Youtube Makes it Official: Your Pastor is a Therapist

April 20th, 2021

Casting Out Demons is Now a Hate Crime

Something I have been expecting has just happened. The Ewokes and Wokiees have taken a bold leap and declared that Christian deliverance is therapy and therefore subject to social media banning.

In the past, the Ewokes were afraid to mount an existential attack on the church. They criticized it, but generally, they expressed admiration for Jesus–a false leftist Jesus–and even tried to claim Christianity by sending homosexuals to push their way into positions as pastors and priests. Now they’re moving to a new phase of Antichrist “cancellation.” They just banned Youtube’s most prominent preacher for casting homosexual demons out.

The preacher in question is T.B. Joshua, Africa’s most prominent clergyman. A charismatic, Joshua practices healing and deliverance, as well as giving words of knowledge and prophecy.

As a prophet, he is hit and miss. His prophecy for the year 2020 contained a lot of misses. On the other hand, he has a steady flood of people emerging from his church with what they claim to be miraculous healings, and they often supply medical documentation which is shown on camera in his videos.

He has cast demons out of numerous people. This is why his channel is gone. He cast a spirit of lesbianism out of a woman on camera. An anti-Christian hate group run by homosexuals reported him to the Google kids, and they behaved predictably.

The libels coming out now are amazing. The Ewokes removed his channel so people can’t see it, and then “journalists” said things about his video that aren’t true. They said his methods are violent, for one thing. This is a baldfaced lie. I’ve seen them. He taps people and puts his hands on them, but it’s about as violent as a massage. He doesn’t injure anyone or cause them pain.

It’s a great strategy. You say, “T.B. Joshua did THIS.” First, though, you destroy the evidence so people can’t see that you’re lying.

Other people are uploading his videos on their own channels, so the Wokandan Truth Squad is going to have a hard time erasing him completely. Maybe this will open the door to making Youtube a members-only site where you have to agree with their political beliefs in order to be registered.

My Zambian sweetheart texted me today and told me about Joshua’s virtual execution. She said I was right. She said, “They are silencing God’s children.” She said, “The world is ending.”

She is a young woman, and she doesn’t like talk of the end of the world. She wants marriage, a home, and kids. I told her what she wanted was what we call “the American Dream.” But that dream is no longer on the menu because all the things God told me would happen are happening. We will be driven off the Internet. We will be prevented from working. The government will land in the hands of leftists as extreme as the murderers who killed the czar’s children. Our property will be taken. We will not be allowed to buy or sell. Eventually, we will be summarily executed.

The madness will not stop increasing. Satan won the worldwide election.

Only two types of Christians will be spared: those who die before things get really bad, and those who are raptured.

Jesus told us only one of the seven churches would be spared “the hour of temptation” that would come upon the entire world. He was referring to the tribulation. He said the church of Philadelphia would be removed from the earth, but he didn’t promise this to the other churches.

Philadelphia is a city in Asia, but he was referring to part of the modern church. He was referring to Spirit-led Christians who are full of love. In other words, a minority of Christians.

We like to argue about whether the rapture will come before, after, or during the tribulation. We should be more concerned about whether we will make it, although a post-tribulation rapture would be completely pointless. It would be like being sentenced to flogging and being pardoned after the act.

I thought a huge financial decline would follow the mess of 2007, and I was wrong. Other than that, the things I’ve expected have been coming. I said homosexuality would be the club Satan used to beat the church, and I was right. I said we would be excluded from society, and I was right. The other things I foresee will come to pass. They’re in the Bible. It’s not necessary to trust me.

At first, I was angry when I saw that T.B. Joshua had been crucified, but that was my flesh talking. Now I feel a sense of foreboding. The persecution of an African preacher may not seem like a big thing in America, but America is not the center of the universe. It is not mentioned in the Bible, and God has never promised us this nation won’t collapse. Joshua is a huge figure, worldwide, and the moment when Youtube took away his voice was a pivotal moment. As of a few days ago, the entire church is an underground church. Every person who speaks or writes the truth about demons and homosexuality is marked for deletion from the marketplace of ideas. The “hate” label hangs around our necks with the world’s approval.

We are going to lose. Ignorant Christians love to say God will give us victory and we will change the world, but the Bible doesn’t say that. We are going to lose because the world changed so many of us. The man of perdition will be revealed, some Christians will be raptured, others will be tormented and murdered, and the rest will join the Antichrist and burn with him forever.

Long ago, I had several dreams in which I was in a car headed off an overpass hundreds of feet high. I was in Miami, which is a disgusting city of idolatry and trashy morals. The car fell toward the ground, and I saw it through the windshield. I wasn’t afraid, but I felt the same foreboding I feel now. I knew I was going to die. I looked forward to the adventure of going to heaven. These dreams must have been about the time I’m living in now. The world is hurtling toward the end of the age, and I am hoping to be removed instantaneously instead of lingering and suffering.

I was angry to hear that Joshua had been libeled and censored, but now I see what happened as sad. A soundproof wall is being built between real Christians and people we want to reach. It’s fine to create our own Christian-friendly social media sites, but nearly everyone who will join them will be Christians, so what good will they do? Unsaved people are unfertilized eggs, and the gospel is semen. The only reason saved people aren’t taken at the moment of salvation is that we are supposed to reach the unsaved. If we can’t talk to the general public using the Internet, our reach is drastically curtailed, and our ability to serve our purpose is reduced. It’s a move toward the moment when God decides it’s no longer worth it to keep us here.

Years ago, God told me the age of the church was ending. He meant the church dependent on pastors and big buildings. He showed me that Christianity would spread like a virus, outside of church, the way it was always intended to spread. The Ewokes can kick us off Youtube, but they can’t keep us from talking to our friends and relatives.

They have shut down churches. They are taking us off the Internet. They’re pushing the church underground. Eventually, they will have to address the underground church, too. They’ll have to do something about the people who spread the gospel at work, in their homes, in schools, and so on. In order to do that, they’ll have to kill us. It’s coming, and the people who kill us will say they’re doing God’s work.

Think of the gospel as coronavirus and the persecution as lockdowns and masks.

Like any person who is too proud, dishonest, and full of hate to be saved, the body of leftists is showing us we are not wanted on earth. God is going to grant their wish, and they will be destroyed by his cooperation. We will not be able to help them, no matter how much we want to.

I disconnected from most forms of social media a long time ago, and in my Youtube videos, I tell people, “Don’t watch. Don’t ‘like.’ Don’t subscribe. I could not care less.” I’m not going to cultivate popularity by weaseling and pretending. I hope I helped some people. A popular channel full of lies wouldn’t help anyone.

As for my blog, if they take it down tomorrow, I’ll be fine. I won’t grab a rifle and shoot up my hosting company’s offices. I will miss communicating with people, but in another way, I’ll be glad to let the burden drop.

I assume I’ll eventually be disbarred, if I live long enough. Good thing I don’t practice law. I hope I’m not here when they start confiscating wealth and impoverishing believers, but if I am, I’ll ask God to help me not to tap out. I just have to hold onto him until I’m free of the earth, and after that, I will never see the people who hate me again. No spirit that hates me will ever see me again.

I feel like telling my girlfriend “Rebecca” to quit school immediately. I feel like I should buy tickets to any country that will accept us so we can fulfill the in-person meeting requirement of a fiancee visa. If the world is going to get even crazier, it’s best to unite while we can still travel.

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