Justice Delayed? Doubtful.

September 19th, 2020

Ginsburg Cements Conservative Future of Court

A couple of things are on the menu today.

First, I made biscuits with White Lily flour, and they were no good. Second, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, taking us one step closer to civil war.

People sing the praises of White Lily flour. It’s THE biscuit flour, as far as many Southerners are concerned. I have tried it in the past, and I was not thrilled. The biscuits were rigid and had no flavor. Today I tried it with my proven recipe, and things didn’t go any better. The biscuits were almost crunchy, and they tasted more like crackers than biscuits.

I would stay away from it if I were you. I get beautiful results with King Arthur bread flour, so that’s all I’m going to use from now on. If not King Arthur, then another brand of bread flour. There is no point in tampering with perfection.

I’m wondering if White Lily will make a good thin pizza crust. It should be good for baguettes, and baguettes are a lot like pizza crust. I’ll try it and see.


I’m not going to pretend I’m grieving. I did not know this woman. In order for me to get weepy over the death of a celebrity, there has to be some kind of connection. I don’t think you have to pretend to grieve in order to show proper respect.

I prayed for her and her family while she was alive. I prayed for her family last night. She is beyond help now.

I won’t say she was a great legal mind. I don’t know that to be true. There have been some Supreme Court justices who did such good work, they are remembered for making positive changes to the law. Benjamin Cardozo probably takes the top honor. I don’t know of any evidence that Ginsburg did work that was brilliant or illuminating. She generally toed the leftist line. I haven’t seen any evidence that she thought for herself.

She did very well in law school. Well, law isn’t that hard, and grades have a lot to do with a special set of skills that impress instructors. Grades aren’t that closely related to brains, unless you’re in a tough field like math or physics. I’m a lot smarter than people who graduated summa cum laude in my class. Spend your life in the library, hang out with your professors, kiss up, and always parrot their beliefs back to them. You’ll do well, even if you’re not a genius.

Michael Avenatti was first in his class, and he went to a very good school. That should tell you a lot.

People are honoring her for serving the public all her life. She did that, but so do street sweepers and game wardens. She was paid well, she got great benefits, she had incredible job security, she didn’t have to pay for malpractice insurance or deal with real responsibility while working as an academic or judge, and she was allowed to thrust her extremist beliefs on hundreds of millions of people.

She was a very able litigator and judge. She wasn’t Sir Isaac Newton.

People are saying her nomination was historic because she was female. It wasn’t. It’s amazing how barrier-busting Republican nominees and appointees are forgotten. No one remembers Reagan nominee Sandra Day O’Connor, the somewhat inept judge who joined the panel in 1981, and O’Connor is still alive.

Ginsburg even gets praise for having cancer. People say she’s incredibly tough, and they praise her for fighting. The thing is, everyone who gets cancer does what she does. They go to the doctor and get treatment. Very few people choose to let cancer take its course.

Leftists are losing their minds because she died under a Republican president, but very few are blaming the person who actually caused the problem. That person is Ginsburg herself. She knew she was dying. She knew Trump was likely to be reelected. She rolled the dice.

If you try to understand why she did this to her fellow leftists, two possible explanations come to mind. Either she genuinely saw the court as an apolitical institution, and she thought she should not consider politics when making decisions about retirement, or she was just selfish and unwilling to let go. It’s hard to think of a third explanation, and the first one doesn’t pass the laugh test. Ginsburg was a leftist firebrand who said she didn’t want to die under Trump, so it appears selfishness is the reason she held on.

It’s impossible to reconcile this with the selfless-public-servant narrative.

She was like a man who spends his life amassing wealth and then dies intestate, leaving his children to devour each other in court. She made it extremely likely that her own legacy would be dismantled, and in so doing, she may have largely nullified her own existence.

I can’t help being relieved that she’s gone, because all I can think of are babies being torn apart in clinics and hospitals. She was in favor of that. Yesterday, she had her first conversation with the God of her forefathers, and surely this subject came up. I am glad I didn’t have to watch. She supported the right of a frivolous, irresponsible woman to pay a man to take scissors and sever the spine of her live, healthy child while its struggling body protrudes from her vagina. That is ghastly. It’s as bad as anything the Nazis and the Japanese did to their victims. I can’t pretend I don’t think it’s good that a person who was working to protect systematic atrocities is out of the way.

They say she was a very nice person in her interpersonal relations. It’s strange that a nice person would have no feeling for the weakest and most innocent.

Now that she’s gone, we have yet another factor which augments the perfect storm that drives us toward civil war. The left is unhinged over the bad treatment a few people–nearly all criminals resisting arrest–have received from the police. Riots are now considered acceptable mainstream methods of influencing voters. Democrats are pushing mail-in voting, which is certain to generate a great deal of voter fraud and prolong the election process. Now we face the prospect of seeing Trump install a hardline conservative on the court toward the end of an election season. On social media, leftists are already saying they will “burn it all down” if he does that, and at least one is calling for the burning of Mitch McConnell’s house.

Imagine what could happen. Trump could win on election night, and then the ridiculous, unnecessary mail-in votes could be counted, putting demented Biden on top. Then Republicans would contest the votes, and we would be plunged into turmoil that would make the Bush/Gore mess seem quick and painless. The matter would likely end up before the Supreme Court. Right now, the court is 5/3 conservative, so things look bad for the left regardless of whether Trump gets a new judge, but 6/3 would enrage the left even more.

If you think the tantrum-throwing brats are mad now, imagine how they’ll act when they think Biden won and a packed Supreme Court didn’t give him a fair hearing.

I don’t really understand the rationales for delaying or not delaying justice confirmations during election years. It all seems like puffery and rationalization to me. McConnell says a delay is crucial when the president and the senate are on opposite sides of the aisle. I don’t see why this is true. He also says there should be no delay when they’re on the same side. I don’t get that, either. In any case, it appears that there is no firm law controlling the matter, and I don’t expect the GOP to put things on hold out of pure principle. I think Trump will put Amy Cony Barrett on the court, and the Senate will confirm her, perhaps with one or two Republicans abstaining.

To the left, having Ginsburg replaced by Barrett will be like the Soviets having Stalin deposed and replaced with George Patton. To snowflakes who can’t tolerate the pain of seeing a red hat in a mall, the pain will be unbearable.

Dana Coverstone, the preacher whose end-time dream went viral, may truly have foreseen our future. He said he saw UN soldiers with blue helmets in the US. That kind of thing happens when nations go berserk over questioned elections.

Leftists have to stop questioning everything’s legitimacy. Trump really is the president; the popular vote means nothing at all. Clinton and Trump both ran campaigns calculated to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote, so they have to live and die by the results. If Trump installs a new justice, she will be legitimate, too. Kavanaugh is legitimate. People have to stop dragging out the asinine, fabricated rape stories. If you can ignore a very credible rape story about Joe Biden, you should be able to ignore implausible stories about Justice Kavanaugh.

Of course, leftists will not stop. They don’t care about reason and truth. These are the people who rioted in Pennsylvania when a cop shot a man who was chasing him with a huge knife.

I wonder what else will go wrong before January. Are there other surprises that will pop up and work to funnel us into a state of endless internal violence? It’s fascinating to watch the process. It’s as though a scriptwriter planned it all. The synergy can’t be coincidental.

I don’t know what I’ll do if the rapture doesn’t come this year.

I published my ideas about the rapture recently, and someone who thinks he’s a prophet showed up to instruct me. He said weird things like, “ASK the prophet,” and, “I am not a prophet by my choosing, Numbers 12:6. ASK are the initials to my name.” I don’t even know what this stuff means. He said Satan was deceiving me in order to destroy me. He apparently thinks being wrong about the rapture’s date leads to destruction. He says that if you expect to be taken before the tribulation, you won’t “prepare” for it.

The obvious question is this: how do you prepare for the tribulation? It can’t be done.

The tribulation will be very, very bad. Right now, we walk around in masks, and a miniscule percentage of the population is sick. We have minimal shortages. We have a few areas where terrorist riots are a problem. During the tribulation, we will have worldwide plagues that will resemble the Black Death in their magnitude. We will have plagues of disease, lack, murder, and natural disasters. A huge percentage of human beings will die, along with trees and sea life. Americans will run around murdering each other for food. People will long for death.

You can’t prepare for that! Do you seriously think a pallet of canned tuna and 10,000 AR-15 rounds will help you? The whole point of the tribulation is to show you you can’t prepare or protect yourself. People are interconnected. To have an acceptable quality of life, you need fuel, electricity, and all sorts of goods and services. When everything collapses, you won’t have those things any more. Whatever you’ve stored up in your shed or under your bed will not get the job done.

I don’t want to be here during the tribulation, eating dried beans and shooting my neighbors. That is not “life.” It’s just existence. Death would be much, much better.

You can say God will provide special cocoons of safety for believers. Where does the Revelation mention that? And if God plans to set us aside and keep us safe and prosperous, wouldn’t heaven be the best place to put us?

A pre-tribulation rapture makes the most sense to me. I could be wrong. What does NOT make sense to me, even if the post-tribulation theory is right, is preparing by carnal means. I would expect God’s children to have to stay very close to him and to be so strong in faith they would get supernatural provision, as Elijah and the Hebrews under Moses did, day by day.

Trump should go ahead and nominate Barrett. He is going to be hated regardless of what he does, and he will be lied about and condemned. He might as well do the best thing for Christians, Israel, and the unborn.

Once you reach the point where you can’t do anything to appease your persecutors, it’s okay to do as you please and let them scream. At least one party will be pleased.

I want out of here before the real insanity starts. This place is just too crazy.

6 Responses to “Justice Delayed? Doubtful.”

  1. Eddo Says:

    You and me both! I can’t imagine what things will be like post election no matter who wins. I think it’s going to be a nightmare. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus! Not my will but thine be done!

  2. Sharkman Says:

    There is an asteroid that is supposed to pass close to the Earth on November 2nd, but the odds of it hitting are less than half a percent.

    I’d say this being 2020, the asteroid will probably impact dead center on the weakest point of the Yellowstone Caldera.

    Praying and hoping for peace, but I fear that Satan owns half this country’s people.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    I’ve always joked that I wanted to go out by being hit by a meteor.

    But I wasn’t really joking.

    The news says it’s a very small asteroid. Oh, well.

  4. baldilocks Says:

    I’m told that if Trump get 270 electoral college votes on Election Day, that the mail-in votes won’t matter. The in-person votes are all counted by the end of the day.

  5. Gary H Says:

    If you want a thin crust pizza try King Arthur’s Italian Style flour. It’s so light I had to add some all-purpose just to give it enough body to knead it.

  6. Steve H. Says:

    Thanks for the tip. I don’t recall hearing about that stuff.