Free Masonry

November 12th, 2018

Another Stone Rejected by the Builder

I found another Derek Prince video this morning, and it’s very nice. I will embed it here.

Early this morning I woke up, thinking I had to use the bathroom. I thought I had cramps. Sometimes I eat interesting things. It turned out I was mistaken. I had a pain in my lower back on the right. Kidney stones. Again!

The last time this happened, I had no real pain, but this time I felt considerable pressure. It started to feel like a broken bone. I thought it might get worse before it got better, so IN ADDITION to praying, and AFTER praying, I reluctantly took a scrounged Roxicet.

I don’t know how bad kidney stone pain can be, so I don’t like to take chances. For me, it has always been about like a broken arm, which is bad, but tolerable. It has never been worse than that. Other people collapse and scream, which is not a pleasant prospect. I give them the benefit of the doubt. I assume their pain is very severe instead of writing them off as hysterical sissies. I don’t want severe pain.

After taking the pill, I sat in my man room and watched Youtube. I looked through Derek Prince’s material to see if he had anything relevant, and I found the video I mention above.

Appropriately, it’s about healing. More specifically, it’s about barriers to healing. Now that’s a good topic. Most charismatics have seen God do all sorts of things, so we know he heals, provides prophecy, enables us to speak in tongues, and so on. We don’t need to be told that God still does miraculous things. We need to know why he doesn’t ALWAYS do miraculous things, so we can get better results.

Jesus never told anyone, “This one is above my pay grade.” He never said, “Wow; maybe you should see a doctor about this.” His success rate was 100%.

People who actually read the Bible will recall that it says that when he went to Nazareth, he could do no “mighty work,” so you might think he was unable to do miracles there, but the Bible also says he laid hands on people during his visit and healed them. It’s not clear what “mighty work” means, but he did heal people. It may be that the Holy Spirit refused to permit him to do anything else.

Nazareth was a hostile place, which makes sense, because Jesus grew up there. Think of the people you grew up with and the ways they try to diminish and stunt you. Nazarenes (small town people who knew Jesus quite well) were the first people who tried to kill Jesus to please God. They took him to a cliff and tried to throw him off. God probably withheld considerable favor when Jesus went back to Nazareth, because they were impossible to reach.

Prince says some remarkable things in his videos, and most of it is confirmation of things I’ve been hearing from God for years.

First of all, yes, unrepented, unconfessed sin and iniquity will cause disease and prevent you from getting healed.

Christians hate to hear that, even while they’re receiving chemotherapy. We love to think that because we raised our hands 20 years ago and said the sinner’s prayer, God expects absolutely nothing from us and will solve all our problems without requiring us to change, but it’s not true. Sin causes problems for us, and those problems may be physical. God killed Ananias and Sapphira for sin, and that was in Acts, not Judges, so how can you say he won’t allow you to get cancer? He allowed my mother to get cancer, even though she sought him sincerely. She committed the sin of tobacco use for 50 years, and then she died with multiple tumors. The connection isn’t just plausible; it’s obvious and undeniable.

Yesterday I went to Middlebrook Church again, and they had apple juice communion. I do not understand their use of apple juice. I suppose you can do communion with root beer if you understand communion and have a good reason for refusing wine, but the pastor of Middlebrook Church doesn’t understand communion.

Yesterday he complained about a church he attended when he was young. He said they taught that you could die if you took communion and there was any evil in your life. He thought it was funny. He didn’t point out that Paul taught the same doctrine. He said many people got sick and died because they didn’t take communion correctly.

Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.

In the Bible, a cup of wine can symbolize an ordeal a person has to go through. Jesus called crucifixion a cup. The Bible calls punishment from God a cup of wrath. When you drink the cup during communion, you agree to join Jesus in his campaign and share in his experience. This makes you part of the Lord’s body. If you want to be part of the body, you should want to be holy, like Jesus. “Holy” means “belonging to God alone.” How can you belong to God alone if you also belong to sin?

Smoking causes strokes, heart attacks, COPD, impotence, and cancer. Excessive drinking causes cancer, cirrhosis, psychosis, impotence, and dementia. Gluttony causes strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, impotence, amputations, and the inability to walk. Drugs cause insanity and character destruction. Fornication causes all sorts of venereal diseases: AIDS, hepatitis, cervical cancer, warts, oral and throat cancer, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and so on. Anger causes strokes and heart attacks. All of these things happen to Christians, but when someone gets sick, and another person says the sick person should examine himself and confess, we practically tar and feather the person who is trying to help. We still want to crucify the prophets.

I know an unrepentant glutton who prays for help with diabetes. That doesn’t make sense. At least acknowledge your role in your problem.

Quite literally, many of us would rather die than admit responsibility for our illnesses. I have seen people who angrily rejected confession and accountability die from cancer.

I cause my illnesses. You better believe I do. If I say otherwise, I shut off God’s help, and I deny myself the power to get healing.

I said, “First of all,” when I said Prince blamed sin and inquity for healing, as though I were going to list other things he said, but in reality, the other things he said were generally different versions of the same truth.

He said unforgiveness blocks healing. Well, that’s an iniquity. We owe God more than we can understand, and we expect him to forgive us, but we don’t forgive trivial offenses other people commit against us. Jesus coupled forgiveness and healing. He said, “Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Rise up and walk’?” Sin causes disease, and confession, repentance, and forgiveness bring healing, but the Bible says God will deliver us to “the tormentors” if we don’t forgive.

He said something that really woke me up. He said that if you don’t receive a completed healing instantly, you have to keep thanking God until you see the end of it. I wrote about that a long time ago.

I had a funny experience. I was driving home, and suddenly, I really had to go to the bathroom. I didn’t know if I was going to make it. I commanded my body to hold on, and I asked God for help, and I kept thanking him. Whenever I stopped thanking him, I felt the problem starting up again, so I resumed thanking him, and it went away. That’s how I made it to the house.

It’s a funny story, but think of the implications. If it works for one thing, it will work for another. It’s not a tragedy if I have to pull over and beg to use a filthy gas station toilet with a seat and floor crusted with other people’s urine, but what if I have peritonitis or AIDS or Ebola? I can use the same tactic to win, if I’ve been trained through dealing with lesser crises. Might as well use small problems to train for big ones.

Prince was confirming something I had already been shown. He is the only preacher I have ever known to say this. I’ve seen preachers say we need to be persistent in claiming our healing, but they didn’t say to thank God nonstop.

I’ll add to it. I believe you have to examine yourself, repent, cast out whatever spirits are relevant, pray to God for correction and healing, claim your healing, and then thank God over and over, in the name of Jesus, for forgiveness, for exposing and destroying your iniquity, and for healing your problem.

Physical problems are just the head of the pimple. Sins and iniquities are the infectious, congealed, stubborn pus that has to be squeezed out from below the surface.

Think about it. Sins and iniquities are worse than sickness. Sin can take you to hell, and iniquity prevents you from living in God’s kingdom on earth. Illness can’t do those things to you. Damnation and separation from God are much worse than death and sickness, yet we treat them as though they were trivial problems, and we act as though our physical issues were catastrophes that pounced on innocent Jesus clones for no reason.

Prince mentioned the occult. If you’ve fooled with it, you may have cursed yourself and your family. Astrology, psychics, Ouija boards, a magic 8 ball, crystals, yoga, drugs, any type of fortune telling, automatic writing, telekinesis, out of body experiences, transcendental or other types of meditation, and even acupuncture can open doors.

I have a cousin who got into transcendental meditation when he was young. He’s a nice guy. Smart. Successful. Everyone likes him. Good looking. He started having problems later. He developed a big calcified chest tumor and had to be opened up. He developed bipolar disorder and abandoned his wife and son. He had episodes during which he ran amok and displayed demonic behaviors which were nothing like him. He became obese.

A couple of years ago, I learned that he had become a yoga instructor.

I know what the problem is, but I can’t do anything about it.

Prince talked about hidden idolatry. He mentioned the freemasons. My dad is a freemason. He joined in Kentucky, probably before I was born. I don’t think he was ever active. After we moved to northern Florida, I found his freemason garbage and took it to the dump.

Freemasonry is a religion that competes with Christianity. Applicants have to take part in religious rites. They worship a being called “Jahbulon.” Some claim it’s God, but others say it’s a combination of Jehovah, Baal, and On, which is an Egyptian deity.

If you worship God and any other being, here’s the correct term for you: “idolater.” God is 100% exclusive.

As long as I’m writing about freemasonry, let me say that fraternities and sororities are evil. They degrade their participants and demand extreme loyalty. They require oaths, which Jesus disapproved of. No Christian should belong to one.

Any organization that has bizarre initiation rituals and lots of secrets is idolatrous and evil. Make all the excuses you want.

Incidentally, praying to “saints” is idolatry. It’s an occult practice that comes from the pagans. Mary is not God, any more than you are. She sinned like everyone else, and she had to be saved through the blood of Jesus.

Prince mentions a woman who had a baby that wouldn’t feed. It turned out her father was a freemason. People prayed for her, and she and the baby screamed and were delivered. After that, the baby started eating normally.

He also wrote about a Virginia Supreme Court judge who was delivered from demons. A long time after she was delivered, she tried to kill herself. It turned out she had gone to Mexico, and she had bought an idol to use as a decoration. It was a representation of a “sun god.” She destroyed it in order to bring back her sanity. The presence of cursed objects in your home can open you to serious supernatural attacks, even if you only think of them as collectibles or investments. You can’t get rid of them by selling them, either. You have to destroy them, or you’re just trying to make someone else bear your curse.

Watch the video yourself. It’s excellent.

What is Prince getting at, if you boil it down? God showed me. It’s just holiness. Modern American Christians are repelled by holiness. The very word sounds like scary fanaticism.

We want to be saved, but we also want to be cool, which is another way of saying we want the approval and acceptance of the children of darkness. We want to listen to Beyonce or the Beatles on the way to church. We want to watch movies made by people who literally hate Christianity. We want all our lost friends to know we don’t “judge,” which really means we don’t care enough about them to warn them. We want to use them. We want them to give us friendship and promotion, but we withhold the best gift we can give them, which is information about God.

I’m amazed by the stupid things I’ve done, even recently. Why would I have a box set of Big Joe Turner songs, if I’m a Christian? His songs are smutty and depraved, even if they seem innocent by 2018 standards. Why would I listen to Aerosmith while I work out? Why would I watch Marvel movies which feature witches and other occult practitioners? Psalm 101 says, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.”

Why would I play the blues, which came from a sick, depraved culture? Why would I engage in mockery of other people? Why would I own DVD’s of movies based in cruelty?

Being born again is like having veils between you and God and having them removed one by one. Most of us don’t want our veils touched. We’ll give up drugs and crime, maybe, and some of us will quit fornicating, but that’s about it.

God wants children who look like him, not cold, stillborn babies.

I’m doing communion every day now. I would like to be water baptized again. It’s very important. Sometimes demons come out of people during baptism. It’s a way of signaling your holiness.

I want to be rid of anger, permanently. I want to be rid of self-righteousness and covetousness (same thing as idolatry, according to the Bible). When I pray, I want God to look down and say, “That one actually belongs to me, so I’ll listen.”

Psalm 4 says God sets the godly apart for himself. That’s another way of saying they’re holy. It says, “the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The Lord will hear when I call to Him.” Holiness and answers to prayer are connected.

God has gotten rid of every kidney stone I’ve ever had without medical help of any kind, so I am not planning to go to the doctor. Today my pain went away while I was watching Derek Prince. It’s true, I took a Roxicet, but opioids don’t really make pain go away. They just dull it and put it somewhere else. I don’t have pain now, and the pill wore off a while ago. I had some pain about an hour ago, but it left.

I went back to bed after watching the video. I slept beautifully. I wasn’t in pain, I had confessed a bunch of things and prayed for help, and the Roxicet didn’t hurt either.

I am trying to find the doors I need to close. I don’t want this thing coming back again, and I want to be what I’m supposed to be.

Here’s something funny: God doesn’t mind my guns at all. Leftists, who always seem willing to provide religious instruction in spite of their rejection of God, like to tell us Jesus hates guns, but that isn’t true. God hated my cigars and my expensive collection of blues CD’s, but he likes the guns. I keep getting the feeling that he wants us to have weapons we can lay down when they come to martyr us. Anyone can surrender from a position of weakness. Jesus surrendered from a position of total power, and he also had armed men with him.

I can’t say it enough: I am amazed at the uselessness and toxicity of preachers and churches. They should have been teaching me powerful things my entire life, but I had to wait for God himself to teach me. They weren’t able to give me real help, but they were always eager to fill me with lies and gossip that made things worse. How can that be? I had no one to turn to, even when I wanted to change.

I have to forgive them. I’m sure some of them were trying to do right, and God says I have to forgive them even if they knew they were doing evil.

What are people supposed to do if God himself doesn’t provide a special service and visit them? They have to survive on food mingled with garbage. It’s very important to push the baptism with the Holy Spirit and prayer in tongues, so people have a source of good information.

Think where I would be, had I not been shown things by God. I would think Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn were prophets. I would be in bad financial shape, because I would be giving money to thieves in exchange for riches from God. I would have serious health problems, because I wouldn’t know how to get healed. I would live in defeat. I would think my horrendous character flaws were blessings, and I would have no chance of getting rid of them. I would be doubling down on all my curses.

The world has always hated me a great deal. That was true even before I turned back to God. I never had any chance in this place without him. Satan gives favor to many of his children, but he was determined to make me suffer even while I served him, and things went wrong for me consistently.

I almost feel I should thank him for his poor management skills. Where would I be if he knew anything about mentoring? He would have rewarded me and kept me on his side.

Some people can have pleasant lives without God. Not me. I get attacked every day. I have to stay close if I don’t want to be miserable. I am one of Satan’s favorites, for no clear reason. It’s not because I’m a good person; I’m not, and he treated me just as badly when I was on his team.

I have victory now, but what about the Christians who are caught up in fatal pride and disinformation? They’re living for Satan, and they’re going to find themselves in hell along with the preachers who fooled them.

It may be time for me to visit other churches. Meadowbrook is a wasteland. It’s also boring. I’m glad they time the sermons and keep them short, but I still have to put up with over 20 minutes of boredom while the pastor teaches worldly solutions that don’t work.

Yesterday he continued his series on anxiety. He shocked me. He taught about “mindfulness.” This is the left’s new term for things like meditation and aided relaxation. It opens doors to demons; that’s the whole point. Satan loves to create a problem, convince people God won’t help, and then sell them poisonous snake oil that increases their bondage. That’s why we’re hearing about mindfulness.

If you pray in tongues every day (a lot), confess, repent, do communion, and study the word, you will end up with good mental health sooner or later. The Bible says that God will keep in “perfect peace” (literally “shalom shalom”) such persons as rely on him to support their minds. That’s Isaiah 26. Either it’s true, or God is a liar.

By the way, Prince says unconfessed sin can prevent you from praying in tongues. That was news to me.

“Mindfulness” is a sick, trendy New Age concept. It was terrible to see it mentioned approvingly in church. People lapped it up. They didn’t hear God telling them it was wrong.

Take a look at the opening lines of the “mindfulness” entry at Wikipedia, if you want to feel sick:

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which one can develop through the practice of meditation and through other training. The term “mindfulness” is derived from the Pali term sati, “memory,” “retention,” “mindfulness, alertness, self-possession,” which is a significant element of Buddhist traditions, while the concept is related to Zen, Vipassana, and Tibetan meditation techniques.

I didn’t know the precise origin of the term until just now, but as you can see, the Holy Spirit gave me the right information.

Blessed people are the head, not the tail. The Bible says so. The head leads. The tail follows. Right now, the pastor of Meadowbrook Church is the tail. He is following the world instead of leading it to God. This is very common in dead churches. They prefer Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Dale Carnegie to the Holy Spirit. When you can’t find the tools God made for you, you reach for the same weak, carnal tools heathens use.

It’s funny, but women have a huge role in idolatry. It started when Eve listened to Satan’s theology. The idolatrous Mormonism cult adopted polygamy because it attracted more women than men. Women push things like yoga, mindfulness, and accompanying eccentricities like veganism. It’s sad to see a male pastor adopt what has traditionally been a feminine role.

In a healthy family, God leads the husband, the husband leads the wife, and the wife leads the kids. American men are less interested in the supernatural than women, so they abandon their roles as priests of their houses. Then women take over, and the first thing you know, the kids are doing yoga at church.

Female rebellion is the reason why we have leftist politicians in office. If men were allowed to cast votes for their entire households, it would be very hard for a leftist to get elected in most places. Men refuse to do their duty toward God and their families, so now we live in a nation overwhelmed by impudence and rebellion.

I’m not a fan of feminized pastors who parrot the ideals one finds in women’s magazines. If you can find all the doctrine you need in Cosmopolitan (which does, in fact, teach mindfulness, along with tantric sex), you don’t need God or church.

Women’s magazines are supposedly about liberation from old, oppressive ideas like religion, but they push eastern religion like crazy, and the people who write and read them can’t see the glaring hypocrisy. They’re not really against “gods” or even male “gods.” They’re only against THE God. They’re actually religious publications.

Anyway, Meadowbrook is a terrible mess.

Just blew out a whopper of a stone, so maybe today’s lesson is over. I hope I’m learning the right things, and once again, I am very grateful not to be in the hands of primitive earth doctors.

4 Responses to “Free Masonry”

  1. James the lesser Says:

    I’ve only had one kidney stone, but that was plenty. I hurt too much to scream.

    Healing was secondary in Jesus’ ministry. “Your sins are forgiven” came first. He didn’t straighten out the corrupt government, nor reform the greedy and violent and adulterous society. It was as though the machinery of society didn’t matter as much as His call to each man or woman to “Follow me” and “Be perfect.” Rome was substantially nastier than the modern USA (though give us a few years and we’ll catch up), and Jesus didn’t say word one about it.

    Mindfulness per se doesn’t seem necessarily dangerous. If I let myself be distracted I don’t notice the temptations. If I meditate on scripture or concentrate on writing a program or the like, and do it with singleness of purpose, the task is done (hopefully well) and the temptations aren’t so effective. But that whole-heartedness is hard to achieve, and the last slice of pie is calling. If I bring my action to mind, I can say yes or no to the temptation, but if I’m on autopilot I’ll be rinsing off the plate before I’m really aware. Mantras of prayer to pagan gods/demons–no. Emptying your mind–no, fill it with good. Being alert to near occasions of sin, or for opportunities for doing good–sure.

    FWIW, one of the signs of the end of the age that doesn’t get mentioned much is the gospel being preached to the whole world. We’re pretty close to that now.
    OTOH, another is that love will grow cold and there won’t be much faith, but Christianity is growing in Africa and Asia. So maybe it isn’t that close. But the end of _my_ age could be in ten minutes.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    They’re not teaching mindfulness. They’re teaching eastern religion and calling it mindfulness.

    Jesus said he would come when the gospel of “the kingdom” had been taught everywhere. Plenty of people have taught about salvation just about everywhere, but they haven’t taught about the kingdom.

  3. Steve B Says:

    This is probably one of my favorite posts so far, because it really hits me where I live. Thank you for taking the time to put it all down and get it out there.

  4. Heather Egelston Says:

    WOW!!! This is such good teaching and confirms a lot of what I have been getting lately! Thank you!