The Worst Defense is no Offense

October 15th, 2018

Fight or Die

Today I am trying to step back and get some praying and study done. I just watched an interesting video by a man named John Ramirez, and I’m reading one of his books.

Ramirez is a Puerto Rican who grew up in the Bronx. He claims he was a very highly ranked devotee of Hispanic and Haitian devil worship. In Miami, people know these things as Santeria, espiritismo, and Haitian voodoo. Other islanders in South Florida call it obeah. I guess Miami has everything.

He says that when he was practicing Satanism, which is a more concise term for his religion or any occult faith, he spent a lot of time cursing people. He found it easy to curse two kinds of people: non-Christians and weak Christians. A Christian who denied the supernatural side of Christianity didn’t have protection.

People he cursed had major problems. It worked. It was easier and more effective than going after them directly.

God keeps showing me that the supernatural is all that matters. Christians fight other people all the time, and we fight circumstances. We think we’re good Christians because we’re nice and we obey rules, many of which were made up by deluded human beings. We are trying to cut off the blossoms while we ignore and even fertilize and water the roots. Most Christians are losers, because they fight things at the wrong level.

I spend a lot of my time speaking blessings and curses, just like a voodoo practitioner or a sorcerer…or Jesus. Christians are divorced from the supernatural, but Jesus was obsessed with it, and so are occultists. Read the red words in the Bible. What did Jesus talk about? Sure, he told us to be good to people, but he also spoke miracles into existence. He cast out devils. He cursed things and people. He killed a tree by speaking to it. If you read a story about someone born in 1985 who went around doing the things Jesus did, you might think he was a warlock, not a messiah. That’s how brainwashed we are now.

If Jesus came back today and acted exactly like he did 2000 years ago, the authorities would try to put him in a mental home.

“Homeless; says he has no place to lay his head. Talks to trees. Says other people have demons. Didn’t eat for 40 days. Psychiatric hold and tox screen recommended.”

We need to get over the idea that being nice is all that counts. Jesus didn’t tell us to be nice because being nice was our purpose or because it would fix the world. He told us to walk in love because it produced supernatural results, just as walking in hate and selfishness does. He may have told us to behave a certain way in the natural, but he was mainly concerned about the supernatural effects.

Leftists are now the largest anti-God faction in America, and they hate being told so. Many even claim Jesus was a leftist, because he advocated giving to the poor and so on. Of course, the big difference between Jesus and Bernie Sanders (or Vladimir Lenin) is that Jesus advocated giving others YOUR OWN money and things, not your neighbors’, and he told us to do it out of love, not because the government forced us to.

Leftists go to the polls and tell the government to take things from other people and give those things to them, and then they call themselves unselfish. Meanwhile, conservatives earn less money and give more to charity.

The Democratic Party is the party of Satan now. Anyone who doesn’t believe that needs to explain a simple fact: when witches gather to curse politicians, they ALWAYS curse Republicans. Never leftists.

Good luck trying to respond to that.

Christians avoid developing supernatural power. Even though we worship someone who walked on water and talked to Satan and demons, somehow, we have decided that trying to do supernatural things is evidence of insanity. That’s amazing. I wish occultists felt the same way.

Here’s a good question. If occultists are holding big meetings to curse Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, why aren’t we meeting to curse leftism and the Democratic Party? I don’t mean we should be cursing people with disease and damnation and so on, but we should be cursing their efforts to oppose God and Christians. Why don’t we do that? The enemy’s soldiers are warring vigorously with us, and we don’t even show up. We are unarmed, and we aren’t at the battlefield.

We’re not even meeting to pray for leftists to be led out of their poisonous delusion. Preachers are generally gutless and insincere, so they’re terrified of mentioning politics. They should be openly opposing leftism and encouraging us to use supernatural tools–not voter drives, campaign donations, and stupid signs–to defeat it.

Most preachers are ignorant and powerless, so they teach nonsense instead of giving us weapons that work.

Preachers do not understand a simple truth: there is symmetry in the supernatural. When God comes up with something good, Satan copies it. Occultists don’t curse and bless because Satan is a genius who gave them weapons we don’t have. They do it because God himself does it. It works. God started it. Jesus did it. Moses did it. The prophets did it. Peter did it. We’re supposed to do it, too.

Whenever you see enemies of God doing something, you should ask God if there is something similar we’re supposed to be doing. Satan doesn’t come up with anything new. Compared to God, he is very stupid.

I can’t say all of my problems are fixed, but I have gotten tremendous mileage out of blessing and cursing. I curse my problems. I curse spirits and human adversaries with defeat. Of course, I also pray for my enemies and God’s; it makes no sense to fight them without adding any hope to their lives.

When praying, blessing, and cursing don’t work, ask God to show you what the hindrance is. You may be trying to get something you shouldn’t. You may also be hindered by a sin you haven’t acknowledged or turned away from.

I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve overcome people, spirits, and problems by blessing and cursing. I do it all the time. I’ll even speak defeat to the difficulty of finding my car keys. If there is an area where you have problems, of if there is an area in which Satan will attack you, God will help you in that area. He never roped off regions of activity and told us we were on our own against our enemies.

Don’t be shy about asking God for help with trivial things. Satan attacks in trivial areas. God will not leave you to fight by yourself. What kind of father would do that? Pray, bless, and curse often throughout the day.

Some people think we abuse God when we ask for too much or we pray too often. Really? God wants to be with us all the time. How is he supposed to do that if we’re not communicating with him?

Prayer gets better the more you do it. Don’t be ashamed to use little things as an excuse to pray. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you God doesn’t want to hear about your little problems.

God is not busy. He has infinite time. He has never slept; not once. He has infinite power. Nothing is hard for him. He has said so repeatedly. You’re not burdening God when you ask for help. That isn’t possible. He doesn’t have your limitations. When you ask him to help you decide what to have for lunch, he doesn’t have to step away from fighting a hurricane or an epidemic. He doesn’t have to put people on hold.

Satan is the finite one. Everything is easy for God, and he almost begs us to ask for help. The Bible says to acknowledge him in ALL our ways. God will never say, “Don’t you think I have better things to do than to help you get your lawnmower started?”

Many people think John Coltrane was the best jazz musician who ever lived. He was known for practicing 8 or more hours a day. He always had his horn with him. Don’t expect to be the John Coltrane of prayer if you have the practice schedule of Henny Youngman.

One of the biggest problems I have is a habit of trying to fix my problems on my own before I pray, bless, or curse. The supernatural things should always come first. The supernatural existed before the natural universe was created. When I put my own strength first, I delude myself with pride, and I motivate God to refrain from helping.

Don’t say Christians shouldn’t speak curses. Don’t wave a finger and say, “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be,” without understanding it. Jesus blessed, and he also cursed. When James warned us about cursing, he was talking about reviling and cursing for no good reason. He didn’t mean you couldn’t speak defeat to your santero neighbor who leaves chicken parts in your yard.

If it’s wrong to curse, and Jesus cursed, what does that make Jesus?

It’s disturbing to read about the hard work Satanists put in, casting spells and decreeing curses. They’re battling us every day, and we’re sitting around watching Joel Osteen mumble self-help garbage he cribbed from secular motivational speakers. We’re sending money to Rod Parsley and waiting for God to send us our “miracle harvests” that never come. We’re at war, and we’re forfeiting.

I can’t tell you how much I wish I had had someone to teach me how to fight when I was young. I went to preachers, which was the only thing I knew to do, and they put millstones around my neck. They lied to get my money. They taught fables. There was literally no one I could go to for instruction. Not one person. The things that are so helpful to me now were hidden from the church because the people who came before us threw them away. I had no one to teach me, and the preachers I went to for help had had no one to teach them.

We’re going to lose the war for humanity. The Bible makes that clear. Our rejection of the supernatural, in favor of feel-good sermons and carnal effort, is the reason why. It’s amazing how easy it is to delude us and pull our teeth. We look back at Samson and think he was an idiot, but we’ve done the same thing he did. We sleep with our heads in Satan’s lap while he shaves away God’s glory and power.

Samson put his head in Delilah’s lap, and she soothed him until he fell asleep. She had been vexing him continuously in order to get him to reveal his secret, so he must have been worn out. He looked to a woman for peace–the same woman who took his peace to begin with–when he should have been spending time in God’s presence. We do the same thing. We listen to relaxation CD’s. We meditate. We do yoga. If Samson had been spending time with God, he wouldn’t have needed help relaxing.

The world is doomed, but no individual has to go down with it. I’m going to keep doing what works, even if every other person on earth goes to hell.

5 Responses to “The Worst Defense is no Offense”

  1. Steve B Says:

    Steve, don’t know if you necessarily need it, but I’d like to give you another word of confirmation on this.

    Your post has hit on at least three separate threads of things God has been speaking to me in my own life.

    I listen to Lance Wallnau quite a bit. I like his line of thinking for the most part, but for a long time he has been talking about reclaiming the US, his 7 mountains he talks about. I think the US is beyond saving as an entity. We have moved into the time of saving the Remnant.

    God has also been speaking to me about the power of curses, not just those placed on us, but those we place on others in ignorance. We DO have spiritual power, and applied in the wrong areas, we can do our own kind of damage. I think this is at the core of some of the teachings of Jesus. He taught that if we had an unkind thought towards our neighbor, it was the same as killing him in God’s eyes. When we wish ill on someone in a moment of emotional intensity, I believe that carries with it some actual spiritual power. Thus the admonitions against what comes out of our heart, and our mouth. We can also speak blessings which carry the power of the courts of heaven behind them. So we need to be judicious with those as well!

    Lastly, God has been dealing with the stilling of my voice. I haven’t written or blogged in a long while. And now is NOT the time to be silent! We need to be obedient in putting out there what God is placing in our hearts. We can’t let the fear of stigma or rejection silence us. The time for platitudes and homilies is past. The truth is what needs to be spoken. Unabashedly.

    God is calling his Remnant into action. It’s time to start listening and being obedient to what that means for each of us individually.

  2. Anthony Says:

    Found this Preacher/Teacher that other day: Dr. John Barnett. He does not seem to be of the same cloth of the sallow clergy you have so well described. In the video link below I think Dr. Barnett explains our (America’s) problems very well. If you have time to watch and comment I’d be interested in your opinion.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    Fifty-one minutes would be a lot to put in just to evaluate a new preacher. I only watched a little bit.

    First of all, I haven’t seen anyone who looked like that since maybe the early 1970’s. A real throwback! I’m not criticizing. It’s interesting to see someone who looks like he stepped out of my childhood.

    Second thing: he seems like a scholar to me. Maybe he talks about the Holy Spirit later on, but in the little bit of the video I saw, he seemed like someone who sits around studying. I have no faith in scholarship when it comes to God. The Holy Spirit is the only source of understanding.

    Remember how God chose Amos the vinedresser to be a prophet. He chose John the Baptist, who had been cheated out of his position as a priest, instead of picking one of the sages from the Temple. He gave us Jesus, who was trained as a carpenter. I don’t think he has a lot of use for students. The Jews are the best students there are, and they got it wrong.

    Mr. Barnett seems like a serious guy, however. I can’t picture him on TBN, trying to con old ladies out of their savings. That’s just a guess based on a few minutes of observation.

  4. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I thought I had commented that I was so impressed by this post that I linked it on Facebook in the hopes of disseminating it.

  5. Anthony Says:

    Thank you for having a look and offering your thoughts – especially about Scholarship and the best students.

    Often times when I have my quite/prayer time and read my Bible – I miss a lot. And it’s not until I hear a sermon, or in conversation with other Christians, that some piece of information is mentioned that puts it all together for me. With that in mind, I look for other opinions from “scholars” and students of the Word that may help in my studies. That’s one reason I read your blog.

    That said, that answer may just be to let go of my efforts to understand and have faith that the Holy Spirit will show me the truth.