Free Kyle and Charge Gaige

August 27th, 2020

I decided to try frying chicken again. After the dubious results I got a couple of days back, I had to do it for my honor’s sake.

Today I bought a new thermometer so I could keep the fat at the right temperature, and I found a small chicken at Walmart. It was a 4-pounder, and I paid $3.03. Not sure how they can afford to sell them.

I got good results, except that the smaller parts of the chicken were a little too juicy. I brined it in orange juice and salt for about 45 minutes, and it looks like the chicken was already so juicy it didn’t need it.

It looks like 325 is the right temperature for chicken. I fried the first three pieces at 330-370 on one side, and the breading was too dark. I think the people all over the web who recommend 350 are just plain wrong. I kept the temperature between 305 and 330 later on, and the breading looked much better.

I don’t know how my grandmother did this over and over for years and never got it wrong. I don’t think she owned a frying thermometer.

I found other small chickens at a local Publix. Publix is the big Florida supermarket chain. In the future, I’ll use Publix chickens. A lot of Walmart products are great, but others are iffy.

I’m learning more about heroic high school senior and armed volunteer Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot three rioter/terrorists in Kenosha. Okay, he shot two dead terrorists and one man who is alive and appears, to me, to be a terrorist.

I’ve been watching Tim Pool a lot. He’s a Youtube commentator. He’s very big in the reaction business. If you can’t produce your own content, you can put up a video of yourself reacting to someone else’s copyrighted material. The idea is that you can invoke the fair use exception to the copyright laws. I don’t know how sound the theory is, but reaction videos are huge now. I’m thinking of putting up reaction videos where I react to my own videos. That might be a little mean, however.

Pool keeps saying he’s a moderate leftist. He’s fantasizing. He’s a conservative who can’t accept what he is. He’s horrified by the wave of leftist terror, and he promotes Trump as hard as he can. Anyway, Pool says someone alerted him to a Wisconsin law that allows minors to carry long guns. The law was probably passed in order to protect hunters.

This could be very bad news for the pro-crucifixion leftists. Rittenhouse is unquestionably innocent with regard to the second and third shootings, and he will probably turn out to be innocent in connection with the first. The man he killed was an extraordinary idiot. There is no other word for it. He was a tiny, angry man with a long rap sheet and his own page on the Wisconsin sexual predator site, which says he was not in compliance when he died. He called the armed volunteers in Kenosha “niggers” and commanded them to shoot him.

We don’t know what happened right before this man was shot because there is no good video. The deceased wrapped his shirt around his head and scampered as fast as he could toward Rittenhouse, who was far from those filming the scene.

Selling him to a jury as an innocent victim will not be easy, especially if witnesses say he was trying to harm Rittenhouse when he was shot. This will probably turn out to be the case. Rittenhouse had no reason to shoot someone who was minding his own business, and when Rittenhouse began shooting the second time, on camera, he chose his targets perfectly and only fired as many rounds as needed. He was impressive. If he were a leftist, someone would already be creating a video game based on him.

Barring the empaneling of a BLM jury which uses crack and PCP during deliberations, Rittenhouse only has one shooting charge to be concerned with, and it will probably collapse in court or even earlier. That leaves leftists with the gun charge. If that goes poof, Rittenhouse goes home and gets his AR-15 back.

Felony murder has been mentioned as a complication. Felony murder is a charge enhancement. If you’re committing a dangerous felony, and someone dies in the process, you may be charged with murder even though you didn’t personally hurt anyone. Example: you and your BLMtifa buddies start looting a building, and the 80-year old owner comes in and objects, and your pal Marquise Love smashes his skull with a two-by-four. You may go up for murder even though you didn’t kill anyone.

The theory with regard to Rittenhouse is that he was committing a crime by carrying a rifle, so the deaths of his terrorist assailants, though the result of self-defense, would be felony murders.

Wikipedia and I are here to save the day. Wikipedia says Wisconsin’s felony murder statute lists a limited number of qualifying crimes:

* Battery, including that to an unborn child
* Sexual assault of the first degree, or second degree if it is by use or threat of force or violence
* False imprisonment
* Kidnapping
* Arson of buildings or damage of property by explosives (heads up, rioters)
* Burglary with a dangerous weapon, explosives, or burglary of any inhabited dwelling
* Carjacking
* Robbery with a dangerous weapon, or even with an object that leads someone to believe there is a dangerous weapon

As you can see, carrying a firearm illegally is not on the list.

Here’s another wrinkle: in at least some jurisdictions, you lose the right to defend yourself if you’re committing a serious crime while you kill. Example: terrorist and known criminal Anthony Huber tries to bludgeon an innocent young man with a skateboard. The young man points an AR-15 at him, so Huber takes a lucky swing and fractures his skull, killing him. The law does not recognize Huber’s action as self-defense.

Problem with this theory: Rittenhouse was not committing a violent crime when he chose to defend himself. He was trying to get to the police to turn himself in. He was carrying a weapon, but he was not trying to harm anyone with it.

Maybe there is a legitimate legal theory that can put Rittenhouse on death row, but I don’t know what it is. I’m not a criminal attorney, and I don’t know a lot about Wisconsin. I know nobody has produced a sound theory as of this afternoon.

Here’s a great question: why hasn’t Gaige Grosskreutz been charged? This is the man who was shot in the arm. There are photos of him carrying a pistol openly at the riot. Why hasn’t the black man who stomped on Rittenhouse been charged or even named?

These are questions for Democrat prosecutor Michael Graveley. My bet: they will never be addressed. I think Graveley is completely in the tank for BLMtifa and has no intention of prosecuting these two criminals.

I’m still wondering about Rittenhouse’s ethnicity. I thought he was Hispanic when I saw him for the first time, and I still think we may get interesting news about his ancestry. Rittenhouse isn’t a Spanish name, but then neither is Zimmerman. Rittenhouse has black hair and what looks like olive skin. If I were identifying him to the cops, I would tell them to look for a Hispanic.

I ordered more magazines today. I hope that if the rapture comes and Christians who missed it need shelter and weapons, they’ll find what I left and keep themselves alive until they can square things with God. I can’t foresee using any of this stuff myself, except to have fun in the pasture with my targets. Maybe a black family will move in. That would be be a real poke in the eye to tribulation leftists still pushing the race canard.

If I find a way to send money to Kyle Rittenhouse, I’ll definitely pitch in. I hope conservatives make him rich.

One Response to “Free Kyle and Charge Gaige”

  1. Monty James Says:

    The reporter Andy Ngo tweets that a friend of Gaige Grosskreutz says that he (Grosskreutz) regrets not being able to kill Kyle Rittenhouse:

    Lin Wood, the attorney who represents Nicholas Sandmann in his various defamation suits, has apparently set up a website so people can donate to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense:

    Which is nice, since the GoFundMe account for Kyle was taken down by GoFundMe: