I’ve Been Cursed, and I’ve Been Blessed

May 25th, 2018

Blessed is Better!

I had a wonderful experience last night. First, some background.

When I was a kid, I was afraid of the dark. I suppose I had a good excuse. I used to wake up and see snakes and giant bugs and lizards crawling all over the room, including the bed, walls, and ceiling. I had nightmares every night. I once woke up and called for my mother, and when I saw her at the door, she shrank until she was about two feet tall. I’m not saying it was her, obviously, but I don’t think it was my imagination, either.

I still get creeped out sometimes when I’m in dark places alone. I honestly think it has to do with the presence of demons. Some places feel creepy, and others don’t. Eastern Kentucky is extremely creepy. It’s as if you can feel the demons swarming around you as soon as twilight sets in.

Ocala is not creepy at all. There is a warm, safe feeling to this area. Don’t ask me why.

Now to the experience I had last night.

I was thinking about a woman my mother knew. She used to see a spirit. A little man would appear and watch her. He would laugh at her. Out of curiosity, I Googled other people’s experiences with visible demons. I got more than I bargained for.

There were all sorts of online testimonies, and many of them were from people who weren’t religious. Me, I would believe in God after seeing one demon. That’s just how I am. Not sure what kind of cognitive dissonance prevents other people from believing. If you can believe you saw a spirit while you were wide awake, why can’t you believe there is a great benevolent spirit we know as God?

You can believe. You choose not to, because God will make demands on you. You might have to stop smoking weed and fornicating. You might not fit in with the cool kids any more.

One person said he was in a bunk bed with his sister. She was in the top bunk. He looked up and saw her hanging from the upper bunk, looking at him. Then he realized she was in the bunk, asleep. What he saw hanging from the bunk was something else. A woman said she was in a bedroom she shared with her brother. She looked across the room and saw him sitting on the couch, eating chocolate and staring at her. Then she noticed his arm hanging down from the bunk above. He was still in it, snoring. The thing on her couch only looked like him.

As you can probably tell, these were childhood experiences. It would be a little odd for siblings of different sexes to share bunk beds as adults.

Stories like this aren’t all that rare, and they don’t always come from people who believe in the occult. Years ago, a murder case was solved with help from an apparition. A person was driving down the highway and saw a naked woman lying on the shoulder. She was just watching cars go by. The driver went back to help her, but she was gone. Afterward, the body of a murdered woman was found just off the highway, behind the place where the naked lady lay. I learned about this while watching a true crime show on cable.

I started reading various accounts last night, and I felt a little spooked. I live out in the woods. The nearest human beings are maybe 500 feet away, and they wouldn’t hear a thing if something happened to me.

I wasn’t worried about being unable to sleep. I thought about the presence of God. Lately, I have had the ability to get into his presence at will. I remembered something he put in my mind: “When you’re with me, no one can touch me.” I also remembered this: “Problems are darkness, and you are light.”

I got into God’s presence and went to sleep.

When God is with me, I’m the most dangerous thing on the property. I shouldn’t fear. I should be feared.

This experience was a big deal to me. It shows that the problems I’ve had with inverted authority are disappearing. When I was young, spirits, animals, disease germs, and obnoxious people had a lot of power over me. I couldn’t fight back successfully, even when I was dealing with enemies that seemed weak. I didn’t know God, and I hadn’t set him in authority over me and my flesh. I was outside of the chain of command, so I had no backup and no power. As I’ve gotten closer to God, beings that mistreat me have received more and more defeat.

When I was a kid and I was afraid at night, I would sit awake all night with the light on, or I would go into my parents’ bedroom. Now I roll over and sleep. Let my enemies deal with the fear; it’s their property.

I wish I had been able to do that when I was 5. I suffered a great deal as a child. I hated my childhood, and I hate the memory of it. If I had had God’s authority and presence, I wouldn’t have been so miserable.

I hate the way I was picked on. Spirits and people did what they wanted to me. I wish I could go back in time and help myself. I wish my past could be replaced. But I can’t say it wasn’t just. This is what happens to the children of the ungodly. It’s normal and right.

Real victory is anomalous in this fallen world. People who don’t know God are supposed to live in defeat. Many ungodly losers live under the delusion that they’re victorious, but they just experience candy-coated defeat. Think of Howard Hughes and Johnny Depp. In my case, my loser status was obvious to all. I got it straight with no mixer.

Recently I wrote about something that appeared in my bedroom here in Ocala. I woke up and saw a thin female figure dressed in black, hovering at the foot of my bed. Nice try, loser. I told it off and went to sleep. What I would give to give that power to the little kid who slept with the light on.

Many Christians are afraid of the devil and other spirits. Not me. God told me something years ago: “Satan isn’t that tough.” It’s a fact. He lost before the world was created. If you’re scared of the devil, you’ve been watching too many movies. In movies, the devil does whatever he wants, and God sits as though his hands were tied. It’s as if Satan were writing movies to make himself feel good. Hollywood belongs to Satan, so he gets great PR. He puffs himself up, like Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Un. In reality, when Satan wants to do something, he has to go grovel before the throne. He may be the god of this world, as Jesus said, but he is constrained.

I’m glad my authority keeps growing. It’s a huge relief. But I’m sad to see most Americans losing authority. Look at the people who push us around. Illegal aliens. Backward ghetto dwellers who manipulate our prosecutors with the threat of riots. Pitiable, enslaved people controlled by spirits of sexual perversion. Wives dominate husbands. Kids dominate parents.

It’s going to get worse. We insist on more fornication. More sexual perversion. More yoga. More feminism. More weird religions. More piercings and tattoos (which God has always hated). More pride. More cruelty. More drugs. These days, a person who looks and acts like a long-term prison inmate did in 1980 may wear a police uniform, run a church, or teach your kids.

I read something interesting last night. Americans are losing their protection from demons, which are supposed to be among the lowest, most defeated creatures in existence. I learned it by reading about the Catholic church. We now have several times as many exorcists as we did a few years ago. The church is raising up exorcists in response to a very large increase in demonic manifestations. When even the Catholic church is aware there’s a spiritual problem, you know things are getting bad.

Unfortunately, the pope seems to have the idea that only fully possessed people need deliverance. That’s a Satanic canard. All or nearly all Christians need deliverance. You don’t have to be barking like a dog and levitating in order to have demons. Satan has the church sending out a few exorcists who focus on sensational possessions in order to make it look like something is being done. Meanwhile, the church gives no relief to the rest of us, whose demonic issues are less spectacular.

It’s what a corrupt mayor would do, in a city controlled by organized crime. Have a highly publicized raid once in a while in order to please the public, while sheltering whorehouses and bookie joints all over the city.

It’s as if our medical establishment were healing a few advanced cancers while doing nothing for countless millions who have chronic illnesses and addictions that take all the joy out of life.

While I’m on the subject of demons, I now believe that deep confession is essential to lasting deliverance.

Through sin, we give spirits authority over us. Every Christian who isn’t ignorant knows about this. Try drugs, and you may get a demon of addiction. Sexual sin can lead to fetishes and perversion. We know demons enter us and give us habits. What we don’t understand is that the demons that motivate us also hurt us. They can give us physical and mental illnesses. They can depress us.

An unequal yoking always has a cost. Write that down. Memorize it.

You may be able to cast a demon out without confronting the problem that allowed it to come in. If you do, your deliverance may be temporary. It’s as if an elastic cord binds you to the demon. You can stretch it, but it won’t snap while you hold onto your excuses. If you refuse to confess, you give the demon title, so he can return.

I used to think I was honest with God. I tried to confess as well as I could. I told him very disturbing things about myself. Recently, I’ve gone to a deeper level. I’ve confessed truly disgusting things that surprised me. Generally, these were things I disapproved of. I had bad habits and desires I genuinely despised, and because I had contempt for them, I thought I was free of them. That’s not how it works. We have bad habits we like, such as sexual compulsions, but you can have a bad trait you hate and want nothing to do with.

When a demon is in trouble, you may feel its distress in the form of nausea or coldness. I’ve been feeling nauseated when I confess. It’s a manifestation of the demon’s panic. They don’t want to leave. It must be like being evicted during a blizzard.

I believe that when I confess with real honesty, I cut the bungees that bind demons to me. I also cut the attachments to curses and problems.

If you have a problem you can’t get rid of, you’re doing something to perpetuate it, because God wants you to be free. If he is allowing you to carry a painful burden, there is something you’re not doing, which will move him to set you free.

People hate this message because excuses are like our precious, spoiled children. We hate anyone who says a word against them. We will attack people who try to help us by exposing them.

This year, God gave me this: “Excuses are lies.” God also says liars can’t enter the kingdom of heaven. Eternal punishment in the lake of fire was created for “all liars,” according to the Bible. If you’re not confessing, you’re a liar, and you are keeping your most draining problems alive.

These days when I confess, I have a mental image of a big knife slicing thick, rubbery cords.

How did I get this old without learning these things from preachers? They didn’t tell me because they didn’t know. They are dangerously ignorant. You can’t give away what you don’t have.

I can’t be honest without God’s help. I don’t think anyone can. We need to ask for help and receive it.

Adam and Eve weren’t cursed as soon as they sinned. They were cursed after they deflected blame and covered themselves with leaves (which represent works). They put barriers between themselves and God, and when you block God’s presence, you block his help.

No one seems to have any deep knowledge. What hope is there for the world? The more deep knowledge I get, the more I see how different it is from the infected puke they serve at churches.

I’m very wary of preachers now. I have nearly no use for them. They have wasted my time and money. They have betrayed my trust. They have persecuted me. They have taught me garbage which made my problems worse. They are extremely ignorant. I feel like they’ll poison me again if I get too close.

God keeps looking out for me. He never steers me wrong. I can’t see myself looking for someone to replace him.

Freedom is available. We know this because God said it was true. We don’t have freedom, therefore we are doing things wrong. Better things are available, and we should be seeking them instead of making excuses for our patterns of defeat. “God doesn’t work miracles any more.” “God doesn’t talk to people any more.” Wrong. We need to stop sheltering our failure behind walls of meticulously cultivated excuses.

I am determined to go forward and succeed in God’s kingdom even if everyone else on earth goes to hell. I want whatever he will give me. I’m not going to bite my tongue and sit on my hands and miss out just to fit in and be popular.

3 Responses to “I’ve Been Cursed, and I’ve Been Blessed”

  1. Mike Says:

    Thank you
    This is strong. I enjoy the shooting and hunting exploits but this is life. Thanks for telling the truth. Not many are willing. I learn from your words and I’m also reminded of lessons forgotten or ignored.
    I still pray for you and your father.

  2. baldilocks Says:

    Just yesterday, God showed me a huge iniquity. And when I reflected, I saw it has always been there poisoning my life.

  3. baldilocks Says:

    The other day, I referred to myself as a recovering dissembler.