Improving Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio

October 18th, 2018

The Occult is Real

Christians don’t understand the power demons have over them, and they don’t understand how important it is to get rid of them.

Today these truths came home to me during prayer.

For over a year, I’ve been working on confession and repentance, because I knew hanging onto sin gave spirits power over me, making me unhappy, bringing me misfortune, and hurting my body. A few days back, I decided to get rid of a lot of secular music CD’s; maybe 40 pounds of them. I knew I was supporting performers who were against God, and I believed holding onto their work held doors open and gave spirits permission to live in me and to keep returning after being cast out.

Think about the musicians you like, and ask yourself a few questions. Are they alcoholics? Are they junkies? Did they die young? Did they promote fornication or pride? Have they used their fame to fight Christianity or promote other religions? Did they start out in gospel and then move to popular music to make money? It’s amazing how often the answer will be “yes.”

I’ve been speaking defeat to demons that power my iniquities, and I’ve been casting them out. It’s not a joke. It works. When I start addressing them, I feel nausea, and I hear strange gurgling sounds from my insides. I’m not imagining that. I could record the sounds and post them here. I can’t make my innards sound off on command; it’s not me doing it. It only happens when I deal with demons, or when it’s caused by the normal workings of my body.

After I cast spirits out, I feel very different. I feel empty. I no longer feel urges and voices pulling me in different directions. Oddly, it feels like my thoughts and desires come from a deeper, quieter place inside me. If I’m in bed when I do these things, I tend to fall asleep right away. I have to fight to stay awake.

I’ve been reading John Ramirez’s books. To his credit, he is one of the few charismatics who talk about anything besides money. He put a table in one of his books, showing people how to tell the difference between God’s voice and Satan’s voice. Other ministers have used similar tables. I found one online, and I’m posting it below. I don’t know if it’s identical to the one Ramirez uses, but the idea is the same.

You should be able to look at that table and figure out who is talking to you. If it’s Satan, you need to do something about it before it destroys you.

God is like the sun, and demons are like the moon. The moon is much smaller than the sun, but because of its diameter and distance from the earth, it appears to be the same size as the sun, and it can block the sun from our view. We should hear from God all the time, but he is eclipsed by demons here on earth. Demons inside us chatter all the time. Through sin, we put them between God and ourselves, so they seem disproportionately important.

After I cast things out of myself, I can hear the voice of God, which lies deeper inside me. I don’t feel rushed or overwhelmed any more, even if my external problems haven’t changed.

Today I went to the Internet to see if anyone had any good teaching on deliverance, and I was disappointed. Some preachers know a little, but I can’t find anyone who isn’t behind me on the learning curve. They’re obsessed with money and fame, and they haven’t confronted their own demons, so they don’t have much to teach.

Joyce Meyer popped up in a Youtube search. So much pride and greed. Her masculinity is also a sign of spiritual issues.

Joyce Meyer teaches that after we give her money, God owes us. She says we can call on him to repay us. You can look it up for yourself. Imagine God, owing us. He allowed people to torture him to death for us in order to save us from our own evil deeds. He doesn’t owe us.

An inheritance is not something that is owed or earned. It’s a gift.

It’s disconcerting to see how backward the church is. You would think at least a few of our leaders would be teaching sound doctrine, but they aren’t. Here and there, some obscure individuals get a lot of things right, but all the big names–the pope, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, John MacArthur, and the rest–teach harmful error. Satan promotes them just as he promotes rock stars and rappers.

Many of us are terrified of the occult, which is unfortunate, because Christianity is an occult practice. “Occult” just means “hidden.” It doesn’t mean “evil.” Look it up. We can’t see God with our eyes, any more than we can see the demons voodoo preachers try to command. Nonetheless, we worship him and expect him to take us to a permanent home in an occult world called heaven. That’s an occult belief.

We are afraid to talk about demons, even though Jesus, who is now an occult or unseen spirit, talked about them constantly. We know people will think we’re crazy. They will stop talking to us. They may try to have us adjudged incompetent so they can control our wealth.

We give up on the occult side of Christianity, which is where all the victory and power are, and we stick with rules instead. “Be nice to everyone.” “Tithe every week.” “Don’t touch alcohol.” “Don’t curse.” We think God will take us to heaven if we act like Mary Poppins. The Bible, on the other hand, says salvation only comes by faith. Heaven is jam-packed with sinners, and hell has plenty of disappointed, nice Christians who got it wrong.

People like to say Satan’s biggest victory was convincing the world he didn’t exist. I don’t know about that. How about convincing people that only his children were allowed to use supernatural power? The Bible says apostates have the appearance of godliness yet deny the power thereof. The power it refers to is supernatural power. Miracles, healing, tongues, prophecy…that’s all supernatural, or “occult.” We’re supposed to have these powers, but we settle for lives of defeat, as long as we get into heaven. Meanwhile, pagans are casting spells left and right.

If we ignore demons, we can’t cast them out. They can continue to warp our personalities and damage our bodies. They make us fat, angry, lustful, gluttonous, anorexic, cancerous, crippled, demented, gay, lazy, and insane. That’s what comes of condemning the supernatural side of Christianity.

It’s ironic that the people we go to for emancipation only make our chains heavier. They give us little bits of our inheritance, which is already our property, in exchange for money. Then they stand between us and the rest of it. It’s as if they were selling air.

Most preachers discourage us from pursuing the Holy Spirit and his gifts and fruit. The ones who don’t do those things discourage us from being sanctified. They discourage confession and repentance, so anything they cast out of us can return later in greater force.

You can’t have the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit–the kingdom of heaven–while your life is dedicated to the service of demons. God is jealous.

At my last church, the pastor taught about tongues, prophecy, miracles, and healing. He also rejected the notion that confession and repentance were important. He rejected the idea that healing could be prevented by pride. These ideas made him and his wife so angry, they came to consider me an enemy of God.

At the church before that, the pastor taught that people could be healed, but mainly, he taught that we should feel good and make money. He taught that God would make us rich if we gave him donations instead of paying our electric bills. He hated hearing about sin. He never taught people about the dangers of homosexuality, yoga, astrology, voodoo, or any other sins that were common at his church. He couldn’t teach, because he didn’t know anything. He wasn’t a pastor. He was just a guy working in a family business, for money.

He, too, got angry at me when I pointed out the truth. He even had secret meetings about me when I left his church.

Things would have been even worse had I gone to a traditional church that denies the Holy Spirit. I would have been taught that homosexuality is God’s idea, and that God doesn’t really do anything for us. If I had gone to a Catholic church, I would have been taught to worship statues representing “saints” created by the church to replace pagan “gods.” I would have been taught I could do nearly anything I wanted, as long as I attended mass and confessed. I never would have received a real baptism.

Sprinkling isn’t baptism, and no baby can receive a baptism. Baptism comes from Jewish ritual immersion, which involves a lot of water, and in order for baptism to work, you have to choose it and understand what it means.

You can’t push a baby into heaven. Besides, babies don’t need baptism. They’re not accountable, because they don’t know right from wrong.

I wouldn’t want to go through life hoping statues and medals would fight for me. That level of powerlessness is frightening. I can’t imagine praying to Jesus’ mother, an ordinary woman, because I had been taught that God didn’t have time for me or didn’t want me to approach him.

I’ve received so many healings. What kind of shape would I be in now had I called on statues for help? Bad knees. No gallbladder. Maybe cancer.

I would be even more full of iniquity than I am. I would think it was normal and untreatable. I wouldn’t know demons drive iniquity, or that they could be removed.

Now that I think about it, I would be a lot like my last two pastors. They’re both very unhealthy. One is obese and diabetic. His wife lost her gallbladder, and now she has a brain tumor. The other pastor has bad knees, diabetes, kidneystones that have required surgery, weird calcified tumors, and a rare blood disease. Calling on God himself is better than calling on a statue, but you also have to repent and put in time praying in tongues.

The iniquities and physical problems I have now can be ascribed to sin and pride. I have to keep pursuing sanctification, if I want help.

People always fail. You can’t count on them for anything. This is why God gave us the baptism with the Holy Spirit. He knew preachers were liars, and that they always would be. When you get in touch with the Holy Spirit, he teaches you one-on-one, and he will contradict preachers all the time. This is what’s supposed to keep the church alive.

I wish I could go to another human being–someone I could see and hear–and get solid instruction I could rely on. It isn’t possible. I can get a little piece of the puzzle here and another one there, but I have to go to God to correct the mistakes and fill in the blanks.

There is no point in being angry at preachers. That’s just a trap. I have to acknowledge their shortcomings and let it go. Anger won’t help anyone. It’s self-righteous. Another demon door.

This stuff is important. Maybe there will be a revival some day, and churches will catch onto it. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though. Might as well get to know the Holy Spirit now and get the information you need.

One Response to “Improving Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio”

  1. baldilocks Says:

    For deliverance and a lot of other useful teaching, look up Derek Prince on YouTube.