Giant Leap for Man Food

August 12th, 2010

Do This Do This Do This

I made a delicious leg of boneless Costco lamb today, with fresh rosemary from the yard, on the Showtime rotisserie oven. While I was enjoying it…it hit me! BUY A USED SHOWTIME, DRILL A HOLE IN THE SIDE, AND PUMP IN SMOKE!

Hold me down, or I’ll be in Hialeah in half an hour, buying a pre-owned oven from Craigslist.

2 Responses to “Giant Leap for Man Food”

  1. Randy Rager Says:

    Hold you down? Oh no, my friend, oh no. You have been bitten by the bug of genius, your brow kiss’d by the angel of inspiration.

    Go forth and get that oven!

    Pics please.

  2. Elisson Says:

    Boneless leg of lamb with fresh rosemary. Ahhhhhhh.