The Future is What we Made it

November 9th, 2015

Warnings from Enoch

It’s unusual for me to have a sad day. Well…”unusual” is not a strong enough term. It’s rare. But today I feel a little down.

America is clearly in the grip of a spiritual seizure very much like the one we underwent in the Sixties, and I see little hope that we will come out of it. I think we will end up under the thumbs of exactly the kind of sleazy, grasping, cruel, trashy, stupid people who took over Cuba and North Korea. Decent people with common sense will be abused with increasing intensity, with the consent, support, and participation of the state. Filthy, irrational cretins will have power over us. The only way to be relatively safe will be to sell out and become a tool of oppression.

I remember how things were a few short years ago, before the latest eruption of political “correctness” and sexual perversion really got going.

I told people homosexuality would be the stick the enemy’s people used to beat Christians. It sounded crazy to hardheaded people who don’t listen, but I was correct. History proved me right. I knew the people who favored sexual deviation and sin would never be satisfied with tolerance and coexistence. I knew they would use their new power to label the rest of us as haters (a new word I can’t stand), and that it would give them a pretext to persecute us.

Look how right I was. In 2015 America, you don’t have to do anything affirmative in order to lose your job or have your business taken away. All you have to do is refuse to participate in the celebration of what God calls abomination. It’s not enough to say, “Do as you wish, but I would like to be left out of it.” You have to choose a side, and there is only one side the left will let you choose.

Recently two day care workers in Katy, Texas were fired because they refused to call a boy a girl. A six-year-old boy has either decided or been convinced that he’s a girl, and the gay men who are raising him have insisted that day care workers call him “she” and “her.” Because they refused to lie–a very reasonable position prior to the new era of thoughtcrime–they were forced out of their jobs.

This didn’t happen in San Francisco. It happened in Texas. Possibly the state liberals hate, and wish to conquer, the most. If the pink tide has swept over Texas, there is nowhere you can consider yourself or your family safe.

The boy is six. Think about that. His “parents” have made a life-altering decision for him involving concepts he can’t possibly understand yet, and they are projecting their soul-destroying motivations and sensibilities onto him, exactly the way gays tell us we project heterosexual drives onto normal children. If this boy shows up in your school, and you have to interact with him, you will have to lie to him and be an accomplice in the assassination of his masculinity. Or you can change careers. You will have a very hard time finding work that involves kids once “progressive” childcare employers find out you refuse to involve yourself in the destruction of children.

Changing careers will not be an option forever. The LGBT[insert new letters here as they are invented] army knows you’re looking for a rock to hide under, and they want to take it away from you before you get there. They will find ways to blackball you eventually, even if you’re satisfied with digging ditches. You will be allowed to believe whatever you want, as long as you don’t mind living like a hobo.

They believe they can change the world by crushing entire generations of dissidents. They think that if children grow up in a world in which everyone who agrees with the Bible suffers economic and social hardship, the children will, universally, deny God and embrace perversion.

Then Biblical morals will be gone. It’s like killing a generation of sick plants and starting a new crop with healthy seed. Future generations will not be “infected” with the Christian disease. Hitler and the socialists had the same idea, with regard to ideas they saw as threatening.

I was right before, and I’m right now, because I was repeating what God said. But not enough people will listen to turn the tide. A few here and there will get it. Overall, though, people are a lot like monkeys. They have no internal compasses. They just do whatever makes their cages most comfortable in the short run. Those of us who refuse to play along will be sacrificed, and those who refused to help us will rationalize.

Conservatives think they have the answers. They think that if we all go out and vote, things will change. They believe the problem is that we don’t educate, contribute, or vote enough. That’s completely wrong. What’s happening to America has supernatural roots, and we can’t fix it with natural tools. Relying on natural tools is what got us into this mess. We were supposed to be a prayer army that obeys God and receives his help. Instead, we glorified, and relied on, ourselves. So God quit helping us.

God wants us to be defeated by sexual sinners, aliens, criminals, other nations, and so on. He WANTS it. We are against him, so he is against us. We can’t beat God. We can’t even hide from him. We think we’re fighting deluded counterculture eccentrics, or that we’re fighting the devil. No; God is helping those people defeat us. We’re fighting God himself.

The church is almost useless.

The old churches aren’t even Christian. They preach salvation, but that’s about it. They’re wrong about almost everything else. They’re against the baptism with the Spirit, prayer in tongues, and being Spirit-led. They have never had much supernatural power. They teach us to work hard or to be really nice; things that don’t work without God’s help.

Newer churches are whorehouses. They love the supernatural. They toss out a few phrases in tongues once in a while. They tell us God will do miracles. But they teach us God’s plan is to satisfy our flesh. He wants to give us money and spectacular healings. They don’t teach correction, confession, and submission. They teach moronic, legalistic schemes to help us get rich by giving God money.

In the new churches, we worship TV stars. We don’t have prophets. We have Joel Osteen, who curries favor and seems to cringe. We think that anyone who has a camera pointed at him has to be an apostle.

Charismatic evangelists like Osteen and T.D. Jakes are blood drinkers. They don’t care much about us. They want our money. They’re deluded by greed, and they use our own greed to get at us. They tell us God will give us wealth, because he wants us to be rich. They don’t teach much about the internal riches God actually wants us to receive. They don’t know about those things, because they’re ignorant. They do know how to manipulate, so that’s what they stick to.

These characters bleed us and drink our blood to make themselves and their spoiled children fat. They don’t teach anyone anything powerful or helpful. They fill our hungry ears with fakery, and because we’re too blind to recognize it for what it is, we think we’re being fed. We stop looking for the truth, so we remain undeveloped, like unfertilized eggs.

Today I’ve been reading the book of Enoch. There is a long prophecy in it, in which God shows Enoch the history of the world, from Abraham to the time after the Messianic Age. In the prophecy, God shows how he has sent us his representatives time and time again, to open our eyes and help us get back on track. It tells how we ignored them and even killed them. It says we are going to continue doing those things until Jesus comes back.

It’s not a rosy picture. It describes the people who should be following God as sheep, and it says they are blind. It says foul spirits tear the meat off of them because they don’t submit to God.

The prophecy describes the Babylonian exile. It says Enoch begged God to help, but God folded his hands and took pleasure in what happened to the Jews. We’re no better than the Jews. He will treat us the same way.

Here is, perhaps, the worst part: according to the prophecy, the blind sheep will be cast into hell. Sounds unfair, doesn’t it? They identify as Jews and Christians, and you would think that would please God. The reason they don’t please God is that they’re blind. Is it fair to burn them?

Yes, of course it’s fair. They made the choices that led to their blindness.

In the American justice system, you can’t avoid a conviction by saying you were drunk or high when you committed a crime. The rationale is that you chose to drink or take drugs, so you’re responsible for what you did when you were out of your mind. The same principle applies to sin. If you turned away when you had the chance to do the right thing, and later you became unable to tell right from wrong, too bad.

One more time, God is going to raise up a man like Elijah. That man will speak the truth, and he will help other people who are capable of hearing and changing. The vast majority of human beings will be against that man, and all the spirits that serve Satan will be behind them. But he will prevail. Jesus will return to help him, and then the real suffering will begin. Jesus will be angry.

If you’ve disagreed with the Satanic agenda, people know about it. Things you said fifteen or twenty years ago will come back to you. God help you if you blog, because it will make gathering evidence that much easier. You are slated for destruction already. It’s probably impossible for you to fix things unless you sell your soul and recant falsely. Think about that. A choice is in your future. It is already scheduled. It will come sooner than you expected.

My advice is to start praying in tongues every day. You’re going to need the ability to hear from God, and you’re not going to develop it in a day. It may be too late to start, but at least you can try. Put in as much time as you can every day, and ask God for correction. Ask him for the supernatural ability to change. It looks like America is descending into the toilet pretty rapidly, so you need to get to work. I don’t think we can fix America. Don’t worry about that. But you may be able to build an ark around yourself.

It may not be long before you lose your job. You may lose whatever licenses and accreditations you have. You may have to kiss your profession goodbye. Sooner or later, they won’t be satisfied with taking your earning potential. They’ll want what you already have. Anything that enables you to be a “hater,” they will want to take away, even if it’s your life. It will be best for you, because hitting rock bottom will help you convert, and if you die because you refuse to change, that will be good for society. Either result will satisfy the enemy.

God provides protection to people who are truly close to him. He went so far as to carry Enoch, Elijah, and Jesus away. He is stronger than the people who hate you for living. You need to give him a reason to be on your side.

Martyrdom is a likely end for strong believers, but I believe we will lead victorious lives until they come for us, and even when we are killed, it will be because we chose to surrender.

5 Responses to “The Future is What we Made it”

  1. WB Says:

    Two words:

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  2. Steve B Says:

    I read posts, articles, blog comments that speak with a certain eye-rolling indulgence about Christians and their “persecution complex.” Tut-tutting away concerns we may express about the increasing hostility our faith faces in the public square. But it’s there. It’s real. And it is getting worse.

    The social-justice types and their sycophants use terms and a level of vitriol against the Christian faith that if used against any other “favored” group in the LGBT alphabet soup would get you tarred and feathered. And there is less an less opposition to it. It is somehow seen as justified grievance, much like liberation theology is shrugged off because of the “legacy of slavery” or some such.

    The hypocrisy of it all just floors me. But these people are being used as spiritual agents to bring about the persecution of God’s people. And we are meekly letting it happen. Me, I’m not going to be a very good martyr. I plan to go down swinging.

  3. WB Says:

    Your post reminds me of the words in an excellent song from 1985, “Silent Running” performed by Mike + The Mechanics. I always found it an amazing song…

    Take the children and yourself
    And hide out in the cellar
    By now the fighting will be close at hand
    Don’t believe the church and state
    And everything they tell you
    Believe in me, I’m with the high command

    Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
    Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

    There’s a gun and ammunition
    Just inside the doorway
    Use it only in emergency
    Better you should pray to God
    The Father and the Spirit
    Will guide you and protect from up here

  4. Andy-in-Japan Says:

    Hi Steve,

    Which paperback version(s) of the Book of Enoch would you recommend?

  5. Steve H. Says:

    I have a couple of copies. One is just Enoch, and the other contains Jubilees and Jasher. Both were compiled by a guy named Joseph Lumpkin.

    They seem fine to me, but I would not be surprised if there were better ones. Lumpkin adds a lot of Biblical references between the verses, and that can be annoying. I believe the translator (not the editor) is a guy named Charles.