My New Washing Machine and Thoughts on Vaccination

December 28th, 2020

Keep Your Genes Clean

I have fantastic news. My washing machine is going to have to be replaced.

As we move toward the Antichrist’s colonial-organism, totalitarian model of civilization, we are facing increasing governmental intrusions on our private affairs.

I know. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

Appliances and other products are filling up with “features” that make us miserable. Leftists have a sick fantasy of a future in which everybody is green, smitten with homosexuality, vegan, and virtuously poor, and they are reaching into our lives in unexpected ways in order to force their perverted, pathological vision on sane people.

Case in point: washing machines. They don’t work any more. Washing machines were targeted because they use a lot of water and power. Leftists think the world is going to run out of water and energy, and they aren’t as interested in cleanliness as the rest of us, so they went after our washing machines and ruined them.

If you have a washing machine made in the last few years, you probably smell like Roquefort cheese when you sweat or rain hits your clothes. Modern washing machines use very little water, and for some reason, the technology that reduces water consumption causes mold to grow in them. You can’t get rid of it. You can leave the machine door open all the time so it gets as dry as possible. You can buy ridiculous fans that sit in washing machines and speed up drying. You can run bleach through your machine. You can clean the rubber gaskets with bleach. It doesn’t work. You may get some improvement, but wait for the next rainy, humid day, and you will still smell like dirty gym socks.

Statists aren’t interested in practicality. They’re interested in the messages products send. It’s okay if you smell. If it bothers you, it proves you’re bourgeois. The French don’t bathe much, and they’re better than us. They’re chic.

Statists love shoving half-baked technology down our throats to solve problems we don’t really have. They can never wait for the good technology. You have to have curly fluorescent bulbs that don’t work, NOW (rhymes with “Mao”). You have to have hybrid cars that only work because of subsidies NOW. You have to smell like a slice of green, furry bread NOW.

If modern washing machines are so bad, why is it good news that my machine is dying? Won’t I just have to replace it with another cheese-smelling mold farm? No! There are still a couple of machines that work, and I just bought one.

Many people think Speed Queen machines are the answer. Speed Queen makes commercial equipment, and they also make consumer products. Until 2017, they still made very sturdy washers that didn’t smell, used plenty of water, and completed cycles in less than an hour, the way washers used to. Unfortunately, they stopped making the good machines, and they replaced them with bad ones. The last good ones have “432” in the model numbers. If you buy a 2020 Speed Queen, you’re buying failure and heartache with a plastic water pump, and it will cost you a thousand dollars anyway.

My plan was to let my LG machine wear out and replace it with a Speed Queen. Then when it started making noises, I researched, and I found that Maytag was the answer. Nearly all Maytags are modern garbage, but they have a couple of models that work.

I learned this from a guy who is obsessed with washers and dryers. He runs a website called Loraine Furniture. He buys washers, takes them home, runs them, and makes Youtube videos. He refurbishes old washers. Many people are starting to realize it’s better to put $500 into an old GE than to spend $600 on a new Samsung that stinks.

The washer guy used to tell people to buy Speed Queen. Then Speed Queen gave up the good fight. Things looked bad, but then he discovered Maytag’s new machines.

If you buy a new Maytag, it will fill all the way up with water, like a real washing machine. It will load from the top, sparing your lower back and making it unnecessary to spend a hundred bucks on a base that lifts the machine and screws up the geometry of your laundry room. It will wash your clothing in something like 40 minutes, not 90. My LG has a time display on it, and it claims it will do a normal load in under 45 minutes. When I use it, I set the oven timer for 90 minutes, because the LG’s display lies like crazy.

Remember the days when you could do three loads of laundry in one afternoon? You can have those days back.

Here’s another problem with modern machines, and it’s a wonderful paradox: you can’t fill them very full, because they won’t get the clothes in the middle of the machine wet. I’ve removed dry clothing from my LG several times. It’s really something. It’s a great example of how statist thinking is self-defeating. They sell you a front-loading machine which is supposed to hold more clothing and save water and electricity. Then you have to run it twice to do one load, killing the water and power savings and wasting your time. They also add special “extra water” features which prove the manufacturers know the whole business is a hoax.

If you get a Maytag, you will be able to fill it up, the way you’re supposed to.

The Maytag he recommends is model number MVWP575GW. Lowe’s has a sister model which is basically the same, except the warranty isn’t as good. Why buy the Lowe’s model? Because it’s at Lowe’s, where you can get it easily and quickly. When your washer fails, you don’t have time to wait for the perfect deal.

Maytag’s machine is a commercial-style washer, and thankfully, it has very few features. Remember how your old washer had about 5 settings, and it worked great? That’s how the Maytag is. You don’t need a fragile video display and special modes called “Power Fluf” and “Techno Steam” to get clean laundry. Do you think professional launderers buy machines with video displays and stupid features? Of course not. But they get clothes cleaner than you do.

Why am I giving you this advice? Because your washer may fail soon, and if you’ve had it for 20 years, you may have no idea what you’re up against. If it’s a good machine, consider investing in expensive repairs. If not, Maytag will solve your problems for about a thousand dollars.

Will the Maytag be available when you need it? No idea. I’m surprised it’s legal and available right now.

Lowe’s says my new machine will be here tomorrow, which probably means next Tuesday, but I believe my LG will keep running until then, so I’m fine. Even if I have to go to a laundromat, it will be worth it.

Incidentally, never buy an LG appliance. If it breaks (and it will) you will not be able to call your familiar, reasonably-priced appliance repairman. LG will force you to hire their people. At least that’s what they did to me when my last (nearly new) LG broke. Maybe they’ve changed their policy. I won’t bother checking, because I have had two LG washers break down, I was forced to use their repair people once, their washers make clothes reek, and I don’t see any reason to have anything to do with LG in the future.

Greenie washers are generally front-loaders, and that’s bad, because front-loaders don’t last. There is a reason why nearly all washers used to be top-loaders. A top-loading tub doesn’t put a lot of stress on a machine’s mechanics. Obviously, a horizontally-mounted tub containing 40 pounds of wet laundry, spinning and stopping, supported by a single underengineered bearing, is eventually going to go funny. My last LG’s tub got out of alignment while it was spinning, and the tub knocked the magnets off the motor, destroying it. My current LG has a bearing screech, but it still runs. You can buy a new bearing for about $25, but installing it is like putting a new timing belt in your car. You don’t want to try, believe me.

I have been dreaming of getting a real washing machine for years. I hope it works out.

What else is on my mind? Covid! People are saying the vaccine is the mark of the Beast. Christians aren’t the only ones who don’t want it. Jews in Israel are resisting, which is odd, since they don’t believe the Revelation. I don’t know what their complaint is.

When covid was young, I thought a vaccine was a great idea. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. They’re generally nutcases and neurotics. Science-illiterate moms who think with their hormones. I’m a huge fan of flu vaccines, and I wanted the covid shot. When I heard people talking about the mark of the Beast, I wondered what was wrong with them.

Now I’m hearing disturbing things about it. I heard a podcast today, and Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat says the Israeli government is considering a bunch of “incentives” to make people take the shot. Among them: you will not be prevented from getting a mortgage, and you will not be prevented from boarding flights.

Doesn’t “incentive” mean a reward, not a punishment?

I can’t find independent confirmation of the threats to restrict borrowing and air travel, but I found a story saying Israel will provide vaccinated people with “green passports” allowing them to go to restaurants and other public gatherings and to fly without being tested for covid.

What, exactly, is “green” about vaccination? I wonder if “green” means the same thing in Israel and the US.

Another question: since vaccines aren’t completely effective, is it intelligent to release vaccinated people to mingle with the rest of us? Some vaccines have effectiveness rates below 50 percent, and many scientists expect the covid vaccine’s immunity to wear off quickly. Does it really make sense to turn the vaccine into a license to go out and breathe on crowds? Are the rewards really about science, or are they about showing us what Mommy State does for good boys and girls?

In any case, the vaccine appears to have the potential to have similarities to the mark of the Beast.

If you don’t have the mark, you will be devastated financially and socially. You won’t be allowed to buy or sell. It’s a Nuremberg sort of thing. People who reject the vaccine probably won’t be completely excluded from commerce, but they may face punishments (“incentives”) that severely limit their participation in important activities, and if so, they will be stigmatized and hated.

It reminds me of something God told me the other day: the rapture isn’t just an event; it’s also a process. Long before God removes you from the earth, he will change you internally and help you reject the world’s sick culture. He will help you give up secular entertainment and worthless pursuits like fornication and recreational drinking.

There are two earthly raptures: God’s, and Satan’s. God is pulling us out of society (and society out of us), while Satan is using force to drive people deeper into society and the arms of the state.

This year has been a wonderful training exercise for the Beast. Like Jesus, he has a body, and he has been using things like BLM, Antifa, and covid to train it. He has taught people to become filthy, entitled, violent, and openly bigoted against white people, men, conservatives, Southerners, and Christians. Jews are also getting some overspray.

The vaccine is not the mark of the Beast. It can’t be. The Bible says the mark will be put on people’s right hands or foreheads (probably for people who don’t have right hands). The vaccine doesn’t fit that description. Also, the Bible says the man who will be called the Beast will be revealed before the mark appears. The Beast has not been revealed.

Does all this mean the vaccine and the mark are not connected? Not necessarily.

Satan has been using 2020 to train people to serve him without reservation or hesitation. He has been removing all the internal obstacles that help people resist him. The vaccine may be a way of preparing people to receive the mark. By the time the mark gets here, we may have been forced to do so many other things, in the name of good, that taking the mark will seem like just another trivial violation we need to get over with. Just get it done. Get in line, stick your hand out, take the mark, get the “I Took the Mark” sticker, and go home and wait for your good boy check.

I am no longer willing to receive the vaccine. Too many people are wary about it, and many are Spirit-filled Christians. They may not have a proper understanding of the science, and they may not understand what’s wrong with the vaccine, but it sure looks like the Holy Spirit is filling people with concern.

Many people think the vaccine permanently changes your DNA. From what I’ve read, this is not correct. I’ve read that it uses RNA to trick your cells into manufacturing covid proteins so your body can create antibodies. I’ve read that the effect is temporary and doesn’t alter your DNA. Maybe that’s true (and maybe scientists are wrong, which happens), but it may be that an RNA vaccine is a tool to prepare us to accept shots that really do alter our DNA.

If common people can’t tell the difference between an RNA vaccine and a DNA vaccine now, many won’t be able to tell the difference later when we are offered another “harmless” vaccine that really does change our DNA. They’ll think it’s another RNA vaccine, or they’ll think it’s a DNA vaccine and that it’s okay to take it because they already had one that didn’t harm them.

Satan likes to move in baby steps. One day, you’re voting for Hitler to build up the German economy, and down the road, you’re cheering while the Einsatzgruppen round up your Jewish neighbors so they can drive them out of town and shoot them next to a ditch.

For all I know, the mark is something that alters DNA.

It’s an interesting question. Most people don’t realize that the battle in the supernatural realm is genocidal. Satan and God and fighting to get rid of each other’s seed. Satan was rightly partially castrated in the flood, and he is a castrater and abortionist. There are two families: God’s, and Satan’s, and God and Satan are working toward futures in which their families have overwhelming dominance and numbers on earth.

What is it that makes you a member of another person’s biological family? DNA. If you’re a Christian, you know that blessings and curses are hereditary. At least part of the time, DNA is involved. Intelligence, health, talent, good character, and looks are inherited. So are stupidity, mental illness, criminal tendencies, addictive tendencies, ugliness, sickle cell anemia, Huntington’s chorea, many cancers, dwarfism, and, some believe, homosexuality.

If you let a scientist change your DNA, isn’t it possible you’re changing your divine inheritance? Maybe your salvation depends in part on your DNA. Maybe changing it can make you a child of Satan and cause your blessings to be replaced with curses. That would certainly explain why every person who takes the mark will be damned.

Maybe spirits see our DNA, and when it contains certain flags, they enter us and do what they do, or they pass by because it says they’re barred. Maybe it’s like the blood on the lintels during the first Passover.

The flood was God’s effort to cleanse the earth of the DNA of fallen angels who impregnated women. What if the mark is Satan’s effort to use science to spread that DNA? What if he’s trying to hack DNA in order to cheat in the genocidal war? He uses the internet to imitate the way the Holy Spirit connects Christians. Why wouldn’t he use gene modification to imitate the spread of salvation?

I won’t take the vaccine. Not until I have reason to be comfortable with it. Covid is a mild disease, I’m not afraid of death, and I think I’ve already had covid. It’s not a big deal to me. The prospect of getting deeper into the body of the Beast is repugnant to me.

Right now, I may have three decades of life left, and they’re the worst decades, unless you count childhood, which is pretty awful. On top of that, I would have to live them in a world that hates me with unprecedented intensity and cruelty. I’m not all that desperate to be here during the diaper and weakness years.

We all get old. We all fall apart. We all die. It’s going to happen to every person who reads this, barring the rapture or early death. How hard are you willing to work to hold on just a little longer? What are you willing to give up? The word says he that loves his life will lose it.

One Response to “My New Washing Machine and Thoughts on Vaccination”

  1. Mike Says:

    Timely post, just moved back into our house that had been sitting empty for 20 years and both the dryer and washer motors were seized with rust.