New Request

April 22nd, 2010

Dad Still has Troubles

Reader Blindshooter says:

My Dad had a bad day today with a blocked catheter, I won’t go into details but he is better now. The Docs can’t get the bleeding to stop without fear of a blood clot from a metal heart valve. Any prayers are much appreciated.

4 Responses to “New Request”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    On it.

  2. Steve in CA Says:

    Steve, you have been instrumental in my returning to prayer and Jesus. I have a request, my oldest daughter is pregnant and her water broke at 22 weeks. I am asking that she gets the stength and the baby the blessings need to reach viability for delivery. She has had a miscarriage before and I am frightened.

  3. blindshooter Says:

    I am sitting in the hospital right now with my Dad, he is better!
    Thanks to all who have prayed for him, I hope we can get him home next week.
    Steve, you have my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Peg Says:

    Blindshooter – SO very glad your dad is better!

    My hard drive crashed yesterday, so very little computer time. Only saw today – but – wonderful news!