Out of the Fire and Into the Frying Pan

August 30th, 2020

Chicken Breasts Fry While American Burns

Has the shooting war started?

A couple of days back, volunteer medic and guard Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself from a murderous armed mob and shot a rapist who was trying to take his rifle, a criminal who was approaching him with a pistol in his hand, and a rioter and documented repeat offender who attacked him with a skateboard. The left says he’s a murderer, he has been charged with first-degree murder, and the man who charged him with a pistol (and who says he regrets not emptying a magazine into him) has not even been detained.

Last night, Trump supporters drove through Portland to show their support for the president. Of course, this is their legal right. They were attacked many times. After things quieted down, a white terrorist walked up to a Trump supporter, shot him twice, and left. There is no indication that the Trump supporter did anything wrong. The shooting is on video. There was no struggle. So far, it looks like an execution.

Leftists in Portland and across America claimed a Trump supporter had murdered someone. Then the truth started leaking out, and they celebrated because a Trump supporter had been killed.

So what happens now?

It may be that a few fringe conservatives will become aggressive, but it’s very unlikely that the right will start emulating the unprovoked, wanton violence of the left to any significant degree. If we were that kind of people, we would be BLMtifa rioters.

Based on my knowledge of human nature, I think the left, not the right, will become significantly more aggressive. I think that when conservative violence becomes widespread, it will be defensive violence. If we hang back and refuse to take the bait, leftists will bring the bait to us. They’re not looking for change or peace. Their goal is to hurt, kill, and steal, and if we don’t engage, they will come to us and force the issue. They are already rioting in residential neighborhoods. Sooner or later, non-leftists will have to react with violence just to keep insane home invaders out of their living rooms. Bodies won’t pile up in public squares and city streets. They’ll pile up in the yards of whites, Asians, and Jews.

You’ve got my prediction.

Maybe people will say it was aggressive for Trump supporters to drive to Portland. Of course, that’s idiocy. I have the right to drive through any city in America, and no one has the right to block my car, throw things at me, or attack me personally. Anyone who blames non-leftists for “provocative” actions like driving through cities or guarding properties ought to be slapped. It’s gaslighting.

I feel very sad. There is a very ominous, serious feeling in the air, like the feeling I had during my dream of the rapture. It really looks like the end is here. You can say it’s not that big a deal because only a relatively small number of people are participating in the violence, but that’s wrong. They have huge popular support. There are tens of millions of leftists who are behind them completely, and they would be rioting, too, if it were convenient for them.

There is a limit to what God expects us to endure here. The Bible calls him the Lord of hosts, and a host is an army. He is the Lord of armies. Like any supreme commander, he will withdraw his forces when continued fighting becomes pointless. The left’s love of lies makes them impervious to correction and help, so our ability to bring them into the fold is dropping off quickly.

Last night I saw a police interview. A sergeant from the Portland PD answered questions. He was in one of the government buildings that was attacked. He said they hid from view in hopes of avoiding escalation. The leftists tore down plywood in order to restore contact. He said they threw bottles, rocks, and other things. He said they said terrible things to the female officers. They called them whores and said they provided sexual services for all the cops. One of them said he was going to take an officer’s baton and shove it up her vagina. Don’t think he didn’t mean it. Things like that have happened in wars.

The sergeant said he had never witnessed such hate.

God sees these things happen, and he makes decisions. He decides whether it’s still worth it to keep a presence on earth to try to help people.

I am ready to go. I wish I could do something for God before I leave, but my history is what it is, and the apocalypse can’t be postponed just so I can earn some more credits.

It looks more and more like Trump will win the election. People are afraid to support him in public, but they’ll show their true colors in voting booths. Leftist terror is having an effect on public opinion, and we have two Democrat candidates who insist terrorists are protestors. Harris actually said they have to keep it up. Biden issued a weak statement about violence, but that’s it. He is gutless and utterly without principle. He is hoping to stay under cover and avoid alienating anyone until November 3rd.

It’s bizarre that terrorists don’t understand that terror makes people look for help. There are three choices: join the terror, appease the terrorists, or resist. The terrorists are operating under the assumption that they can scare the entire country into voting for Biden and bending the knee (literally). They don’t seem to understand that people are free to vote for a man who will use force to restrain them.

I feel a little anger, but mostly I feel dread and sadness. I’m watching America steam toward an iceberg, and no one will listen.

The only answers are prayer and repentance, but almost no one is calling for these things. When Nineveh was threatened, the king forced the entire city to fast for 40 days, and God spared it. That can’t happen in America. Leftists hate Christianity, and most of the rest of us are just barely Christians. We don’t really believe God is powerful or responds to our actions. We have much more faith in politicians and ourselves.

I truly do not want to be here after the elect leave the earth. I don’t like being stuck here with terrorists right now. I can’t imagine what it will be like when all the good people are gone and the curses on the earth are unrestrained.

I hope Trump wins, but I think that if he does, we will live in atmosphere of hate and violence in spite of his efforts to combat terror. The USA will look like Israel or El Salvador. We’ll have to deal with the constant threat of shootings, bombings, kidnappings, rape, and arson. We’ll be fighting on our own soil, and our enemies will be cowardly guerrillas who live on our blocks and in our apartment buildings. They’ll never go away. That’s my best guess.

If Biden wins, these things will still be true, but the executive branch will be against us.

Leftists have no idea what they’re stepping into. They are much more likely to start violence, but we are much, much better at killing. If they want to compete, they’ll have to come up with new methods. Maybe chemical and biological weapons. Making WWI-style gas is not hard, and it would work great on civilian gatherings.

The left isn’t offering a solution. They’re not trying to get us to do something, with the intention of leaving us alone if we comply. They hate us for existing. Something we can’t stop doing. We’re like Jews in Nazi Germany. If we breathe, it’s violence against the left.

It’s interesting, if you think about it. In a way, we share a goal. They want us gone. God will eventually want us gone, because he will take us. Many of us want to be gone.

In other news, I fried chicken again today. I can’t stop. I bought whole chicken breasts because I realized drumsticks and wings were overrated. I cut the bones out and turned the breasts into smaller pieces. I saved the skin because without it, fried chicken is useless. I can’t buy boneless breasts with skin. Wish I could.

I still need more seasoning. I increased it a lot today, and it wasn’t enough. I’m going to jack up the white pepper, and I’m going to use a lot more ginger. I’m also going to throw in some sage.

It seems like 325 is the best frying temperature. Anything higher, and you get black marks on your breading.

I figure I’ll fry again on Tuesday. I’ll make smaller pieces, and I’ll increase the seasoning. I have high hopes.


Forgot to add this. I have not been happy with the time it takes biscuits to brown, so today I tried 475°, and it worked very well. After 12 minutes (not the usual 14), the biscuits were unusually tall, and they browned well. They really blew up.

I have to explore the insides of a couple to make sure, but it looks like high heat is the way to go. Women are usually the ones who make biscuits, and women are afraid to use high heat, so maybe I should not be surprised if most people are using the wrong temperature.

One Response to “Out of the Fire and Into the Frying Pan”

  1. Heather Says:

    My grandmother, who made the best biscuits would always let them bake and then for the last few minutes turn the broiler on to get them browner. When she turned the broiler on, she never took her eyes off of them lest they burn.