Griddle me This

September 9th, 2018

Health Food Breakthrough

I don’t really cook any more. I lost my interest, and I was tired of cooking for people who showed up late, left early, and didn’t shop, help cook, or clean. I still have to cook for myself, though, so once in a while, I turn on the stove.

I make what must be the worst pancakes on earth. Or at least I used to. It was frustrating, because my waffles were perfect. I make them with bacon grease instead of butter. My pancakes came out heavy and rubbery. They would keep a man going all day because it took so long for the stomach to break them down.

Yesterday I tried again. I looked up a New York Times recipe and went to work. Result: rubber pancakes. I know why it happened. I used the wrong spoon to measure the baking powder.

Today I used the correct spoon, and I made some adjustments of my own. I have a tentative recipe to post. The pancakes were light and tasty.


1 cup biscuit flour (not self-rising)
1 cup milk
1 tbsp melted butter
1 egg
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. sugar

I warmed the milk up to room temperature before using it.

You separate the egg and beat the white until it’s stiff. After that, put the mixer away. You don’t want it near the batter. Mixers seem to make pancakes gluey. Maybe that’s my imagination, though.

Mix the remaining ingredients with a spoon, but hold back 1/4 cup of milk. Fold in the egg white. Stir in enough of the remaining milk to make the batter flow the way it should.

When you fry your pancakes, put a little butter on top of each one as it hits the plate. To be really decadent, sprinkle it with salt.

I heat my syrup in the microwave, and I add butter to it. Cold syrup and hard butter ruin pancakes.

That’s about it. It takes a little longer than using a box. I can’t say it’s worth it because I don’t have a box to compare it to.

I think they would taste better with a whole teaspoon of salt in the batter, but I was too chicken to try it today.

I use a Griswold cast iron griddle for pancakes. It’s wonderful. They brown very quickly, and they never stick. Best thing I’ve ever seen for pancakes. Much better than a skillet. With a skillet, the walls get in the way when you try to flip your pancakes.

I use grade B syrup because it has more flavor than grade A. I buy a brand called Anderson’s, from Amazon. I keep maple syrup in the fridge or freezer to prevent mold.

I need to learn to make blueberry pancakes. I’m not sure you can throw blueberries into batter without additional steps. They might be too sour and raw. The syrup is easy. You heat blueberries with a little sugar and water. You can add starch to bulk it up, and you might consider a small amount of lemon juice. Make sure the syrup boils. Starch has to boil.

Buckwheat pancakes would be great. I’m sure I can find buckwheat flour on the Internet. I think buckwheat pancakes are the best pancakes possible.

I’ll post a photo of today’s pancakes. I am open to suggestions.

6 Responses to “Griddle me This”

  1. lauraw Says:

    Impossible. Pancakes are pasty and they always make you feel terrible for the rest of the morning.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    What’s with all the negative waves?

  3. Ruth H Says:

    I have given up on anything but Pioneer brand pancake mix. I cannot mix my own nearly as well. I’ve tried twice to make the gluten free from Pillsbury gluten free flour. Doesn’t work for me. They aren’t just rubbery, they are tough rubber. I at one time had a small packet of a gluten free pancake mix, that worked well. I need to find it again.

    I like to make a batch and freeze some for later.
    I don’t often feel like making much of a breakfast. Sometimes they make a nice supper, and I cook them fresh then.

    I keep maple syrup in the fridge, in fact I keep all syrup in the fridge. If I don’t it gets a nice mold cap on it. I’m sure the syrup under that cap is fine, but it goes down the drain if it happens.

    I have grill on my range, it is a Thermador range and it is wasted on me. I’ve used the large oven less than five times total and the grill doesn’t work as a griddle. I need a cast iron one for the range. I usually use one burner on the range with six burners. I would use a griddle if it had one. They are $400 on Amazon, not worth that to me. Twenty dollars, maybe, maybe even $40. And I do have two nice ones easily placed on a burner.

    So now I’m talked out on my cooking. Aren’t you happy ’bout that!

  4. Mark Says:

    Blueberries sound good, chocolate chips too. Just no squirrel meat.

  5. Steve H. Says:

    Feel better, Ruth?

  6. Rachel Says:

    I don’t have any suggestions for you, but your comment about warming your syrup in the microwave reminded me of my mom, who always warmed our Mrs Butterworths in a little pan of hot water on the stove and served it on the table with a dish rag tied around the hot glass bottle. After she had fried the pancakes in an electric skillet and added them to the plate she kept them all warm on in the oven. (there were 6 of us she was cooking for).

    I was with my mom and step-dad once and was served cold syrup for my pancakes. I refused to eat them (because really?!?) and mom snickered to my step-dad, “I spoiled her”.

    Thanks for reminding me of some warm memories….