Yom Kippur is the Feast of Trumpets

April 29th, 2012

Dr. Munsey Says So

I must take a moment to comment, again, on Steve Munsey’s disturbing ideas.

Munsey says “the Jews” (doesn’t say “men”) went to Jerusalem three times a year, for Passover, Pentecost, and the Atonement. The Hebrew names for these holidays are Pesach, Shavuot, and Yom Kippur, in that order. He says they brought their “very best offerings.” He says that, in exchange, God gave them “seven blessings,” which he has gathered from various corners of the Pentateuch.

I always thought this was funny, because only Jewish men went to Jerusalem on pilgrimage days, and they didn’t go on Yom Kippur. And of course, there were no big cash offerings, and there were no lists of rabbinically approved blessings which God sold the Jews.

It gets even funnier. Well, sadder, really, I suppose I should not laugh. Elijah got smacked down pretty good after he ridiculed the false prophets.

I thought Munsey was confusing Yom Kippur with Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles. Sukkot, not Yom Kippur, was the third pilgrimage (at least in the Gregorian year; don’t get me confused). It turns out it’s much worse than that. He’s conflating Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets).

You really have to see this. It’s precious. Here’s a picture from Munsey’s website. As you can see, he says “the Atonement” is “the Feast of Trumpets.”

Click to read it.

I don’t know what’s in this guy’s heart. I’ve met him. He seems nice enough. But it looks bad, doesn’t it? If he were preaching this stuff in conjunction with a request for prayer or an instruction to read the Bible, it might not be so fishy-smelling, but he’s doing it in connection with a request to give HIM a big pile of MONEY, not once, but THREE times a year.

It’s always troubling when people make “errors” that work in their favor.

Anyway, you would have to be a fool to give money to a Seven Blessings drive. And I have done it, so I know what that makes me. I didn’t know this stuff came from Munsey, and also, I guess I was stupid. As a Christian, you get used to opening your mind and your heart, and that’s a good time for an enemy to shove something in.

One Response to “Yom Kippur is the Feast of Trumpets”

  1. Rick C Says:

    Ugh, and that text is poorly-written mush, too.