Terrorists are a Blessing; Kyle Rittenhouse is the Problem

August 27th, 2020

The Railroading Begins

The Kyle Rittenhouse story seems to be fleshing out, and things don’t look good for his accusers. It’s funny how news stories almost invariably look worse and worse for leftists as investigations proceed.

I’ll run down the list of my conclusions.

1. Fatal shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum, the bald rioter/terrorist who chased Rittenhouse down and became the first casualty: insufficient evidence to make a determination. Rosenbaum, a registered sex offender, was seen trying to get at armed citizens at a gas station they were trying to protect. He had to be restrained by other rioter/terrorists. At least twice, he told the armed citizens to shoot him, calling one of them “nigger” in the process. Moments later, he ran to Rittenhouse, who was a long way off, and he was shot. We don’t know what happened. If he wrestled with Rittenhouse or grabbed the gun, or if he threw dangerous things at Rittenhouse, then the shooting was justified. No two ways about it. If he merely continued ranting, Rittenhouse is guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter.

2. Fatal shooting of Anthony Huber, the rioter/terrorist/habitual violent criminal who ran up to Rittenhouse and attacked him with a skateboard: Rittenhouse is innocent. Rittenhouse was on the ground, after falling while running to escape the mob and turn himself into nearby police, and Huber put his skateboard in contact with Rittenhouse’s head. It’s not clear whether he was trying to hit him with it, because Huber dropped it in the process, but skateboards are commonly used as weapons in riots, and it’s not reasonable to expect a person being attacked by a mob to make a decision the rest of us can’t make with the benefit of replayable video and hindsight. Pressing a skateboard onto a person’s head is a crime. It’s not okay. Also, if habitual criminal Huber had succeeded in restraining him, the other assailants might have killed him. It was reasonable for Rittenhouse to think he was in danger of serious harm or death, so the shooting was justified.

3. Nonfatal shooting of Gaige Grosskreutz, the seeming rioter/terrorist who was shot in the arm: 100% innocent. No conceivable justification for prosecution. Grosskreutz was carrying a pistol openly at the scene, and he ran up to Rittenhouse, who was already fending off multiple attackers, with no legal justification. Got what he deserved.

4. Carrying a weapon openly while below the minimum legal age. Guilty. No way to dispute it. Rittenhouse is 17, and the minimum legal age in Wisconsin, according to admittedly shaky Internet sources, is 18. The only way Rittenhouse can beat this rap is to prove he’s over 18 or that the age requirement is 17 or lower. Ordinarily, for a minor with no other arrests, this would be pleaded down to a misdemeanor, and adjudication would likely be withheld in order to give him a chance to reform.

That’s my scorecard. Two innocents, a much less significant guilty, and a likely-innocent. It’s very unlikely that Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum without justification, and Rosenbaum was clearly the less mature and responsible of the two.

I have to say that it’s disappointing, but not surprising, that our pro-terror press chose to release the name of an accused minor.

People on the web are claiming Rosenbaum threw a Molotov cocktail at Rittenhouse. Others are merely saying he threw bottles. If he threw bottles at Rittenhouse, then Rittenhouse is innocent. A strike from a thrown bottle can do very serious harm. You don’t have to let people throw bottles at you just because the alternative is to shoot.

One of the sad aspects to this story is that a 17-year-old was out on the streets, offering his life and liberty to protect others, while grown men were notably absent. Most notably: the National Guard and federal officers. Who is to blame? Wisconsin governor Tony Evers. As has happened in other jurisdictions, President Trump asked to be allowed to help, and his offer was rejected. Something for former business owners who now own heaps of ashes to think about in November.

The men of Kenosha are also accountable. In other towns, large numbers of better men have mustered themselves and discouraged terrorists. The men of Kenosha generally stayed home. The population of the city is 100,000. They could have done a lot better.

Kyle Rittenhouse is going to be the new George Zimmerman. He may as well move to Wyoming or Tennessee if he’s acquitted. He will only be safe in a solid-red state. His family is also likely to have to move.

For what it’s worth, he’s a bad guy to mess with. If he isn’t convicted, terrorists should abandon their hopes of lynching him. He shot three assailants in a very short time while under physical attack. He shot two from the ground after receiving a full-weight kick to the upper body and a skateboard blow to the head. He kept his cool, did only what was necessary, and stopped. He proved he can deliver in a crisis. If he can do it once at the tender age of 17, he can do it again as a grown man.

It’s strange that no one in the leftist pro-terrorist press is talking about the shots that were fired by other people. Well, it’s not strange. It’s to be expected.

Another thing they’re not mentioning: Jacob Blake had a knife in his car, close to the door he was reaching into when he was shot. And he was the reason for the police call. He was trespassing at an ex-girlfriend’s house, and they called the police to make him leave. Also, he’s a criminal with a history of gun crime, and he had at least one felony warrant when the police arrived.

Shooting him appears to have been the correct thing to do. The only question is whether it was necessary to shoot at him 7 times. Given the officer’s poor marksmanship (only a few rounds hit Blake), it looks like he did what he had to do. He shot until Blake was incapacitated, and then he stopped. A better shot would have killed him with one or two rounds, so maybe Blake should be glad things went as well as they did.

I thought the officer had shot Blake 7 times, because that was what I had read. Now we’re being told he was only hit 4 times. That’s not excessive under the circumstances. When someone is about to turn around and cut you with a knife, you don’t shoot once, wait for results, shoot again, and so on. You don’t have time. You shoot until the threat is gone.

As for shooting him in the back, well, Blake was facing away from the officer while he reached for a knife to cut him up. That was Blake’s choice. If Blake had chosen to face him, he would have been shot in the front, and I suppose somehow that would be better.

One paralyzed criminal with a permanent colostomy is a better outcome than one or more innocent cops carved up while trying to defend a family from a violent criminal. And we don’t know that Blake would have stopped with the police. He was clearly not happy with his ex-girlfriend.

Of course, the facts don’t matter. Only the party line matters, and the party line says Jacob Blake was a peaceful unarmed dad who showed up at the scene of a quarrel to make peace, like a therapist/superhero, and was shot in the back for opening a car door.

They’re talking about “unsurvivable” storm surge in the wake of Hurricane Laura. They should be talking about the unsurvivable storm surge of delusion which is inundating America. People can’t perceive the truth, and they don’t care about it. They just want to hurt whites, men, heterosexuals, Christians, Asians, Jews, the police, and successful people. The terrorism is about hate and sadism, injustice.

If justice matters to you, you don’t attack innocent people or burn their vehicles and businesses. The terrorists are harming many innocent people, and many of the innocent are liberals.

It’s astounding that we’re tolerating this. Look at the contrast between different areas. Democrat cities burn unrestrained, as though rioting and terrorism were normal, acceptable events, like block parties. In places where people have a backbone, protests are peaceful and brief, because terrorists know they face consequences. None of the prolonged riots have been unavoidable. Democrats chose to let them continue. In what significant way does this differ from psychosis? It’s as though these cities were neurotic girls who decided to start cutting themselves.

There is still no nationwide call for prayer and repentance. God is conspicuously absent from the news. He’s our only hope. His anger is the reason for the chaos. It’s the reason for coronavirus, too. Yet we’re ignoring him. If we turned to him, things would clear up. Doesn’t look like it will happen.

I wonder what will happen where I live. The nearest city is three times the size of Kenosha, so it could support riots. Of course, the police here would react very differently, as would the governor, as would the citizens. Extending terror to rural areas is one of BLMtifa’s priorities now. Is the highway by my house already on a list?

I’ve been thinking about buying more rifle magazines. I don’t expect to use them, though. I just feel I should have them. I asked God why I should get them, and the feeling I have is that they’re not for me. They’re for people who will take over this house after the rapture. They will need them.

I bought an AR-15 for target shooting and hunting, and I put a 14x scope on it. This scope is inappropriate for self-defense. Suddenly I’m considering picking up a red dot, just in case.

Maybe I should leave notes for people who miss the rapture. “These cartridges are for this gun.” “Here is a list of the best self-defense cartridges I have.” “There are hundreds of ear plugs in the workshop.” Maybe I should buy cases of canned tuna and hundreds of pounds of rice. My hope is that I’ll be at the wedding of Christ, dining somewhat better.

Obviously, I should leave Bibles.

I really pity people who live in cities. I pity people who live in the areas that are the most affected. Life must be extremely unpleasant, and watching a big percentage of Americans support politicians who back the terrorists has to be very discouraging and frightening.

What happened to George Zimmerman is happening to huge swaths of the country. People are being turned on by the authorities they rely on to protect them.

Maybe an explosion of riots, affecting places like Bel Air and the Upper East Side, is what America needs. Maybe fake hobby leftists would be knocked off their seemingly safe perches and driven to vote for what they really believe in.

I don’t know why I even mention politics. Turning to God is the only solution.

2 Responses to “Terrorists are a Blessing; Kyle Rittenhouse is the Problem”

  1. Juan Paxety Says:

    Go fund me took down Rittenhouse’s defense fund site. Lin Wood has offered to help and is calling for a criminal defense lawyer to join in. I’m trying to think of a legal theory upon which a civil suit could be filed early and the discovery used.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    As we know from the Zimmerman railroading job, you don’t need Gofundme to sponsor a person’s legal defense. I’m sure conservative lawyers all over the US are scrambling to offer to represent this young man, and they will surely put up a site where donations can be sent.

    It’s amazing that Jacob Blake is doing so well on Gofundme. They say he’s up near 2 million dollars. Quite a payday for trespassing, starting a DV dispute, and trying to hurt responders with a knife.

    Of course, medical care is expensive when you’re suddenly crippled and given a colostomy, and because Blake is no longer indigent, he won’t be able to make the taxpayers cover it. I suppose we’re seeing a pretty just redistribution of cost.

    I wonder if Kenosha will cave in when Ben Crump shakes them down. My guess: they will.

    Youtube commentator Tim Pool says a lawyer informed him that Wisconsin law permits minors to carry long guns, so Rittenhouse may sail on this one.