You May be Digging in the Wrong Place

June 13th, 2014

A Lot More Power is Available

I used to be a noted political blogger. I was somewhere between 100 and 200 in the Truthlaidbear Ecosystem, if you know what that is. And I started Huffington’s Toast, which was a big deal back in ’05, and I wrote something like a third of the content.

I was one of the Internet’s “gotcha” players. When the left screwed up, people like me were there to ridicule, and we did it with great pleasure. We saw a discredited, dangerous political philosophy gaining ground in America, and we felt it was right to do whatever we could to open the public’s eyes and turn the tide in favor of common sense.

As I drew closer to God, I tried to get away from political blogging. I felt that it was less important than talking about God, and I thought the venomous nature of the game was not really compatible with God’s plan for me. But I didn’t make a clean break. I kept going back to the mud-wrestling pit, if only to dip a toe in the mud. I still venture in on occasion, but I keep getting better at resisting.

I don’t even read blogs now. I kept up with Sondra K’s site for a long time, but I finally quit, not out of determination, but because I didn’t enjoy it as much as I had in the past. Once in a while I still wander over, but everyone seems so angry, I don’t feel inclined to hang out.

I have learned that the way to get victory is not to scream and ridicule. We won’t win through fundraising, organizing, or boycotting. The way to win is to turn back to God, and having done so, to speak defeat to the supernatural forces which are at war with God.

The Republican/Democrat divide, at its most fundamental level, was never about right versus left. It was about God versus Satan. We had one party which was overwhelmingly Christian, and which made an effort to fight Satanic policies, and we had another party which fought God, supporting homosexuality, fornication, covetousness, drug abuse, the persecution of the church, the division of Israel, and the murder of the unborn. The GOP wasn’t pure, because it was a secular organization. But it was driven by religion.

Why is America in decline? Why are we suffering from suicidal economic policies, de facto legal illegal immigration, gay persecution of the church, a catastrophic loss of liberty through surveillance, and defeat at the hands of our global enemies? It’s not because we tax and spend. It’s because we don’t care about God, who is the only reason we used to be blessed.

We glorify pride and lust as though they were good things. We worship self, which is also worship of Satan. We think we can do anything, without God’s help. As a result, God’s help is being withdrawn, and we are learning that our natural efforts can’t solve our problems.

Things will not get better while we war with God. That’s the simple truth. Unless a certain number of us turn to him and start exercising authority over ourselves and others, things are going to get worse.

There is a way to beat the enemy, and it doesn’t involve filling blogs with vicious memes about Obama. We have to develop faith through prayer in tongues, and we have to speak defeat to the forces of evil. Without faith, it won’t amount to much, so prayer is an essential part of it.

This year I learned that I can get victory over spirits and people simply by speaking in faith. If someone is wronging me, I don’t go to them and scream at them. I speak defeat to them. I speak victory to myself. And things improve.

This is what we should be doing with our god-hating leaders.

We should speak defeat to them. We should speak revelation, contrition, and faith to them. We should speak victory and protection to the people who run against them. And we shouldn’t do it for our own sake. We should do it out of a sincere desire to see God’s kingdom advance on earth.

The world is going to fail. Prophecy proves that. Most people are going to hell. This age will end, and billions will die in misery. But that doesn’t mean every part of the world will be destroyed. There is no reason why one or two nations can’t turn to God and be preserved and blessed. We should do what we can to see to it that America becomes such a nation. At the very least, we will minimize our enemies’ power, and that is a goal well worth working for.

When you get up in the morning and pray, think about God’s desires first. What does he want? What angers him? What pleases him? Ask for his guidance.

He may lead you to speak defeat to Planned Parenthood or GLAAD. He may lead you to speak defeat to Israel’s enemies. Do what he tells you, and tell others to do it. Speak revelation to them.

We keep picking leaves off the tree when we could be pouring poison on the roots. That’s our problem. If you’re sick of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, John Boehner, the threat of Sharia law, and Grover Norquist, speak defeat to the root that supports them.

The Bible tells us that God will give us good things AFTER we seek his kingdom and righteousness, but we don’t listen. Even Spirit-filled Christians are obsessed with their own advancement. Watch TBN some time and see. They talk all day about healing, money, and success. They should be talking about destroying our iniquities and being filled with the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit, and they should be talking about decreeing–not just praying for–an end to Satan’s works in our nation. They should be talking about love for God and our neighbors. They should be talking about charity. Instead they’re wandering off on useless tangents.

If you own a business, you will pay employees, and you may give them health care. What if an employee from the business next door comes over and asks for money or medical treatment? You’d send him home. Why do we expect God to work for us when we don’t work for him? Our work is prayer, blessing, and cursing, with his desires at the center. If we’re not doing those things, we shouldn’t expect much.

I turned back to God because of my own problems, but eventually I realized the way to win with God is to make his problems my problems, and that only happens through the Holy Spirit.

You shouldn’t worry. You can trust God. If you put your life in his hands and give up your own plans, he will not let you down. The God that let fools drive nails into him for you will not do that. But you have to do things his way. You can’t say, “I gave $20,000 to an orphanage, so I’m all set,” or, “I recorded this CD of Christian rap for you, so now you have to make it sell.” You have to pray in tongues, receive revelation, and act on it. You don’t get to decide what your mission is. But whatever it is, it will be very good.

I am working to act on this advice, myself. I veer off the path. It’s new to me. But I know God will steer me if I maintain my prayer life. According to Isaiah 35, he has prepared a highway in the desert for me, and even if I’m stupid, I will not wander off of it. Not for long.

Don’t be afraid to speak defeat to ungodly people and organizations. They’re not that strong. They have no guide and no real help. They just look big because our failings have fed them. If enough of us go to work, we can make a difference in this nation, and even if we fail, we will make a difference in ourselves and in many other individuals. That’s okay, because that’s God’s real mission. It is success, even if the nation as a whole is ruined.

One Response to “You May be Digging in the Wrong Place”

  1. Steve B Says:

    “We keep picking leaves off the tree when we could be pouring poison on the roots.” Fave.