Recovering From Cockroach Bites

June 17th, 2019

Paul Exposed Crooked Preachers, and so Should You

I hope your weekend was as good as mine. I couldn’t ask for a better one.

I have a long list of prayers I repeat every day. It includes a prayer for God to make my property a place where people gather to serve him. I ask him to make it a place where the sick are healed, the dead are raised, demons are driven out, and good doctrine is taught. I ask him to make it a place where people spend time with him. He’s making it come true. I’ve baptized three people here, and this weekend, friends from Miami came up for prayer.

My friends have been planning to come since May. I wrote about them then. I referred to them as Archie and Edith, and I called their kids Mike and Gloria. Archie was an armorbearer at Trinity Church in Miami, and he then served in some capacity or other at New Dawn Ministries. Edith was involved in both churches. They were at New Dawn when the pastor confessed to molesting a young girl over and over.

It’s bad to dwell on the past for no constructive reason. I emphasize “for no constructive reason.” There are good reasons to talk about people’s bad deeds, even after you’ve forgiven them. One good reason is to undo the harm those people continue to do.

Corrupt preachers tend to gaslight. When people correct them and expose their misdeeds, they will say they’ve been attacked by Satan. They’ll say the people who exposed them are liars. They’ll say the whistle-blowers are persecuting God’s prophets. Brainwashed and/or dishonest people who support them will attack the messengers, too. It can take years to refute the lies and undo the division lying preachers cause. This weekend, we talked a lot about the pastors at Trinity Church and New Dawn.

Many times, I have felt bad about discussing these people. I’ve wondered if I was gossiping. I’ve wondered if I was unforgiving. I’ve wondered if I was too hard on them. The amazing thing is that it always turns out I’ve gone way too easy on them. Also, I continually learn that they still have victims who need to have the truth put in front of them. It appears that what I do is correct.

The pastor at New Dawn started molesting a girl when she was 6. Perhaps it was earlier, but 6 is the lowest number which has been revealed publicly. One of the girl’s friends learned about it when the victim was in her teens. She told the victim’s mother. The mother blew up and told the pastor she would not have him prosecuted, provided he quit preaching. The pastor confessed to the church and stepped down. Then a few weeks later, he insisted on returning to the pulpit, and he also collected offerings. The victim’s mother had him charged, and now he’s doing three years.

It’s a remarkable example of supernatural pride destroying a person. The pedophilia didn’t do him in; he had a way to avoid prosecution. He was brought down by pride. He refused to humble himself and accept the kindness of the victim’s mother.

Imagine yourself in the same situation. Is there anything you would refuse to do, in order to stay out of prison? He could have been put away until he was in his seventies.

I’ve written about this before, but now I’ve learned that the pastors were even worse than I believed. After the crimes were revealed, distressed people talked to the pastor’s wife, who has since died, and she told them to “get over it.”

This was a woman who had two children of her own, as well as two grandchildren. The victim herself was a close relative.

What can you say about an attitude like that? It’s inhuman. It goes far beyond what you would think a rational person could be capable of.

In many charismatic churches, all of a head pastor’s relatives are automatically pastors. This goes against God’s will, but it’s true. At New Dawn, the pastor and his wife were called “Pastor” and “Pastora.” Pastora was very brassy and forceful. She wore the pants. Pastor was lazy. A close relative said he did nothing but sit on the couch. The church was only open maybe 7 hours a week. Like many lazy men, Pastor took off his pants and gave them to his wife, and she wore them with great zeal and a complete sense of entitlement.

A married woman should not confront men and scold them publicly. This should be obvious to any Christian. Pastora had a husband to deal with other men, but because she was so pushy, she did it herself. She used to chide and “correct” me on social media, where everyone in the church, including children, could read it. She had no idea how a woman was supposed to behave.

She was in charge of their social media presence. In all likelihood, it was she who blocked me on Facebook, without notice or explanation. I doubt Pastor knew how to work Facebook.

She got very full of herself. She started criticizing Edith’s clothing, which was perfectly normal. You can tell your 12-year-old daughter how to dress, but you don’t go up to a married woman with children and tell her she what to wear, just because she and her husband attend a church your husband pastors. Edith had to send her an email, putting her in her place.

I also learned that someone in the church officialdom (which consisted of 6 people) approached Archie and told him he needed to stop communicating with me. Archie won’t say who it was, but it obviously wasn’t the pastors, and two of the former bigwigs are my friends, so it’s not hard to figure out.

New Dawn was a cult, and cults have to be exposed. Pushing members to ostracize people who disagree with a church’s leadership is classic cult behavior. Mormonism is a cult, and the Mormons are famous for choking people off socially and economically.

The pastor had a brother-in-law I will call Walter. I will call his wife Maude. Walter was a new Christian. He came to the USA illegally from Honduras, a country known for terrible morals and a very high murder rate. Before Walter and Maude came along, the pastor’s brother George and his wife Weezy handled the church’s business. George left because he was afraid someone would be prosecuted over the way the church mishandled money. That left an opportunity for Walter. He was a relative of the pastors, so he was automatically a prophet and trusted advisor.

Walter used to go off on me on Facebook, telling me I spoke like “the voice of God” and so on. He got very angry over some revelations I posted. God showed me that illegal immigration was a curse based on a nation’s disobedience, and I wrote about it, and Walter, having zero humility, started arguing with me online. He was very angry; he said I was calling his family a curse. He couldn’t step back and look at the situation or consider the possibility that he was trying to refute knowledge that had come to be from God.

If your family’s presence in a country is a curse, you should be a man about it and accept the truth. The Bible makes it very clear that porous borders and invasions come from disobedience.

Walter didn’t understand what revelation was. As a recent convert to Christianity, with an inadequate prayer life, he didn’t hear from God much. He would say things like, “My personal revelation is…” He thought opinions were revelation. There are no opinions in heaven. There is only the truth. God tells others the truth, and that’s that. When someone gets a revelation from God, it’s not their subjective view. Walter didn’t get that.

Walter scolded the people who left New Dawn after Pastor was arrested. They were completely correct to stop supporting a pedophile pastor; I shouldn’t have to point that out. Walter put something on Facebook that said something like, “What do the sheep do when the shepherd is struck? Run?” He was way out of line a lot of the time.

I don’t know if Walter told people to shun me, but he and his wife are the only possibilities among the inner circle.

Carnal people ruin churches. The Holy Spirit tells everyone the same things, and when we listen, he prevents conflict. When one person is listening to God and another is listening to his own pride, conflict is inevitable. Walter was very proud, and he had a short fuse. He believed in hard work and forcing things to happen through effort. Naturally, the church he was trying to force to survive collapsed in disgrace, along with the pastor’s family.

I’ve learned new things about the leadership at Trinity Church as well. A friend of mine was hit by a car while sitting on a bus bench. A lady who was also on the bench was killed, and I believe one victim lost both legs. The accident made the news in Miami, so naturally, the pastors rushed to my friend’s bedside, where there might be cameras. Rich Wilkerson sent my friend to an attorney, but he never sued. I believe the idea was to sue the city for failing to protect bus stops.

My friend’s brother told me about it. When the family talked to the attorney about what his fee was going to be, it was more than they expected. When they asked why, he said he had to give part of the money to Wilkerson. This is what I was told, anyway. Knowing the Wilkerson family, I believe it.

In Florida, a lawyer can’t split a fee with a non-lawyer; it’s illegal and unethical. Also, what kind of pastor would take money from a young man with a broken pelvis?

Archie said he was present to see another well-known Wilkerson gaffe. A car thief named Alex Nicolas drowned while fleeing the police, and Alex went to Trinity. He as a big part of the music team. He had a lot of wealthy Jewish friends. Trinity hosted the funeral, and Wilkerson asked for an offering, which did not go to help the family. This is what more than one source tells me.

Archie said he and Edith got up and left the funeral.

What else have my former pastors done? How much worse can the revelations get? And how did people like this end up running churches? No wonder God is bringing an end to the church age and moving people to small groups. It can’t happen fast enough. We don’t need big churches at all. They cause problems.

The things we talked about this weekend were awful, but it was nice to have the clouds of lies and secrecy dispersed. I suppose this is the fate of liars and scoundrels everywhere. If you never come clean, people will have God’s go-ahead to rehash your sorry history forever, and it will not count as gossip.

Look at the Bible. It’s full of unflattering stories about people, and those stories are not gossip.

When you come clean and repent, people forgive you, and everyone heals. Then if anyone talks about what happened, it’s so they can give a testimony of what God did to help everyone after the offenders did the right thing. If you continue to defend yourself and lie, it’s as if you’re pushing a splinter deeper into your flesh. The infection will persist, and pieces of the splinter may keep coming out for the rest of your life.

My former pastors deserve to be exposed over and over, and the people they’ve hurt need to keep talking about them in public.

We had a wonderful prayer session. Archie and Edith go to a church the belongs to Calvary Chapel, which is a pretty dry organization. Calvary discourages the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, which are vital to the health of a church. Archie and Edith had let their prayer lives go, and things were not going well for them. They missed God because they weren’t encountering him at Calvary Chapel. I told them everything I had learned which could help them, and before you know it, we were praying in tongues and worshiping in the living room.

I could see how thirsty they were for God’s presence. I get that thirst, too, every day. It’s much worse after months without rain.

To top things off, someone who was present got baptized with the Holy Spirit and prayed in tongues for the first time. That made my day. You will only get so far without the gifts of the Spirit. You have to get over the hump and speak in tongues if you ever want to get past the baptism with fire and live in peace.

While my friends were here, God showed me I was under the influence of spirits of strife and opposition, not to mention cowardice, which caused me to worry. I now fight these spirits by name. It brings tremendous peace.

It’s as though I got a reward for hosting my friends.

Don’t be concerned if your church is poisonous. Just leave. God doesn’t require you to belong to a church; he requires you to know him, spend time with him, hear from him, and obey him. If you can find 4 people to worship with, you have plenty. The main thing is for everyone to be equally yoked. One egomaniac can ruin everything for the whole group, and it’s important to cut people off when they come between you and God.

If a person with authority in the church is using you, or they used you in the past and have never come clean, go ahead and tell people about him or her. Don’t let the cockroaches hide in the dark. Expose them so they can’t hurt anyone else.

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