The New Abnormal

November 1st, 2020

This is How You Prepare for Guests in 2020

Today I decided to take a small step toward preparing for post-election leftist terrorism. I looked into protective gear, and I ordered a red dot scope and a better laser for my rifles.

I have been through a number of elections, and I have been concerned about election outcomes before, but I can’t recall being concerned about the other side trying to harm me physically or take my home, my possessions, and my wealth. This is new, for the United States of America. I don’t think we’ve seen an atmosphere like this since Sherman marched through Georgia.

I’m not overreacting, either. Leftist terrorism started months ago, so no one can say I’m concerned about something that isn’t going to happen. It’s happening today. It happens every day. The only uncertainty concerns degree and duration. Will the terrorism decrease or increase? Will it go away quickly, or is it a permanent part of a new way of life?

It’s a permanent part of a new way of life. You can take that to the bank. The terrorists have no goal, so they have no reason to declare that their campaign of violence is over. When sane people fight for a cause, they have a goal in mind, and when they reach that goal, they stop. Leftist terrorists don’t have a goal that has been articulated or which can be achieved. Some say they will stop when racism is abolished. Of course, that can never happen. It would be like the abolition of bad table manners or shoplifting. There are nearly 8 billion people on earth, and they can’t all be changed. Even if they could, leftist terrorists redefine racism all the time. These days they say all white people are racists. That means racism can never end until all white people are killed. Terrorists have come up with a farcical goal which, to them, justifies unending anti-white racism and violence against innocent people.

Will terrorism decrease or increase after the election? I think it will ramp up until our cities and suburbs are Iraq-style “red zones,” at least where Democrats are in charge. Terrorists in such areas have no reason to quit, and they have ample incentive to continue. They get free stuff by looting. Many are paid by BLM, which is a multi-billion-dollar concern funded by insane Caucasians. The lowest people on earth, who would ordinarily be ignored, are now given bullhorns and the privilege of cursing at random citizens; they enjoy a certain type of local fame, so their already-swollen egos are pumped up. They don’t face prosecution. They don’t have to compensate their victims. What possible reason could they have for quitting? It’s not like they have productive careers they’re putting on hold.

Today I went so far as to look into body armor and helmets. I couldn’t resist. I’ve even considered spending $3000 on an infrared rifle scope so I can kill terrorists who invade my property at night.

Helmets are interesting. These days, armies use plastic helmets which can turn small-arms fire. They’re more resistant than the steel helmets our soldiers wore in Vietnam. There are problems with them, however. If you hit one near the rim, it’s much more likely to let a round go through. If you hit it once, you will shatter the plastic where the round lands, and the next round will either go through or push the shattered plastic in so far the round will shatter the wearer’s skull. Plastic helmets are only good for a few rounds.

A couple of companies have tried to market steel helmets made from better steel than the old Vietnam helmets. When you shoot these helmets, it doesn’t matter whether you’re near the rim. The protection is the same. And they don’t shatter, so if two rounds land in the same area, you aren’t relying on a floppy mass of kevlar to protect you. They don’t deform as much as plastic helmets, so if you’re hit, the round is less likely to push the helmet into your skull. A damaged helmet can be pounded back into shape. And steel helmets don’t weigh any more than plastic ones.

People ridicule steel helmets. Do they know what they’re talking about, or are they like the backward folks who resisted the use of rifle scopes for 50 years? My guess is that steel is better, but asking me about ballistic helmets is like asking a podiatrist about astronomy.

Steel bashers say plastic helmets confine bullet fragments after they’re hit, while steel bounces them in random directions. You can coat a steel helmet with stuff that supposedly reduces this problem, but does it work? And is the risk of being hit by fragments more important than the higher risk of being killed by an intact round while wearing plastic? I don’t know.

You can get a used military helmet for $200 on Ebay. A new steel helmet costs the same amount, without accessories. A new plastic helmet from a top company like Wendy will run over a grand. That’s a lot of money for a helmet that caves in and becomes flexible after one round. Are you supposed to buy several and keep spares on hand in a conflict?

Here’s the only thing I know for sure: protecting your head from bullets is very expensive.

I checked out vests called “plate carriers.” They have pockets for armor made from steel and other materials. Depending on how badly you want to stay alive, you can get different types of plates. Supposedly, ceramic is the best, but if you drop one, you ruin it. I don’t get that. How can a plate that can’t be dropped survive a rifle round? There are also bare steel plates, which throw fragments, and there are coated steel plates which throw fewer fragments. And some plates are heavier than others.

It looks like I would have to blow close to $700 to get something that would work against typical rifles.

When you start thinking about preparing for war, you understand how inexpensive peace is.

There is good news. The best material for building bulletproof barriers is cheap. It’s sand. You just need bags. It’s too bad you can’t buy a vest full of sand, plus a sand helmet.

I think it will be a long time before terrorists make it to my farm, but many people aren’t so blessed. I wonder what people who are stuck in cities are feeling right now. I wonder about people who live in suburbs that are close to cities. They used to be safe from rioting, but the terrorists are now making a point of taking it to people who fled cities for protection.

Not only are people close to cities more likely to be harmed; they are more likely to be prosecuted for defending themselves. Look at the McCloskeys and Kyle Rittenhouse. Where I live, the McCloskeys would never have been charged, and Rittenhouse–as pure a victim as has ever existed–would have been given a parade. If you’re trespassing on my land with a weapon and bad intentions, I can shoot you dead, and that will be the end of it. If I lived in a place like Chicago or Austin or Atlanta, and an armed invader approached, I would have to choose between death and a high likelihood of a bankrupting prosecution followed by an unjust imprisonment.

I’ll say it again: the rapture can’t come soon enough.

The Bible calls the tribulation “the hour of temptation.” Murderous feelings will increase, and people will menace each other. Leftist terrorists are in tribulation mode already. When you know a group of evil, incorrigible, unthinking people are out to get you, you will naturally be provoked to anger. Provocation is a form of temptation. It’s one of the things raptured Christians will be spared. God doesn’t want us to be down here dealing with extreme temptation which is likely to land us in hell due to bad decisions.

God raptured me out of Miami, and if I play my cards right, he will rapture me off the earth before I find myself looking up the barrel of my rifle at a deranged animal in man’s clothing.

I’m still preparing a little. If I had more certainty about the immediate future, maybe I wouldn’t bother.

One Response to “The New Abnormal”

  1. Rick C Says:

    “How can a plate that can’t be dropped survive a rifle round?”

    Because materials can be strong in some ways and weak in others. Concretem, being strong in compression but weak in tension (or the other way ’round?) is a classic example. A blogger I read had a story about that just a couple of days ago: “Years ago some smooth-brain decided that he could ship a panel of reinforced impact resistant glass with no other packing material than an address label taped to the bare glass. The problem was, that those windows were laminated glass and even the slightest “thwack” on the SIDE would cause it to delaminate and shatter.”

    Really strong if you hit it on the face, shatters at a glance if you hit it on the edge.