The Zombies are Already Here

April 21st, 2016

And Shooting Them is Illegal

I have a friend who has dreams that have meaning, and he had a disturbing one last night.

He’s going to college, and he shares a house with some other students. They entertain a lot. Yesterday some young ladies came over, and there was dancing.

My friend was on the couch, and he fell asleep. When the dream started, he still saw the couples dancing, but they were dead. Their flesh was falling apart, and he could literally see a foul stench rising up from them.

He saw destruction all around him, complete with snakes and swarms of flies. He was fine, but he couldn’t do anything for anyone else. They wouldn’t listen.

It’s completely consistent with what I’ve been seeing, and it’s very appropriate for his situation.

He knows a lot of foolish people who pretend to be Christians, yet who never change. They cause him a lot of problems. He sinks his heart into trying to save people. He hates to let anyone fall through the cracks. In other words, he has unrealistic hopes. God keeps telling him he has to let people go, and it’s hard for him to comply.

It’s not a suggestion when God tells you to drop unproductive people. It’s an order, and it’s important. People who refuse to change are a burden. They discourage you. They destroy your peace and your faith, and they take you away from people who can actually be helped.

In the Bible, sometimes God listened when his servants asked him to be patient with others. Sometimes he didn’t.

It’s disturbing to realize America is lost, and it seems strange to be thinking about it on a quiet, sunny spring day with a pleasant breeze blowing. But it makes sense; death takes time to propagate through a body. If you put a tourniquet on your arm, your hand won’t die and fall off immediately. It will feel completely normal at first. It takes time for numbness to set in, and after that you still have a long time to take the tourniquet off and restore the blood flow.

I don’t think America’s sunset will look bad to the lost. Not at first. Sexual deviants are gaining new ground and finding new acceptance. People who have been disenfranchised for very good reason are receiving new power over the rest of us. It must seem like the dawn of an age of enlightenment and peace to them.

These are the people who celebrate the rainbow, which is something that appeared after God killed the human race. You have to be severely deluded to consider a rainbow a good omen. The rainbow is God’s promise that he won’t drown us again. The next time he massacred a large number of rebels, he rained burning sulfur and pitch on them, and he will use fire again at the end of the world. That’s not something to be happy about.

Being burned to death is very bad, but it’s surely worse when you’re covered in a sticky substance that burns. You can’t run away from it.

When things get worse, it won’t change the minds of the perverse. They’ll blame Christians and Jews. Sooner or later, a day will come when people who know God exists will blame him openly. In the past, we had to deal with atheists and idolaters. In the future, the gloves will come off, and God’s enemies will be people who acknowledge his existence. That will be weird. We already see it here and there, but in the future, it will be considered normal and acceptable.

Unbelievers criticize Christians for any faults they can find or manufacture. One of their favorites is self-righteousness. All correction is seen as hate and conceit.

Sometimes they’re right, but another person’s self-righteousness isn’t a valid excuse for rejecting the truths he speaks.

It’s not easy to talk about God and repentance without sounding proud.

When I look at the rebellious, doomed people around me, I don’t see myself as superior to them. I see myself as an eleventh-hour Christian who strove to be like them until it stopped paying off. I wasn’t pulled out of the fire because I was a great guy. I simply wasn’t strong enough or brave enough to keep fighting God. And Satan always cheated me. He offered me prizes and then kept them from me or made them sources of pain and regret. I had to turn to God. I had nowhere else to go.

In 1986, I knew what I was supposed to be doing, and I stuck with it for about five years. I had a prayer life. Things didn’t go as well as I wanted; I had limited knowledge and understanding, and I was easily defeated. After that, I gave up and tried things the world’s way.

If I had stuck with God’s program, I would have made a ton of progress. My life would be very different now; it would be much better. I really blew it. I turned myself into a tangled knot of problems, and the process of repair is very slow.

If I tell people that, it won’t matter. They’ll still say I’m full of hate and pride. They can’t detect the truth, and they swallow lies without hesitation, so whenever I say anything helpful, I will be abused for it.

I blew it, but I still had warm blood in my veins when I repented, so I’m okay. The thing that sets me apart from the lost isn’t good character; it’s the fact that I gave up. Now I have to get used to being blessed and having a hard time sharing it.

We can’t fix America or the world. The game is over. All we can do now is glean. Here and there we will come across people who will listen, and we can help them get out of the path of destruction. In doing so, we will make them enemies of the world, but that beats serving the devil and joining him in his stinking dungeon.

We have to have realistic expectations. To expect more than is possible is to set yourself up against God. It takes you out from under his protection, and it cuts you off from his help.

If we are content with what God tells us to expect, we’ll have peace and support. That’s a pretty good deal.

I guess now I’ll sit back and marvel as sick individuals succeed in demonizing those who try to keep men out of women’s locker rooms and showers. I would say I have never seen anything like it, but that’s not true. I’ve read Genesis.

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