My Dream of Trump’s Empty Skyscraper

November 15th, 2016

Psalm 127:1

I had a dream about Donald Trump last night. I asked God what it meant.

I was behaving like an investigative reporter. This is not something I would want to do for a living, but in retrospect, I think the pastors of my last two churches probably see me as a muckraker. I exposed a lot of nonsense in their churches.

I was beside a big highway, and Trump had a property next to it. Trump’s land was about 40 feet lower than the highway. His land had a perimeter road going around it.

Trump was there, and he had his youngest son with him. He was looking over the property. His son was there because he was raising him to know about business and responsibility. He cared about him and didn’t want him to flounder when he grew up.

Somehow I made it down to the property. At that point, Trump was up at the highway level. He was looking down. He knew I was poking around, and he wanted me off. He couldn’t see me.

I drove around the perimeter road. It wasn’t a great road. It was a dirt road covered with fine limestone gravel. It was wet and full of potholes. Surprising, from a man who loves opulence.

I ran into a man who lived on the property. Maybe he had bought a condo from Trump. He was affluent. He was mad because Trump’s dog, Bonehead, was running loose, barking at people. Bonehead was a big orange dog, like a cross between a golden retriever and an Irish setter. Like Trump, Bonehead was a redhead.

Bonehead was not a mean dog, but he was annoying. When the man complained about him, Trump paid no attention.

I dodged Trump by going into hallways and doorways. I went into a big skyscraper he had built on the property. The lobby was surprising. It wasn’t finished. It was just concrete and the beginnings of walls. There was torn plastic sheeting on the concrete floor. There was construction debris. There were no lights. There were no interior doors. The place smelled like fresh concrete.

Here’s what I took away from it.

Trump represented himself, his underlings, and his supporters. The building represented his administration. It’s not built yet, because we’re still in construction.

Right now, Trump is choosing subordinates. He’s picking cabinet members. If God doesn’t guide him, he will pick fools and God-haters. That will be bad for Christians and Israel.

Many of Trump’s supporters don’t hear from God. Even those who call themselves evangelicals generally don’t have the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and they try to do things in their own strength, by carnal means such as voting and blogging.

There is a big difference between “evangelical” and “charismatic,” and most charismatics don’t pray in tongues, even though they can. It’s not a good situation. No wonder the power in Trump’s building was off.

I hope you will join me in praying for a solid administration led by God, and for American Christians to be humbled and drawn closer to God while there is still time. That’s about it.

Right now, most of us are just running around barking.

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