the way they’re expected to.

Trump has not conceded, but he says there will be an orderly transition on the day of the inauguration, so concession doesn’t seem all that important.

Yesterday, a group of carnal Republicans did the unthinkable. They rioted at the Capitol. It looks like they forced their way in and shoved the police. Congress was trying to certify the electoral vote, and the mob was not having it. An unarmed conservative lady was killed by the police, for reasons that have not been explained.

News outlets were very quick to use the word “rioters,” even though they have never applied the term to the left’s terrorists. They are also trying to convince people the crowd carried two bombs. I looked into that, and as of yesterday, it appeared that this rumor was shaky. The only story I saw that described the “bombs” said a couple of pipes and some wires had been found. Doesn’t matter what was found. These objects are now bombs in the minds of the public, and the press will probably see to it that this impression is reinforced.

I have seen stories containing the phrase “4 dead,” as though Republicans had swarmed through the Capitol shooting random people with AR-15’s. I later learned that three people died from medical problems during the kerfuffle. Now, if you die from a stroke or heart attack or a bad fall at a Republican gathering, you’re a murder victim, and Republicans are the killers. I wonder how many people have died during the left’s terrorist attacks over the last 12 months. At least 32 people have died violent deaths. I don’t know the figure for deaths from natural causes, because no one reports it. There is no reason for them to report it, because it has no relevance to legitimate news.

Some people are calling the protest an attempted coup. That’s preposterous. A small, unarmed bunch of excited Trump supporters disrupting a session of Congress can’t expect to take over the nation, and no one with common sense or integrity would suggest they tried. They were just making a foolish, last-ditch, illegal protest out of desperation. No one in the crowd seriously thought they were going to install a new government.

These people were encouraged not by President Trump’s nonexistent incitement but by the way the left’s terrorists have gotten away with murder. They thought they, too, were entitled to act up. It doesn’t work that way. Leftists always get a pass. Conservatives have the book thrown at them. These people should have known that.

The response to the protest has been over the top. Leftists have been committing terrorism systematically for months, and their actions have been mischaracterized as legitimate protests. They have even been praised. Now one group of misguided conservatives has entered the Capitol unlawfully, shoved the police, and then gone home as ordered, and they are demonized as violent revolutionaries.

It’s a big victory for the Antichrist community. They finally have one example of conservatives performing what can arguably be called a riot. They will not let it go. They will hold this atypical event to their chests and guard it and polish it like a rare precious stone, and they will display it over and over to justify their tyranny and terrorism.

I’m very disappointed in the people who stormed Congress. It was a ridiculous, counterproductive thing to do. It provided the left with a propaganda bomb, it turned many conservatives against Trump, and worst of all, it brought conservatives down closer to the level leftists traditionally occupy.

How long have I been saying it? America is not going to be saved. Trump was an aberration; an outlier. He helped the patient rally, but the patient is still going to die. Waving signs, wearing red hats, encouraging conservatives to vote, and buying guns will not fix our problems. America has been destroyed by pride and idolatry. If there were a path back to victory, it would only be through repentance and prayer.

Carnal people don’t understand. They seriously believe Trump is their savior. As recently as last year, they were gloating over the left, saying things would continue swing in the right’s favor. It was idiocy. We had lost the House. We had a tiny, shaky majority in the Senate. We had an unpopular president who had lost the popular vote. We had a majority in the Supreme Court, but Joe Biden has the power to pack the court, so the Supreme Court is not much of a levee. We were never ascendant. We were just experiencing a short period of grace. America’s decline into defeat and depravity never stopped.

The damage isn’t just political. I have seen at least three people prophesy that Trump would be re-elected. I know there are others. What are we going to say when Biden shuffles to the podium and takes the oath? What will we say about our relationship with God? We tell the world we have the answers. We say, “God will do nothing but he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets.”

A prominent “prophet” named Hank Kunneman said God was giving Trump another term. Some pastor in Las Vegas said the same thing. A lady I watch on Youtube said it. I wasn’t watching her for the purpose of hearing about the future, and I never assumed she was right, but I thought she might be. There must be many preachers across America who have “prophesied” a second Trump term. What will they say now?

Most likely, their failures will be ignored. That’s what we traditionally do with false prophets. We’ll forget their mistakes and continue to accept future predictions, as though nothing had gone wrong.

I wonder if it will occur to leftists to make compilation videos of the false prophecies.

I’ve enjoyed watching a preacher named T.B. Joshua. He’s a Nigerian. It appears that he truly does heal people, and had has given people words of knowledge that appear to have been true. He predicted Princess Diana’s death. At the end of 2019, he provided his prophecy for the 2020.

Most of what he said did not come true. He said there would be a big event in Iran that would shake the world. Never happened. He said world leaders would have health problems. Never happened. He said 2020 would be a year of humbling and fear, and that came true, but it’s a pretty vague prediction. I can assure you that 2021 will be a year of humbling and fear, but I can’t call it a prophecy. It’s just obvious.

A now-famous pastor named Dana Coverstone issued a video prophecy. He correctly predicted the pandemic and a coin shortage, but he also predicted things that didn’t happen. He said Chinese, Russian, and UN troops would be in the US in 2020, because of the election. Didn’t happen.

We have lots of self-anointed prophets but not much accurate prophecy.

This morning while I was praying, I thought about Samson. I have said that America reminds me of him. He defeated his enemies easily while God’s power flowed through him, but he let himself be seduced by a worldly woman, and he told her the secret of his strength. She had someone shave his head, and when he rose up to fight his enemies, they restrained him easily and shoved a knife into his eyes.

America is like Samson. We love to crow, “USA! USA!,” as though we were a race of superheroes whose innate power made us invincible, but we’re just like other people. We are not particularly strong or smart. Only God gave us victory, and we have turned away from him. We turned away from prayer, which was the hair that gave us strength. Now we are not only weak but blinded. What are we supposed to do if our prophets can’t see?

The news is now nearly completely useless. Journalism is a thing of the past. Our supernatural eyes have been put out, and our natural eyes only see what Satan allows to be put in front of them.

I have been trying to assess the things I believe I receive from God, so I know which ones to discard and which ones I can rely on.

I have developed a habit of asking God yes or no questions, and it has usually worked, but there have been too many failures to ignore. I felt as though God said “yes” when I asked if Trump would be reelected, for example. I never made a prophecy about it, and I never said I was sure it would happen, but I felt it strongly. This is just one example of supposed answers that didn’t pan out. I think it’s best to stop relying on the practice of asking God yes or no questions. Maybe it will eventually start working, but for the moment, it isn’t.

I have a strong habit of prayer in tongues. It works. It never doesn’t work. It’s very powerful. It has never let me down. I’m not letting it go.

Based on something I saw in a Derek Prince video, I tried prophesying at will. So far, it has not caused any problems. I don’t think I’ve said anything crazy yet. It has been very helpful. I plan to hold onto this practice until I find a reason to give it up.

For what it’s worth, I keep hearing that punishment is about to fall on the world and that I should not be concerned about it because I will be spared and kept separate. I keep hearing that people have made their choice and that there is no point in praying for them. I don’t mean there is no point in praying for individuals. I mean there is no point in praying for nations or the world. The world planted a harvest, and now it has to eat it.

Maybe these things are wrong. I’ll watch and see, and if they don’t come to pass, I’ll know something was amiss, and I’ll correct myself.

I haven’t heard anything about civil war, but it appears to be beginning. The potential combatants are armed and ready. Many are like racehorses eager to burst out of the gate. It also seems that Christians will take part in it. Most Christians are carnal. They are not transformed. They’re just like unbelievers. They are proud. They believe in hard work and self-confidence, not the charity of God. It’s no wonder we see conservatives and Christians beginning to act like the Antichrist’s children. Many are his children; they just don’t know it. Anyone who depends on, and has faith in, the flesh is a child of the devil.

The Bible says that during the tribulation, spirits of lack, murder, and disease will be released. The spirit of murder will rule the leftist tyrants and terrorists, as well as the Christian and conservative people who think the AR-15 is the tool that will save them. It won’t be hard to get fake Christians out in the streets in plate carriers and ballistic helmets. They’ll think they’re serving God by shooting at leftists.

I don’t want to be here for the tribulation. I do not want to be part of a militia. I don’t want to be in a position where I have to choose between defending my home with violence or being killed or enslaved. I don’t want to be a puppet of the Antichrist. I don’t want to see America turn into a video game or a disaster movie.

This earth is not worth fighting over. Not until the appointed time, which is pretty far off. Jesus himself refused to do it.

I dread seeing Biden and his eager successor Harris take over. Things are going to deteriorate badly once they and the new Senate are in power. Our gun rights are dead. Our speech rights are dead. Our property will eventually be taken and distributed to the obedient. Our liberty and lives will be taken.

Trump isn’t coming back in 2024. He’ll be lucky if he isn’t arrested and executed, along with his family.

We just saw a disgraceful, disgusting thing happen in the Capitol, and I am not referring to the protest. Democrat Representative Emanual Cleaver delivered the opening prayer for the 117th congress, and he concluded with an attack on the trinity and Jesus:

Now may the God who created the world and everything in it bless us and keep us. May the Lord make his face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. May the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us and give us peace — peace in our families, peace across this land and, dare I ask, oh Lord — peace even in this chamber, now and ever more. We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names by many different faiths. Amen and A-woman.

Brahma. “A-woman.” This is what America has come to.

God is Yahweh, the Jewish God, and no other. He is Yeshua and the Spirit of Holiness. He is not Brahma. Brahma is an evil spirit or group of spirits who lead people to hell. To worship Brahma is to worship Satan and hate Jesus. It means nothing when people honor “god.” The word “god” is not specific. Jesus called Satan the god of this world. You have to acknowledge Jesus by name, or you’re against the Father.

“Amen” is Hebrew for, “It is true.” It is unrelated to the word “men.” Cleaver was taking a swat at God’s masculinity and his will that our leaders be men. God is not female. The human race is feminine in relationship to God. We were supposed to be his bride.

Cleaver’s revolting prayer is a slap in the face to God. It’s as though he were sent to cleanse Congress of the Holy Spirit’s presence so Satan can rule.

It’s as though Satan were announcing the transition in advance. I suppose that in the supernatural realm, the transition has already been made. Maybe Cleaver’s filthy prayer is punctuation, indicating the end of Christian America and the official start of Satan’s America, and by extension, Satan’s complete rule over the world.

America was the last major stronghold of God.

I suppose I’m all done praying for America. I see no point in spinning my wheels. I’ll focus on maintaining the bubble I live in and on trying to bring other individuals in.

4 Responses to “Can’t Believe I Wasted $30 on a Baseball Cap”

  1. Juan Paxety Says:

    Mr. Xiden will be given the full Ginsburg treatment to keep him going for two years and a day. Then Comma-la can fill his term and two full terms after.

    I figured Mr. Trump would lose when people at his rallies began chanting “we love you.” Putting their trust in man.

  2. John Bowen Says:

    I have to disagree with you on praying for America, even though I agree with most of what you have to say today. 1 Timothy chapter 2, verses 1 through 4 does not seem conditional. I will also say that I always place praying for the peace of Jerusalem and Isreal above and before all others, after having said the Lord’s Prayer.

    Stay strong in the Faith.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    I hoped God would overlook the way people made Trump an idol, given the alternatives.

  4. Rick C Says:

    “Mr. Xiden will be given the full Ginsburg treatment to keep him going for two years and a day. Then Comma-la can fill his term and two full terms after.”

    Everyone keeps betting on how fast Xiden will be pushed aside, but what you said above is what my position’s been. No way they’ll give up the chance to get what is effectively 3 terms for her.