Penny Wise and 5-Million-Pound Foolish

July 15th, 2018

Our Expensive Friends the British at it Again

The news continues to amaze me.

Donald Trump is in the UK. I’m not sure why he bothered. He would have gotten a better reception at a La Raza conference. He is attracting all sorts of criticism.

Our good and barely affordable friends the English welcomed the president of the United States with a giant helium balloon resembling a diapered orange baby with the president’s face on it. Then a bunch of them went nuts because he “embarrassed” the queen (not really a queen at all, unless prom queens and homecoming queens are also real queens). Now they’re letting him have it because his security cost their taxpayers money.

That last one gives new resonance to the expression “tone deaf.”

I wonder if anyone reading this remembers a couple of little altercations known as World War I and World War II, and I wonder if they’re familiar with a US-funded organization known as NATO. For decades, we have been paying for Europe’s security, in exchange for their antagonism in international trade.

Trump played golf at his own resort in Scotland, and the security bill came to 5 million pounds. Let me see. What does one American fighter jet cost, before maintenance, fuel, and parts? We probably haven’t made a fighter for less than 5 million pounds since the Korean War. And they’re all over Europe, waiting to carry American men and women into the skies to die for foreigners who hate them.

Here’s a proposal: repay us for all we’ve done for you, and the US will reimburse you to the tune of 5 million pounds.

Here is what Trump did to “embarrass” the faux queen, who is actually a German relative of Kaiser Wilhelm: he got ahead of her while they walked together. This is a violation of “protocol.” As numerous Internet commenters have noted, “protocols” of monarch worship haven’t applied to Americans since the 1770’s.

Our forebears killed a lot of Englishmen to free us from the obligation to treat royals like gods. Thanks to them, I am the social equal of any royal, and so are you.

The British should be on board with our refusal to observe protocol. They, themselves, are rude to the queen all the time. When she visits the House of Commons, the Doorkeeper of Commons slams the doors in her representative’s face, in order to show the queen who’s boss. Also, she can’t enter when they’re doing business. The royals are washed up, and it’s okay–even important–to give the public little reminders.

What Trump did was completely appropriate, and I very much doubt the queen cares. She knows she’s not a real monarch, and she also knows the president is more important and more powerful than any British royal will ever be. Her job isn’t to rule. It’s to act as a sort of hostess. Like a geisha. Or a Wal-Mart greeter.

She’s very lucky to have her job and her immense holdings in 2018, and she knows it. Her grandchildren will not be kings or queens, and they won’t receive government salaries. Their fortunes will probably be nationalized. Unlike the salaries and pensions of presidents, they were obtained by force, at the points of swords and pikes.

It may be that Trump made a point of walking in front of the queen, to remind her and everyone else that he represents a nation of people who don’t kowtow to monarchs. If so, good for him. Won’t hurt her a bit.

She’s not a queen, and even if she were, she’s nothing to me or you. Just a lady who works for a country with interests that often conflict with our own. We are not British. If I were waiting in line at McDonald’s, and the queen came in, I would expect her people to stand behind me until I got served.

Here are some things the Trumps didn’t do to antagonize the queen: they didn’t give her a cheap iPod, they didn’t give her a cheap set of DVD’s that don’t work in UK players, and neither of them hugged her. The Obamas did all of those things. They also removed Winston Churchill’s bust from the Oval Office. The British lent it to us, and Obama moved it to an obscure location in the White House residence.

Obama’s dad was an African, and Africans don’t like Churchill very much. Thing is, Obama was the president of the United States, not Kenya. And his deadbeat bigamist dad wasn’t one one-hundredth of the man Churchill was.

Speaking of Churchill, President Trump is in trouble for posing for a photo in his chair. Some of the British are furious. They seem to think he hip-checked British security, dove into the chair without permission, and shouted “INSTAGRAM ME!” to his wife. Doubtful. The odds that he was not asked if he would like to sit in the chair are vanishingly small. Sooner or later, we will probably see the British government confirm that he was invited to sit.

Tomorrow is a business day. I expect that’s when they’ll get around to it.

Leftists are funny people. They agree that Churchill was a mass-murdering racist and war criminal, but they pretend to be upset when Trump sits in his chair, as though he were lying on top of Lenin’s corpse (which they truly revere) as a gag.

It doesn’t matter what Trump does. Criticism will follow. If he had bowed to the queen, the left would rip him for bowing. If he had refused to sit in Churchill’s chair, The Daily Mirror would tell us, “TRUMP TOO GOOD TO SIT IN WINNIE’S SEAT.”

He might as well attend all of his UK events naked with an entourage of prostitutes in fright wigs. The tone of the coverage, abroad and at home, will be the same regardless of what he does.

It must be unpleasant to be an Englishman who hasn’t swallowed the Kool-Aid. I know there are millions of people over there who wonder what kind of insanity has taken hold.

I feel like leftists are working to get Trump reelected. Their hatred and their lack of respect for democracy and our laws are offending people all over America.

In order to win in 2020, they have to attract people other than illegal aliens, witches, men who have had themselves castated, and millennial socialist airheads. They have to attract the center.

Admittedly, centrists are the dumbest people on earth, and they are highly gullible, but they are capable of shock and outrage, just like the rest of us. They must be asking themselves, “Do I want people like Bernie Sanders and Maxine Waters to have complete power over me? Do I want to keep the property I’ve worked for and give it to my kids, or do I want to risk putting my country in the hands of outright lunatics?”

Maybe we have a chance in 2020. It may be that the left’s hate will win that election for us, in spite of their willingness to naturalize a brick if it will vote for them. We might get one or two more Supreme Court justices, along with a number of federal judges. That would be very helpful.

If these things happen, look out in 2024 (or even earlier, if the left’s anti-democracy leanings result in an attempted revolution). The fury that would build during an 8-year Trump administration would be without limit. Post-election riots would be a given. If Trump wins again, I want to be at home in the country, armed and far from cities, on Wednesday, November 4. Better yet, I’d like to be with the Lord, in a world where leftism can’t exist.

Leftists hate democracy. That’s why they love revolutions and suspending elections. They talk about “the voice of the people,” but they have a long history of suppressing it in favor of the voices of a few elites. Leftists created the gulags and the killing fields. They’re not above overthrowing or killing our legitimate elected rulers or even other leftist elitists.

Leftists killed John Kennedy and Leon Trotsky. A leftist tried to kill FDR. A leftist killed President McKinley. A leftist rushed President Trump in Ohio, hoping to spit on him. A leftist rushed President Reagan while he was accepting an award, smashed the award, and tried to prevent him from speaking.

They think everything they do is right. That’s why they beat Trump supporters up. It’s why they thought it was okay to send a busload of criminals into Karl Rove’s yard.

Trump is doing fine. If he ruffles feathers in Britain, it’s a non-story. He’s not their president, and if the UK isn’t treating the US right, he’s obligated to fight them. If the PM wants to criticize America, great. She doesn’t work for us.

In the end, both sides will cooperate to hammer out agreements. No one is going to war over an armchair.

One Response to “Penny Wise and 5-Million-Pound Foolish”

  1. Steve B Says:

    Yeah, i wonder if these same blowhards remember how Obama treated the Dali Lami or Netanyahu when they visited the White House?