The Supernatural Trumps the Natural

March 21st, 2016

It’s Our Cruz to Bear

I am wondering what most charismatic Christians think of Donald Trump.

I’m too lazy to read blogs, and I don’t really want to get into the mud-wrestling this time around, so I guess I’ll never find out.

The impression I get is that some of us are all fired up for him, and they refuse to hear any criticism. They’re a lot like the Obamites, many of whom would vote for a black man or a handout even if the candidate swore under oath that he was possessed by Satan and shot a baby during a debate.

I can’t get completely behind Trump. He owns casinos. He has never led a Christian lifestyle. If he’s a conservative, then he converted in a hurry, because it hasn’t been that long since he was supporting leftists and talking like a liberal.

He’s proud; I think he beats even Obama on that score. He is incapable of admitting fault. He is childish and vindictive. He doesn’t act like a president. He’s always baiting people on Twitter, which is not the kind of thing you would have expected from Lincoln or Jefferson.

He has said some bizarre things. He encouraged his supporters to physically engage with people who threw tomatoes ate one of his rallies, saying he would pay their legal bills. He said Republicans might riot if he showed up at the convention with a lot of delegates in his pocket and then failed to get the nomination. A guy speaking for his campaign said he (the speaker) didn’t “accept” the idea that rioting is violence, and I haven’t heard Trump contradict him.

People have a tendency to whitewash their allies. Hitler paid “scholars” to “prove” the Japanese were Aryans, which, now that I think about it, is whitewashing in a nearly literal way. Hitler thought a small group of Caucasians should run the world, so he found a way to include a bunch of non-white Asians who were helpful.

Some Christians seem to be doing the same thing with Trump. That’s dangerous. He is not Elijah. He’s the same guy he was ten years ago, “evolution” notwithstanding.

I voted for Cruz in the primary, but part of me felt like voting for Trump. The Donald bullies the people who bully people like me; that’s hard not to like. By “people like me,” I mean conservatives and Christians, not Caucasians. Trump appeals to our desire for deliverance from anarchists, brats, and morons who will destroy the nation if they get enough power.

I feel the urge, but I’m not crazy enough to think it’s rational.

The weird thing about Trump (one weird thing) is that his enemies help him more than his friends. When Obama got into the White House, his determination to dilute our civil rights spurred a gun-buying frenzy the likes of which America has never seen. I call him the greatest gun salesman in history. Similarly, the nuts who disrupt Trump rallies and publish lies about him move people like me to support him, even though we don’t want to.

Right now, we have MEXICANS inside the UNITED STATES interfering with OUR election. And the press thinks that’s okay. How can you battle that kind of ignorance? Some people are too ignorant to understand why they’re wrong. If it’s not immediately obvious to you that non-citizens are not supposed to be involved in our elections, then you are probably not capable of being taught.

It’s insane that these activities are permitted and condoned, while no one seems to mind seeing Trump’s crowd–citizens–deprived of the Constitutional rights to assemble and speak. It has to be a supernatural blindness. No one is that stupid without help.

Here’s something else that makes no sense in the natural realm: by and large, black people hate Donald Trump. They joke publicly about beating him up. But they would benefit more than anyone from a border wall. Illegals are harder on blacks than whites. They compete for jobs blacks usually take, and they nullify the minimum wage and the power of unions by working under the table, union-free, for pennies.

Black people should be out in the street waving Trump signs, but they talk about him like he’s the Antichrist. And they’re excited about Bernie, who would be a huge help to their enemies.

Some people are saying Trump is the new Cyrus. I think they’re probably right.

Cyrus was a heathen emperor who helped rebuild the temple and Jerusalem. He was anointed by God, even though he worshiped false gods. Look it up; I’m not imagining it. Along with figures like Ahasuerus, Darius, and the pharaoh Joseph served, he looked after the Jews and advanced their interests. Did you know that God called Nebuchadnezzar his servant? God doesn’t always pick believers to do his will. Sometimes he picks people who worship other spirits. It doesn’t mean he approves of their religious stances. It just means he has jobs for them to do.

My best guess is that Trump will win, and he’ll look after Christians and Israel for four to eight years. During that time, we’ll have space to repent and evangelize. After that, I expect things to fall apart. God is merciful, and he puts off his justice, so this sounds like the way he would do things. He gave Noah 120 years to preach to his neighbors before sending the rain.

Trump will surely do and say embarrassing things if he is elected. But he’s the most capable person in the race, far and away, so he will be extremely effective at whatever he decides to do. He is running against people who have never done anything productive and who have never managed people in a capitalist (non-subsidized) enterprise, so none of them can do what he can.

Should Christians feel bad about voting for him? I don’t think so. When have we ever seen a man of God in the White House? Let’s be honest; politics doesn’t attract prophets and apostles. It attracts people with gigantic egos and a desire to control. Some of our Presidents have been real Christians, but we’ve never had anyone Spirit-led. Trump is probably as much of a Christian as Bush I or Nixon.

I have learned that God tends to give carnal grunt work and big titles to carnal people. This frees his real servants up so they can do things that are important to him. If you look at churches, the pastors are usually carnal people who like attention and control (just like politicians), and the most effective Christians are generally people who lack titles or church jobs.

God can’t find an apostle to run, and we wouldn’t vote for one, so Trump is about as good as anyone, as long as he will do some things God wants.

Cruz is associated with charismatic preachers. Does that make him a servant of God? Not necessarily.

Cruz’s dad Rafael hangs out with prosperity preachers like Larry Huch and Kenneth Copeland. I saw Kenneth Copeland say he thought God had anointed Cruz to do something or other. I think he said Cruz was going to transfer wealth from the wicked to the righteous, but you can check Youtube and find out. Anyway, God hates the prosperity gospel, and he hates it when greedy, mean, egotistical people put words in his mouth, so frankly, I think God is not going to bless the Cruz campaign.

The prosperity gospel is a lie from hell, and if you believe it, you may curse your ability to make money or succeed. Cruz is aligning himself with some truly filthy people, so it may be that God can’t bless his campaign. If Cruz wins, the prosperity hucksters will come out and say it proves they were right, and people who don’t know right from left will be deceived and follow them.

Trump isn’t polling too well compared to Hillary, but Trump’s enemies are doing a great job of attracting support for him, so when the time comes, he may do well. Also, a lot of Republicans are lying to pollsters, saying they’ll vote for Hillary over Trump. That’s just spite. I think Cruz would make a better president, but if Trump is the GOP candidate, you better believe he will have my vote, and he will also have the votes of 95% of the conservatives who claim they will never help him.

I’m not too agitated about the election. If you follow this blog, you know how upset I used to get about politics. I have come to accept the fact that humanity is lost, and I have zero hope for America’s future, so I am focusing on fixing myself and the people I know. If we’re on solid ground with God, this other nonsense won’t be able to get to us. Sometimes the Ninevites repent, and sometimes you sit in the Ark and listen to drowning sexual deviants and giants bang and scratch on the hull. If all I can do is look after myself and a few other people, then I am content with that.

Things are coming to a head. Thanks to technology and the immorality of the people who design and wield it, free will is about to come to an end. Surveillance (and behavior control) will be universal in a very short time. Without a certain amount of free will, the earth serves no purpose. Men can’t be judged when they can’t do what they want. I don’t believe God will let a 1984-style world exist for very long. I am hoping I’ll be ready when things really go nuts, and even if I die first, serving God and receiving correction and growth are the correct and profitable things to do.

I don’t look at other blogs any more, so I have no idea what my old friends are up to. I would guess that they’re enraged, and that a lot of really mean memes are going around. God bless them all; I wouldn’t go back to that for all the tea in China.

Fix your own ark. Don’t be overly concerned with what goes on around you. You may end up doing more good than you think.

3 Responses to “The Supernatural Trumps the Natural”

  1. Ruth H Says:

    In discussions with real people, in real life not facebook, (but also on FB) I have told others who have said “But Trump is a narcissist,” that it takes one to run for president. Let’s face it, every town and county has a narcissist sheriff, mayor, council members, etc. Nothing new about it. So that is not the point to quibble on. I’m like you, I voted for Cruz, I supported him here in Texas and he has done what he said he would do, even though he is hated by his peers in the senate for doing so. Principles, he sticks with them. But I think we have already seen benefit from Trump’s boasting of strength. Other countries are afraid he will do what he says.

  2. Juan Paxety Says:

    I am praying for something good, but preparing for a Hillary presidency.

  3. James the lesser Says:

    I figure that the prince of this world will try to make sure his own folks wind up in charge, and by and large I think history says he does a pretty good job at that. Paladins are a little thin on the ground to begin with, and I think you’re right–there are other uses for them than elected office. (Did you ever hear the BBC show “Yes, Minister?”)

    Trump might do the right thing by accident. Sanders is committed to screwing things up worse, and we already know that Hillary is willing to sell.

    But who knows? God has his own plans. Maybe for chastisement, maybe for judgment, maybe something we haven’t thought of.

    FWIW, I think that as the prize of “control over everybody else” gets bigger and juicier, the fighting over it will grow also, and the infrastructure of control may come apart as a result. Tower of Babel sort of thing.

    Anyhow, as I write this tomorrow is Easter and reminder of victory after the cross.