Hear Him Roar

March 27th, 2017

The Upcoming Obsolescence of Female Athletes

A few years back, before Americans completely lost the ability to tell male from female, I wrote about the upcoming destruction of female sports. Women and girls of exceptional ability were demanding to be allowed to compete with men, and of course, leftists were all for it. They don’t think; they just ask themselves what seems most PC, and they go with it. They don’t concern themselves with consequences and contradictions.

I pointed out that the results for women’s sports (something I care nothing about) would be disastrous. First of all, the women who competed with men would never excel. They would be among the worst competitors in their chosen realm. Second, women’s sports would lose its top performers; they would move to men’s sports. Women’s sports would become even more boring (which is saying a lot), and the women who continued competing with females would end up with illegitimate, asterisked records. If you didn’t compete with the best, your record is a consolation prize.

I don’t believe I thought much about the problem of men competing in women’s events. I guess I assumed feminists wouldn’t have it. Their victimhood complex is at the center of their lives. To let mean, non-diverse, meat-eating, non-yoga-practicing men who use plastic grocery bags enter their midst would undo decades of assiduous man-bashing. It would also pretty much kill the careers of most female athletes.

Now I see that I misgauged things. I didn’t realize men would eventually be allowed to compete with women, because they would claim to BE women.

The sad yet also–forgive me–hilarious outcome of our extraordinary gender confusion crisis is that now any man who feels like competing with female athletes can do so, and he doesn’t even have to have surgery!

I just read about a “woman” athlete who is actually a man, who won a major weightlifting competition, the Australian International. His name is now Laurel Hubbard, but it used to be Gavin Hubbard. He lifted a grand total of 268 KG. The second-place finisher, an actual woman from Samoa, lifted 249 KG. You should see the photos. He’s a very manly looking man with a receding hairline. I haven’t seen closeups, but from a distance, he simply looks like a man standing among women. Maybe he has a ponytail or lipstick to set himself apart from other males. I couldn’t tell.

This is a confusing topic. Athletes used to complain because other athletes used drugs to win. Then everyone started using drugs and beating the tests, so that fuss abated considerably. Drugs are accepted. Now women who use drugs to win events are upset because they’re competing with men. Who probably use drugs. Cheating has a new and unanticipated level.

I could not care less about sports. They work against Christian values. They teach people to value worthless, fleeting abilities. Judaism and Christianity have always had problems with persecution directed through professional athletics. Aside from all that, I get bored watching other people play. I enjoyed playing sports when I was a kid, but I never had much interest in watching. I don’t care if professional sports get more screwed up; I would welcome it. I’m just commenting as an outsider fascinated by what’s happening.

One great thing about shemale inclusion is that it will allow mediocre and even bad male athletes to get rich in jobs they’re not good enough to do alongside their genetic peers. That will open doors to a lot of frustrated, bitter people.

My phys. ed. coach at Miami Shores Elementary was a physically abusive little guy named Gary. He was handsome. He was muscular and lean. He had chiseled, masculine features and a gruff, manly voice. He was very athletic. He was also about 5’5″ tall. Gary was not big enough to play pro sports, and he ended up working at an elementary school, pushing kids around. Maybe if he had been allowed to play women’s tennis, he wouldn’t have been a teacher, and I would never have seen him pick an 80-pound kid up by the neck and throw him on the ground for complaining to his mom about his bullying.

If Gary had had an opportunity to use his male muscles to humiliate female athletes, maybe he wouldn’t have found himself lining kids up in squads and making them watch him shoot free throws on the kiddie baskets.

A long time ago, there was a male athlete who tried to compete with women, but at least he had the integrity to get the surgery and give up the parts that made his muscles strong. He called himself Renee Richards. As a man, he was a low-ranking tennis pro. As a woman, even in middle age without the benefit of testosterone produced by male organs, he was in the top 20. Here is what he said about it: “Having lived for the past 30 years, I know if I’d had surgery at the age of 22, and then at 24 went on the tour, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me. And so I’ve reconsidered my opinion.”

He finally admits being a man would have helped. It took him decades to see through the PC haze. Amazing.

I wonder how many people remember tennis’s “Battle of the Sexes.” An aging male pro named Bobby Riggs challenged the top female player in the world, and he won easily. Her name was Margaret Court. She was 30, and he was 55. Her loss drew another professional, Billie Jean King, who played Riggs and won by a smaller margin. Decades later, evidence came out suggesting Riggs threw the match in order to help his bookie creditors profit from betting on King. The difference between male and female athletic abilities is that big.

Nature is what it is. Maybe that won’t be true five years from now, but I can say it now. Mixing the sexes in sports will never work, as long as human beings remain sexually dimorphic.

The most interesting part of this issue is the supernatural blindness that has fallen on people. Those who call Bruce Jenner a woman are completely serious. The fact that he has male genitals and a male physique means absolutely nothing to them. When you say he’s a man, they think it’s not only wrong, but ridiculous.

Because of increasing demonic influence, there is no limit to the craziness of the things people can believe. God is the only barrier between us and insanity, and we don’t like God, so we removed him.

The smart thing to do now is to look to the future and try to make predictions based on the current situation. Here’s a question: if people can believe a man is a woman, why can’t they believe a man is a goat or a tree or a toaster? What if a small child somewhere starts telling his parents he’s a motorcycle? Who is to challenge that?

Right now we have parents denying male children puberty simply because the kids think they’re female. They are receiving treatment to prevent their bodies from developing as male. What a horror. Imagine being 23 and a recipient of this treatment, and then changing your mind. What a mess you would be. What if future parents indulge kids who want lion claws or hooves? These days, many deaf people are convinced deafness sets them apart as a sort of race; they don’t see it as a defect that should be fixed. What if a three-year-old starts jamming things in his ears and telling mom and dad he identifies as deaf? Should they pay a doctor to cut out his eardrums?

I sound like I’m tossing out absurd examples of future deviations. I am! But Bruce Jenner’s case is absurd, too. People just can’t see it. What seems right today was correctly viewed as preposterous fifty years ago. What seems preposterous today–precious little of it that there is–will seem right and normal in the near future.

I once saw an interview featuring a “man” who had had at least two sex-change surgeries. It may have been three, but I think it was two. He’s not the only one, either. Somehow, this person went through the vetting process, which sanctimonious leftists tell us is beyond challenge, at least twice. Assuming it was only two surgeries, he convinced a board of brilliant medical professionals he was really a woman, and they operated, and then he convinced another infallible board he was definitely a man, and they operated again.

Think about that. We’re supposed to think the whole gender-confusion enterprise is scientific and progressive, but the people doing the surgery have definitively, dispositively stated that it’s guesswork. They’ve stated it through their actions every time they’ve done a second or third “reassignment” (When did sexuality become an “assignment”?). If they’re not sure they’ve been wrong, then it would be unethical and possibly criminal to perform consecutive surgeries, so by doing the surgeries, they are testifying against their own conclusions.

Maybe horses can become convinced they’re people. If so, it would be wrong to deny them the right to fulfill their dreams of competing in the Olympics. Any other position would be speciesist.

I’m starting to make myself ill.

Let me suggest something: you are what you are, not what you “feel” you are at the moment. You’re not a person of the opposite sex. You’re not a stuffed animal. You’re not a leopard. You’re definitely not a comic book character created by Nazi scientists experimenting with supersoldier serums (See the video below). People get strange ideas from time to time. We don’t have to build our lives around them. Usually, they pass.

If you’re a female athlete (a real one), you have an interesting path ahead of you. Maybe it’s best to stick to skill sports and leave power and speed to the men and steroid junkies.

One Response to “Hear Him Roar”

  1. Steve B Says:

    You know, when I read about this stuff, I can’t help but think about the verse in the Bible where is says, “that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived.”

    I’ve seen several of these articles on transgendered men who now “identify” as women, and it’s a very strange experience. You are looking at a picture of a man, who is physically a man, looks and dresses like a man, and yet we are told it’s a woman. The article is full of female pronouns. So we are, in effect, being told to reprogram our perceptions to fit a narrative, and shunned as a hater if we don’t. So, don’t believe the testimony of your eyes (i.e. – the truth), rely solely on the whimsy of emotion-based moral relativism. I see phrases like ‘my truth’ (which used to be called “opinion”).

    And people buy off on it with gleeful abandon, full of righteous nobility for their open-mindedness. Just….crazy.

    George Orwell knew what was coming.